
出版時間:2007-4  出版社:黑龍江哈爾濱工程大學(xué)  作者:胡家英  頁數(shù):258  


  在21世紀(jì)初期,中國剛剛加入WTO組織并和國際接軌的新時期,國家教育部頒布的“大學(xué)英語教學(xué)大綱”把專業(yè)英語閱讀列為必修課而納入英語教學(xué)計劃,強(qiáng)調(diào)通過大學(xué)四年不間斷的英語教學(xué)使學(xué)生達(dá)到順利閱讀專業(yè)刊物的目的。根據(jù)這個精神,按照教育部新的學(xué)科和專業(yè)調(diào)整的目錄,參考國內(nèi)同類院校目前使用妁部分專業(yè)英語教材,由東北農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)人文學(xué)院英語系和水利與建筑學(xué)院聯(lián)合編寫了《農(nóng)業(yè)水土工程英語》教材,以滿足部分高等院校本專業(yè)及相關(guān)專業(yè)(水利水電工程、農(nóng)業(yè)水利工程水文水資源等)英語教學(xué)需要,以及供從事該專業(yè)的工程技術(shù)人員和管理人員學(xué)習(xí)專業(yè)英語參考?! ”緯鴥?nèi)容涉及較為廣泛,前半部分基本以水利專業(yè)各個學(xué)科及研究方向為主,屬于基本知識部分;后半部分側(cè)重于農(nóng)業(yè)水土工程領(lǐng)域的最新研究動態(tài)及相關(guān)研究成果。主要內(nèi)容包括:水文、水資源、水利工程施工與規(guī)劃、水利工程經(jīng)濟(jì)、水工建筑物、水力發(fā)電、水土保持’水力機(jī)械、水環(huán)境、建筑材料與灌溉排水工程?! ”緯卜?8個單元,每個單元由精讀和泛讀兩篇文章組成。內(nèi)容由淺入深,先廣泛了解水利專業(yè)的基本情況,然后深入到農(nóng)業(yè)水土工程領(lǐng)域的研究中。對于非本專業(yè)的人員也會有所幫助。為了加深對專業(yè)課文的理解,本書除了將所有精讀課文作出了參考譯文,及相應(yīng)的專業(yè)詞匯外,還對所有課文輔以習(xí)題。讀者也可根據(jù)需要選擇相關(guān)的文章進(jìn)行閱讀和訓(xùn)練。  全書由付強(qiáng)博士、盧鐵光博士負(fù)責(zé)選編及翻譯,楊雅礫、楊帆負(fù)責(zé)練習(xí)編排工作。承蒙黑龍江水利水電勘測設(shè)計研究院戴春盛教授審閱書稿;同時,東北農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)水利與建筑學(xué)院的碩士研究生邢貞相、李慧娟、于國榮、姜寧、郭龍珠以及王秋梅、賈艷紅老師參加了本書的部分工作,在此表示感謝!  由于編者水平有限,時間緊,任務(wù)重,書中難免存在不足和錯誤,懇請廣大讀者批評指正。




Unit 1 Part A Water resources of the world Part B What causes floodingUnit 2 Part A Reservoirs and dams Part B Dams and development-an insight to the report of the world commission on damsUnit 3 Part A Hydroelectric power Part B Pumps and PumpingUnit 4 Part A Underground water Part B The runoff cycleUnit 5 Part A Water pollution and pollutants Part B U.S. Wastewater treatment--past and presentUnit 6 Part A Modem buildings and structural materials Part B BridgesUnit 7 Part A Soil erosion and soil conservation Part B Soil Conservation Issues on the United StatesUnit 8 Part A Engineering economy in waterresources planning(Ⅰ) Part B Engineering economy in waterresources planning(Ⅱ)Unit 9 Part A Hydrology Part B Current problems of stochastic hydrologyUnit 10 Part A Summary of EIA Part B Inadequacies in current methods for environmental assessmentUnit 11 Part A Irrigation methods  Part B RDI--the new technique of water saving irrigation management in ChinaUnit 12 Part A Evaporation Part B Evaporation model of lake Qaroun as influenced by lake salinityUnit 13 Part A 21st Century's water saving in agriculture of Beijing Part B The research and application of plastic pipe in infiltration irrigationUnit 14 Part A Methods of applications of drip irrigation system Part B Drip irrigation technology and state western area development strategyUnit 15 Part A Water use efficiency of grain crops on irrigated fields in China Part B Cumulative function of water sensitivity index for rice and its variation with hydrological years.Unit 16 Part A Some topics on developing water-saving irrigation Part B Optimal use of irrigation water in the Jordan valley: a case studyUnit 17 Part A Irrigation canals Part B The SLGCAD software system on a new type of linked tetra-shaft & double-cantilever flat flap gateUnit 18 Part A A preliminary investigation on irrigation schedule under sprinkler irrigation Part B Study on expert system of irrigation forecast and decision making for water saving參考譯文Key to exercises


  Another critical flaw in the present generation of environmental impact assessment methods isthe failure to note that both facts and values enter into the analysis。Only the factual detenninationis‘objective.’ An impact assessment will be irrelevant if it ignores differenccs in the typcs 0fvalues held by various individuals or by the same individuals under different circumstances.Thevalues of different people may be weighted unequally.Facts and values should be delinea[ed Whenpossible,although they are sometimes difficult to separate.When values are explicit.sensitivityanalysis of alternative values is facilitated.  The question of whose values matter is very important because the ultimate ajm 0f出eassessment is to select alternatives,devise policies’or suggest mitigation measures that maximizesocial welfare,and individuals are often the best judges of their own welfare.Also,the principlesof democratic government require representation of a broad set of values.Nonetheless.govenunentalso has a responsibility toward future generations and to maintain social equity.In some cases.particularly those in which these are major public health and safe questions.serious irreversiblc 0rpersistent impacts on environmental quality’or highly uncertain and complex scientific issues,expert opinions are most appropriate in setting values’but not exclusively so.Experts have theirown special interests and their values may not correspond with norms of social acceptability.Inmost cases,e participation of publics as well as experts is important in order to obtain。complcterepresentation of value structures’increase available information,improve accountability.rcduCcconflict in decision making’and smooth implementation.An open,participatory process is als0desirable to reduce possible abuses of power within the government.foster ideals of socialbelonging and self-determination,and educate the populace.  Finally' many environmental assessments have been doomed to oblivion because of 10wdecision-making utility.Data collection and analysis should be matched to thc level and nccds 0fthe analysis;additional information has an expected value for benefits that can be Comparedto thecosts.Additional information is only desirable if it affects decision making;lengthY discussions ofirrelevant information call confuse decision makers.The goal of environmental assessment is tosimplify reality rather than duplicate it.The temporal and spatial resolution of the analysl.s shouldbe specific to the case.   ……



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