
出版時間:2004-4  出版社:東北大學(xué)出版社  作者:劉沛富,韓長青,李貴榮,陳雯 主編  頁數(shù):256  




Unit 1 Section A Learning a Foreign Language Section B Keys to Successful Online Learning Section C Teaching Children at Home 同步強(qiáng)化測試Unit 2 Section A A Busy Weekday Morning Section B Parent Talk Section C Teenage Talk 同步強(qiáng)化測試Unit 3 Section A A Good Heart to Lean on Section B The Rright Son at the Right Time Section C Love of Life 同步強(qiáng)化測試Unit 4 Section A How to Make a Good Impression Section B Body Language Section C Gestures 同步強(qiáng)化測試Unit 5 Section A The Battle Against AIDS  Section B The Last Dive at the Olympics Section C International Joint Efforts Against AIDS 同步強(qiáng)化測試Unit 6 Section A The Widow Section B The Trashman  Section C My Moving Experience 同步強(qiáng)化測試Unit 7 Section A Face to Face with Guns Section B Should I Havea Gun7 Section C A Bank Robbery 同步強(qiáng)化測試Unit 8 Section A Birth of Bright Ideas Section B Ways of Increasing Creativity Section C Great Ideas 同步強(qiáng)化測試Unit 9 Section A Looking to the 21st Century Section B Trends for the 21st Century Section C Lifestyles of the 21st Century 同步強(qiáng)化測試Unit 10 Section A Being Honest and Open Section B Web Site Resources : The Best Aid for Cheating7 Section C How not to Cheat? 同步強(qiáng)化測試



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