
出版時間:1970-1  出版社:中南大學出版社  作者:唐德根  頁數(shù):281  






CHAPTER ONE IntrOductiOn1 Importance of Intercultural Communication1.1 The New Technology1.2 The New Population1.3 The New Economic Arena2 Studying Intercultural Communication3 Intercultural Communication3.1 Host and Minority Cultures3.2 Subcultures (Co-cultures)3.3 Muhicuhuralism3.4 Cross.cultural Communication3.5 Principles of Intercultural Communication3.6 Rationale3.7 Approach3.8 PhilosophyExercisesBibliography and Further ReadingCHAPTER TWO Language Use and Communication1 Human Comnlunication1.1 Intentional and Unintentional Behavior1.2 A Definition of Communication1.3 The Components of Communication2 Pragmatics:Language Use2.1 The Problem2.2 The Message Model of Linguistic Communication2.3 Problems with the Message Model2.4 An Inferential Approach to Communication2.5 Inferential Theories versus the Message Model3 The Characteristics Of Comnlunication3.1 No Direct Mind-to-Mind Contact3.2 We Can Only Infer3.3 Communication Is Symbolic3.4 Time-Binding Links Us Together3.5 We Seek to Define the World3.6 Communication Has a Consequence3.7 Communication Is Dynamic3.8 Communication Is ContextuaI3.9 Communication Is Self-Reflective4 The Brain Is an Open System5 We Are Alike and We Are DifferentExercisesBibliography and Further ReadingCHAPTER THREE Culture and Communication1 Culture Is our Invisible Teacher1.1 The Basic Functions of Culture1.2 Some Definitions of Culture1.3 The Characteristics of Culture2 Language and Culture3 Teaching Culture4 Forms of Intercultural Communication5 An Intercultural Commnnication Model6 Elements of Intercultural Commnnication6.1 Perception6.2 Verbal Processes6.3 Nonverbal ProcessesExercisesBibliography and Further ReadingCHAPTER FOUR Cultural Diversity in Perception……CHAPTER FIVE The Deep Structure of CultureCHAPTER SIX Cross-cultural PragmaticsCHAPTER SEVEN Words and MeaningsCHAPTER EIGHT Nonverbal Communication




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