
出版時間:2004-1  出版社:北京航天航空大學(xué)出版社  作者:梁曉暉 編  頁數(shù):220  字?jǐn)?shù):319000  


  Teachers may instruct the students to read the explanations in the reading skill section of every unit.Then the teacher may call upon them at random to explain the parts in their own words and assign them a grade for their explanation.The teacher should also ask for the definitions of technical terms: situational sets,semantic sets,associative field,and so on,and should return to these definitions from time to time in subsequent class meetings to ensure that the students remember them. This suggestion is made in order to encourage active learning (where the students are responsible for their learning),rather than passive learning (where the teacher is responsible for everything).      When a pre-reading question is asked,the teacher may tell the students to close their books to answer it.This would guarantee that the students are not continuing their slow reading beyond the time limit,and encourage them to try to speed up their reading by skipping what they do not understand and by focusing on what they do understand.


上Section One  Human Relationships  Unit 1 An Open Heart  Unit 2 Parents and Children  Unit 3 EncouragementSection Two  Mind and  Action Unit 4 Happiness Unit 5 Approaches to Reading Unit 6 The Younger GenerationSection Three  Human and Nature Unit 7 Human and Animals Unit 8 SeasonsKey to Exercises Unit 1  Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5  Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8下Section One  Humans and Culture  Unit 1 The Westerner's Character  Unit 2 Intercultural CommunicationSection Two  Mind and Action  Unit 3 Self-Improvement   Unit 4 Friendship  Unit 5 Personality of a Leader  Unit 6 Love and MarriageSection Three  Technology and Economy  Unit 7 Technology  Unit 8 EconomyKey to Exercises Unit 1  Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5  Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8



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