
出版時間:2006-7  出版社:上海大學出版社  作者:朱德祥  頁數(shù):532  


Keynote Lectures  Long-period oscillations in a harbor excited by broad-banded random sea waves  Boundary layer flows under solitary wave  Hydrodynamic problems associated with construction of sea-crossing bridges  Origin of vortical action as the fabric of the universe  Recent progress in dynamics of boundary layer transition  Lattice Boltzmann models for hydrodynamics  Numerical simulation of aquatic eco-environment of Bo Hai BaySession A1  Exact variational formrlation of free-surface gravity flow around hydrofoil accounting for surface tension  Nuclear Solitary Wave  Finding multiple solutions of nonlinear problems by means of the homotopy analysis method  Dispersion in open-channel flow subject to the processes of sorptive exchange on the bottom and air-water exchange on the free surface  The effect of temperature distribution on the mass species transport in the micro—channel driven by electroosmosisSession B1  The gas-kinetic scheme for shallow water equations  Numerical analysis of the effects of sinker weight on the hydrodynamics behaviour of gravity cage net in uniform flow  An efficient computational method for nonlinear three-dimensional wave-wave and wave-body Interaction  Boussinesq-type modeling in surf zone using mesh-less least-square-based finite difference method  Modeling of liquid-solid flows with large number of moving particle by multigrid fictitious boundary methodSession A2  The Lie-group shooting method for boundary layer equations in fluid mechanics  The coagulation and re-separation process of particles in a slow viscous flow  A unified framework for incompressible and compressible fluid flows  Euler/Euler theory and application of fluid-particle two-phase jetSession B2  Simulations of interactions between nonlinear waves and multi or an array of cylinders  The numerical simulation of local scour in front of a vertical-wall breakwater  A Finite element solution of wave forces on a horizontal circular cylinder close to the sea-bed  Numerical study on flow and dispersion in urban street canyons of asymmetrical configurations  Application of a three-point explicit compact difference scheme to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equationsSession A3  Modelling of the wave-current interaction in the pearl fiver estuary  ……Session B3Session A4Session B4Session A5Session B5Session A6Session B6Session A7Session B7Session A8Session B8



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