
出版時間:2007-10  出版社:外經(jīng)貿(mào)大學(xué)  作者:王慧盛,王靜,趙磊,等  頁數(shù):264  


廣告作為一種特殊的交際形式不僅能對消費(fèi)者的觀念、態(tài)度及行為產(chǎn)生一定影響,作為一種文化載體,它還會在某種程度上反映人們社會文化價值觀的取向及變化趨勢。近年來,越來越多的學(xué)者把廣告作為語言、文化及社會學(xué)領(lǐng)域里的重要研究對象。本論文集摘選了四篇優(yōu)秀的碩士論文,分別采用互文性理論、關(guān)聯(lián)理論、性別研究理論及體裁分析理論等,從不同角度多方位地對英語廣告交際語言進(jìn)行了嘗試性研究。該書可供各大專院校作為教材使用,也可供從事相關(guān)工作的人員作為參考用書使用。     通過不同的研究視角,本論文集從互文性理論、關(guān)聯(lián)理論、性別研究理論及體裁理論等不同角度對英語廣告語言進(jìn)行了探討。我們衷心希望在一定程度上豐富英語廣告交際方面的研究,并為相關(guān)從業(yè)者和特殊用途英語教學(xué)提供一點(diǎn)參考。


導(dǎo)言A Study of Intertextuality in English Print Advertisements  1. Introduction    1.1  Purpose of the Research    1.2  Data Collection and Research Methodology  2. Literature Review    2.1  Historical Overview of Theories on Intertextuality    2.2  Previous Studies on Intertextuality in Advertising    2.3  Basic Notions of Advertising    2.4  Basic Notions of Intertextuality in Advertisements  3. Case Analysis: Intertextuality in Print Advertisements    3.1  Forms and Functions of Intertextuality in Print Advertisements    3.2  Discussion  4. Conclusion  BibliographyA Study of English Print Advertising Communication from the Perspective of Relevance Theory  1. Introduction    1.1  Purpose of the Research    1.2  Significance of the Research    1.3  Research Methodology and Data Collection  2. Literature Review: Relevance-Tbeoretical Research in Advertising Communication    2.1  An Overview of Relevance Theory    2.2  Relevance Theory-Based Research in Advertising Communication  3. Ad Headlines as Ostensive Stimuli and Relevance Optimizers    3.1  Basic Notions of Relevance    3.2  Advertisement Headlines as Ostensive Stimuli    3.3  Advertisement Headlines as Relevance Optimizers  4. Advertising Communication and Inferences    4.1  Ostensive-Inferential Communication    4.2  Informative and Communicative Intentions in Advertising    4.3  Overt Advertising Communication    4.4  Covert Advertising Communication    4.5  Inferences in Advertising  5. Conclusion    5.1  Summary    5.2  Limitations and Suggestions  BibliographySex Roles in Magazine Advertisements -- A Comparison between Ads for Chinese Domestic Companies and for Sino-US Joint Ventures  1. Introduction    1.1  Subject and Purpose of the Study    1.2  Rationale  2. Theoretical Framework    2.1  Cultural Values and Sex Roles    2.2  Concept of Advertising    2.3  Previous Studies on Sex-Role Portrayal in Advertisements  3. Hypotheses and Methodology    3.1  Hypothesis Gener  4. Results and Hypothesis Testing    4.1  Hypothesis 1 and 2    4.2  Hypothesis 3    4.3  Hypothesis 4  5. Conclusions    5.1  Discussions    5.2  Implications    5.3  Limitation and Recommendations for Future Study  6. Appendixes  BibliographyA Genre-Based Analysis of English Print Tourism Advertisements  1. Introduction    1.1  The Importance of Tourism Advertisements    1.2  Objectives of the Research  2. Literature Review    2.1  Genre and Genre Analysis    2.2  Appraisal Theory  3. Methodology and Data    3.1  Methodology    3.2  Data Collection  4. Data Analysis and Research Findings    4.1  Situational Analysis of TAs    4.2  Structural Interpretation of English Print TAs    4.3  Appraisal Analysis of English TAs  5. Conclusions and Implications    5.1  Conclusions    5.2  Implications for Writing TAsBibliography




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  •   對于即將寫論文,確不知道從哪里開始下手寫廣告英語的本科生很有指導(dǎo)意義!??!
  •   多角度詮釋廣告意蘊(yùn),深有啟發(fā)。
  •   嗯嗯,有用
  •   書有褶皺?。。?!其他的一般?。。?/li>

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