
出版時間:2006-6  出版社:青島海洋大學出版社  作者:沃弗雷  




Alternative Contents  Preface and Acknowledgements  Abbreviations of Works Cited  Julian Wolfreys: Introduction1 R. Brandon Kersbner: Mikhail Bakhtin and Bakhtinian criticism  Notes towards a reading of A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man  Questions for further consideration  Annotated bibliography  Supplementary bibliography2 K. M. Newton: Roland Barthes and structuralist criticism  Notes towards a reading of Middlernarch  Questions for further consideration  Annotated bibliography  Supplementary bibliography3 Ruth Robbins: Will the real feminist theory please stand up?  Notes towards readings of Middlemarch and Mrs Dalloway  Questions for further consideration  Annotated bibliography  Supplementary bibliography4 Moyra Haslett: The politics of literature: marxist literary theories  Notes towards a reading of Mrs Dalloway  Questions for further consideration  Annotated bibliography  Supplementary bibliography5 Martin McQuillan: There is no such thing as reader-response theory  Notes towards a reading of Mrs Dalloway  Questions for further consideration  Annotated bibliography  Supplementary bibliography 6 Jill Barker: The self, the other and the text: psychoanalytic criticism    Notes towards a reading of The Tempest Questions for further consideration Annotated bibliography Supplementary bibliography 7 Julian Wolfreys: Deconstruction, what remains unread    Notes towards a reading of In Memoriam A.H.H. Questions for further consideration Annotated bibliography Supplementary bibliography 8 Mark Currie: Criticism and creativity: poststructuralist theories    Notes towards a reading of Mrs Dalloway Questions for further consideration Annotated bibliography Supplementary bibliography 9 John Brannigan: History, power and politics  in the literary artifact: new historicism    Notes towards readings of The Tempest and In Memoriam A.H.H. Questions for further consideration Annotated bibliography Supplementary bibliography10 John Brannigan: Conflict and contradiction: cultural materialism    Notes towards readings of The Tempest and In Memoriam A.H.H. Questions for further consideration Annotated bibliography Supplementary bibliography11 Gall Ching-Liang Low and Julian Wolfreys: Postcolonialism  and the difficulty of difference    Notes towards readings of The Tempest and      The Swimming-Pool Library Questions for further consideration Annotated bibliography Supplementary bibliography12 Jane Goldman and Julian Wolfreys: Works on the Wild(e) side -  performing, transgressing, queering: gay studies/queer theories   Notes towards a reading of The Swimming-Pool Library Questions for further consideration Annotated bibliography Supplementary bibliography13 Kenneth Womack: Theorizing culture, reading ourselves:  cultural studies    Notes towards readings of The Swimming-Pool Library      and Prospero's Books Questions for further consideration Annotated bibliography Supplementary bibliography14 Arkady Plotnitsky: Postmodernism and postmodernity."      literature, criticism, philosophy, culture   Notes towards a reading of The Tempest Questions for further consideration Annotated bibliography Supplementary bibliography   Glossary   Notes on Contributors   Index of proper names





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