
出版時間:2003-9  出版社:北京大學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)出版社  作者:(英)麥卡錫(McCarthy,A.),(英)亨特(Hunter,B.) 主編  頁數(shù):283  字?jǐn)?shù):556000  


  Master Medicine is a series of core twxts for medical students. Each volume includes core information on a subject and a wide variety of self-assessment exercises, with full answers. Taken togeter, the bolumes in the Master Medicine Series provide students with a complete package of core texts for self-directed learning and exam revision.  Comments from readers on previous volumes"The self-assessment sections with answers are excellent.""All the books in this series have been simple and easy to read, yet contain all the relevant information.""An excellent adjunct to problem-based learning.""Really good-encourages understanding as well as learning of the core facts."


Using this bookObstetricsAndrew McCarthy 1 Physiology of obstetrids 2 Antenatal disorders 3 Medical and surgical problems in pregnancy 4 Fetal discorders 5 Fetal disorders 6 Organisation of maternity services  6 Labour 7 Malpresentation and operative delivery 8 The puerperium and its disorders 9 Measures of outcome in pregnancyGynaecologyBill Hunter 10 Disorders of childhood and puberty 11 Menstrual disorders 12 Gynaecological infections 13 Pelvic pain and endometriosis 14 Fanily planning 15 Infertility 16 Early pregnacy loss 17 Gynaecological neoplasia 18 Genital prolapse and urinary disorders 19 MenopauseIndex



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