
出版時間:2006-1  出版社:北京航空航天大學出版社  作者:許致軍  頁數(shù):337  字數(shù):487000  


《工商管理外語閱讀教程系列叢書》是天津理工大學國際工商學院的教師們在經(jīng)過中外合作辦學的教學實踐和經(jīng)驗總結后編寫出的一套外語閱讀教材。    本套叢書所選的國外原版閱讀文章,涵蓋了工商管理專業(yè)核心課程的重要領域,反映了當前許多國外工商管理學科最前沿的知識信息。專業(yè)語言的語料具有原汁原味的真實性,它能使學生所獲取的專業(yè)英語技能在將來的工作中具有實用性。借助本套叢書,讀者們能夠跟蹤了解工商管理科學發(fā)展的最新動態(tài)。    本套叢書中的每一本都給出了該專業(yè)學生應掌握的核心理論知識。為使學生們所學的專業(yè)領域中的語言知識得到應用、鞏固、擴展和提高,課文后均配有大量的練習。    《工商管理外語閱讀教程系列叢書》包括: 1)市場營銷英語閱讀;2)財務會計英語閱讀;3)國際商務文化英語選讀;4)管理信息系統(tǒng)英語閱讀;5)戰(zhàn)略管理英語閱讀;6)國際商法英語閱讀;7)人力資源管理英語閱讀;8)組織行為學英語閱讀;9)物流管理日語閱讀。    本套叢書可作為工商管理專業(yè)學生的專業(yè)英語閱讀教材。對于那些接受短期培訓的企業(yè)管理者、MBA學員和教師來說,這套叢書將會更有參考價值。我們希望這套叢書的出版,能進一步促進工商管理專業(yè)教學的推廣和普及。


ContentsPART Ⅰ THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS Chapter 1 Nature and Sources of Law Chapter 2 Court Systems, Jurisdiction, and Functions Chapter 3 Dispute Resolutions Chapter 4 Common and Statutory Law Chapter 5 Constitutional Law Chapter 6 Lawmaking by Administrative Agencies Chapter 7 Torts Chapter 8 Business Torts and CrimesPART Ⅱ PRINCIPLES OF CONTRACT LAW Chapter 9 Nature and Classification of Contracts Chapter 10 The Agreement Chapter 11 Consideration Chapter 12 Illegality Chapter 13 Voidable Contracts Chapter 14 Contracts in Writing Chapter 15 Rights of Third Parties Chapter 16 Discharge of ContractsPART Ⅲ AGENCY Chapter 17 Agency: Nature, Creation, Duties, and Termination Chapter 18 Agency: Liability of the PartiesPART Ⅳ COMMERCIAL TRANSACTIONS Chapter 19 Sales: Introduction to the Law of Sales Chapter 20 Sales: Title, Risk of Loss, and Insurable Interest186 Chapter 21 Sales: Warranties and Products Liability Chapter 22 Sales: Performance and Remedies Chapter 23 Commercial Paper: Negotiability and Transfer Chapter 24 Commercial Paper: Holders in Due Course and Defenses Chapter 25 Commercial Paper: Liability of the Parties Chapter 26 Commercial Paper: Checks and the Bank?Depositor RelationshipPART Ⅴ SECURED TRANSACTION AND BANKRUPTCY Chapter 27 Secured Transactions Chapter 28 BankruptcyPART Ⅵ BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS Chapter 29 Partnerships: Nature, Formation, and Property Chapter 30 Partnerships: Operating the Business Chapter 31 Partnerships: Termination Chapter 32 Limited Partnerships Chapter 33 Corporations: Nature and Formation Chapter 34 Corporations: Corporate Powers and Management Chapter 35 Corporations: Rights and Liabilities of Shareholders and Managers Chapter 36Corporations: Merger, Consolidation, and Termination Chapter 37Legal Liability of AccountantsPART Ⅶ PROPERTY: OWNERSHIP, CONTROL, AND PROTECTION Chapter 38 Real Property Chapter 39 Landlord and Tenant Chapter 40 Personal Property and Bailments Chapter 41 Wills, Trusts, and Estate Planning Chapter 42 Insurance and Risk Management Chapter 43 Antitrust Law: The Sherman Act313 Chapter 44 Antitrust Law: The Clayton and Robinson?Patman Acts Chapter 45 Employment Law Chapter 46 Securities Regulation Chapter 47 Consumer Transactions and the Law Chapter 48 The Legal Aspect of International Business



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