
出版時間:2005-10  出版社:北京大學醫(yī)學出版社  作者:本社  頁數(shù):319  


  Maser medicine is a series of core texts for mediccal students. Each volume includes core information on a subject and a wide variety of self-assesssment exercise, with full answers.Taken togther ,the volumes in the master medicine series provide students with a complete package of core texts for self-directed learning and exam revision.


I   Alexander C. BrowniePhD DSc FRSEFormerly Consultant in Biochemistry University of DundeeSUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor EmeritusSenior Curriculum Advisor, School of Medicine University at Buffalo, NY, USAII  John C. KernphanMA PhDFormerly Senior Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry University of Dundee, UK


Using this book1.Molecules in cells and water2.Proteins3.Enzymes4.Cell membrances5.Gas transport by the blood6.Carbohydrate and fat catabolism7.Other carbohydrate metabolic pathways8.Protein and amino acid metabolism9.Lipid synthesis and transport10.Integration if metabolism11.Purine and pyrimidine nucleotides12.DNA structure and function13.RNA structure and function14.the synthesis of proteins15.Molecular aspects if viruses16.Biochemical functions of the liver17.the biochemistry of the endocrine system18.Nutrition19.Biochemical functions of blood20.Biochemical genetics and inborn errors if metabolism


nullPhilosophy of this book  Both the General Medical Council in Great Britain and the Licensing Committee on Medical Education in the United States have recommended significant changes in the medical curriculum.Phase 1 of such a new curriculum emphasizes integration, a system approach and the presentation of core knowledge. The teaching of a core biochemistry course to medical or dental students represents a major challenge. The problem that we face in designing biochemistry courses is that it is difficult to identify anything that is not core. This applies especially in the rapidly developing area of molecular biology and the fact-rich area of metabolism.However, almost every day newspapers tell the public about latest findings that affect the quality of health care delivery and this book will help you develop a base of knowledge upon which you can build.




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  •   新書。正版。符合需求。
  •   挺好的. 可以提高自己的英語及知識。
  •   這個自學也是非常有幫助的,深入淺出。
  •   內(nèi)容上相對淺,但詞匯上是醫(yī)學詞匯,我學生物的感覺比較費勁。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
