
出版時間:2006-8  出版社:對外經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易大學出版社  作者:范悅  頁數(shù):333  




Unit1  Introduction to the Course  SectionI Introdction  SectionII Text  SectionIII Vocabulary  SectionIV Notes  SectionV Exercises  SectionVI Supplementary Readings    1.Are You an "Average"Person?    2.Core Values in American Society    3.Traditional American Values and Beliefs    4.People and Culture:Diversity and ConvergenceUnit2  The Geography of the United States  SectionI Introdction  SectionII Text  SectionIII Vocabulary  SectionIV Notes  SectionV Exercises  SectionVI Supplementary Readings    1.American Regionalism    2.Spirit of the FrontierUnit3  A Sketch of American History  SectionI Introdction  SectionII Text  SectionIII Vocabulary  SectionIV Notes  SectionV Exercises  SectionVI Supplementary Readings    1.The Declaration of Independence    2.The Emancipation Proclamation    3.The Ambiguous American     4.First Inaugural Address of Franklin D.RooseveltUnit4  Religion in the United States  SectionI Introdction  SectionII Text  SectionIII Vocabulary  SectionIV Notes  SectionV Exercises  SectionVI Supplementary Readings    1.The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism    2.Creationism versus Evolution    3.Black ChurchesUnit5  Education in America  SectionI Introdction  SectionII Text  SectionIII Vocabulary  SectionIV Notes  SectionV Exercises  SectionVI Supplementary Readings    1.Horace Mann    2.Morrill Act    3.A Brief History of The Scholastic Aptitude Test    4.Education and Inequality    5.Functional Illiteracy    6.Has the Time Come for Year-Round Attendance?Unit6  Science,Technology and the American Society  SectionI Introdction  SectionII Text  SectionIII Vocabulary  SectionIV Notes  SectionV Exercises  SectionVI Supplementary Readings    ……Unit7  Mass Media in America Unit8  The American Economy and WorkUnit9  Race and Ethnic Relations in the United StatesUnit10  The American FamilyUnit11  The American Political SystemUnit12  American Foreign PolicyComprehensive Tests & AnswersAppendixesReferences






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用戶評論 (總計6條)


  •   是全英文的.只有封面是中文.內(nèi)容很翔實.我們英語系的課本. 只要是大學四級過了,又對自己有高要求的人都可以看看.很有幫助的. 1.introduction 2.geography 3.history 4.religion 5.education 6.techonology 7.mass media 8.economy and work 9.race and ethnic relations 10.family 11.political system 12.foreign policy 既可以了解美國又可以訓練閱讀哦
  •   老師推薦的,用起來真不錯
  •   這是我們英語專業(yè)選修課“美國社會與文化”的教材,雖然是中國人編寫的,但好像內(nèi)容是依據(jù)一個老外的作品,所以可信度還是很高的。主要是語言通俗易懂,而且內(nèi)容非常充實有條理,所以適合中國人看。
  •   書很好很正版!郵遞也很快!
  •   書的條理很清晰 細細讀來 能對美國的文化與歷史有更細致的了解 值得讀
  •   要是中英對照就好了

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
