
出版時間:2007-11  出版社:外經(jīng)貿(mào)大學(xué)  作者:房玉清  頁數(shù):105  




Unit 1 Related Technical Terms Grammar-Adverbial Clause of Time Key to Exercises Chinese Version of the TextUnit 2 Related Technical Terms Grammar-Adverbial Clause of Place Key to Exercises Chinese Version of the TextUnit 3 Related Technical Terms Grammar-Adverbial Clause of Manner Key to Exercises Chinese Version of the TextUnit 4 Related Technical Terms Grammar-Adverbial Clause of Concession Key to Exercises Chinese Version of the TextUnit 5 Related Technical Terms Grammar-Adverbial Clause of Condition Key to Exercises Chinese Version of the TextUnit 6 Related Technical Terms Grammar-Adverbial Clause of Reason Key to Exercises Chinese Version of the TextUnit 7 Related Technical Terms Grammar-Adverbial Clause of Purpose Key to Exercises Chinese Version of the TextUnit 8 Related Technical Terms Grammar-Adverbial Clause of Result Key to Exercises Chinese Version of the TextUnit 9 : Related Technical Terms Grammar-Adverbial Clause of Comparison Key to Exercises Chinese Version of the TextUnit 10 Related Technical Terms Grammar-Review of Adverbial Clauses Key to Exercises Chinese Version of the TextUnit 11 Related Technical Terms Grammar-Subject-Verb Agreement Key to Exercises Chinese Version of the TextUnit 12 Related Technical Terms Grammar-Emphatical "It"  Key to Exercises  Chinese Version of the TextUnit 13 Related Technical Terms Grammar-Inversion Key to Exercises Chinese Version of the TextUnit 14 Related Technical Terms Grammar-Subjunctive Mood (I) Key to Exercises Chinese Version of the TextUnit 15 Related Technical Terms Grammar-Subjunctive Mood (II) Key to Exercises Chinese Version of the TextUnit 16 Related Technical Terms Grammar-General Review Key to Exercises Chinese Version of the Text



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