
出版時(shí)間:2006-7  出版社:哈爾濱工程大學(xué)出版社  作者:程前光  頁數(shù):177  字?jǐn)?shù):211000  


  美國的一位學(xué)者在《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》的一篇社論中說:“一種新的職業(yè)已經(jīng)并且正在我們鼻子底下日漸成熟,這就是社會工作”。社會工作是一種專門的職業(yè),是一種運(yùn)用科學(xué)的方法和藝術(shù)的手段去解決各種各樣社會問題的職業(yè)?! ∩鐣ぷ髟谥袊蔀橐环N新型職業(yè),社會的快速發(fā)展及人民群眾對社會工作者越來越專業(yè)化的要求,催生了社會服務(wù)領(lǐng)域任職要求的變化。今后,將逐步要求受過專門的社會工作職業(yè)教育的人才能上崗就業(yè),在可預(yù)見的將來,一些由非專業(yè)人士占據(jù)的社會工作崗位和未來出現(xiàn)的一些新崗位,將由新一代職業(yè)社會工作者或掌握社會工作知識技能的“復(fù)合型”人才來填充?! ∥覈?988年在北京大學(xué)最先開設(shè)了社會工作專業(yè)。此后國內(nèi)其他大學(xué)相繼開設(shè),社會工作專業(yè)主要培養(yǎng)具有基本扎實(shí)的相關(guān)理論知識、熟練的社會調(diào)查研究技能和社會工作能力,能在教育、民政、勞動、社會保障和衛(wèi)生部門,以及工會、青少年、婦女等社會組織及其他社會福利、服務(wù)和公益團(tuán)體等機(jī)構(gòu)從事社會保障、社會政策研究、社會行政管理、社區(qū)發(fā)展與管理、社會服務(wù)、評估與操作等工作的高級專門人才。




Unit 1
Part A How to Argue with Your Boss
Part B No Greater Love
Unit 2
Part A Rescuing Marriages Before They Begin
Part B Why We Love Who Love
Unit 3
Part A Personal Values:Professional Questions
Part B Generation X, You Are Breaking My Heart
Unit 4
Part A Caring for Our Children After a Tragedy
Part B Educating the Handicapped in the Regular Classroom
Unit 5
Part A Violence Contributing to Vast Growth in HIV/AIDS Among Women
Worldwide, Report Finds
Part B Alone with a Madman
Unit 6
Part A Domestic Violence:A Crisis of Disconnection
Part B Sex,Betrayal and Murder
Unit 7
Part A Gamblers and Risk Takers:Whats Luck Got to Do With it
Part B Just Trying to Be Cool
Unit 8
Part A Reflection on Social Work for Graduates
Part B Best Way to Quit Smoking
Unit 9
Part A Volunteering for the American Red Cross —— A First
Part B Ace That Job Interview
Unit 10
Part A Graduate School Admissions:Writing an Effective Personal
Part B How to Argue with Your Boss
Unit 11
Part A Expeas Concerned About Social Cost
Part B Help Your Child Excel-top Teachers Tell How
Unit 12
Part A To Once and Future Research Students
Part B Whats Behind Success in School
Unit 13
Part A Center for Anxiety & Stress Treatment Janes Story
Part B Are You Can Optimist.9
Unit 14
Part A Getting a Job in State Government
Part B These Teens Know How to Say No
Unit 15
Part A My First Week as a Social Worker
Part B What You Dont Know about Money and Happiness


  Responsible fatherhood is the single most important factor in the prevention of domesticviolence. It is so important that our treatment for domestic violence offenders, one of the moresuccessful in the world, constantly stresses close emotional bonds with children. The logic issimple. We know from research that strong bonds with children increase self-value. And whois more likely to abuse, the valued self or the devalued self? The more a man values hischildren,the less likely he is to hurt their mother. In the vast majority of cases, the safestpartner relationships are those in which the father feels emotionally connected to hischildren.  Science has known for a long time that emotional connection inhibits violence and thatdisconnection is a cause of violence. Violent criminals usually lack what sociologists call astake in the community: job, marriage, positive neighborhood connections, religious affiliation,and satisfying relationships with children. Serial killers and terrorists never have closerelationships with their children. Historically, armies wanted soldiers before they married orhad children;when they did have them, they were kept isolated from them. Even in the othersocial animals, males connected to the pack are more cooperative and serve as significantprotectors of the pack, while those driven from it become "rogue" predators.



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