出版時間:2007-5 出版社:上海財大 作者:葉建芳,孫紅星 頁數(shù):491 字數(shù):677000
隨著全球經(jīng)濟一體化和會計國際化進程的加劇,我國會計改革也掀起了新一輪的高潮。2006年2月15日我國財政部正式發(fā)布了新會計準則。新會計準則于2007年1月1日起在上市公司中率先實施,以后國有大中型企業(yè)也將全面執(zhí)行新的會計準則?! 槭贡緯玫貫閺V大讀者服務(wù),讓讀者更好地了解我國新會計準則,以及它與國際財務(wù)報告準則和美國公認會計原則的主要差別,本書進行了第三次修訂?! ∵€有一個促使我加快修訂的一個重要原因,就是本書獲得了“普通高等教育‘十一五’國家級規(guī)劃教材”的榮譽稱號。為了更加切合新會計準則,符合高等院校教學和廣大社會讀者的需要,也不辱這一榮譽稱號,促使我在第二版的基礎(chǔ)上又一次進行了修訂。第一章進行了全新的修訂。本書的結(jié)構(gòu)與原書相同,分為十課,第一至第四課是對會計的性質(zhì)以及會計信息產(chǎn)生過程的敘述;第五至第九課是關(guān)于資產(chǎn)、負債和所有者權(quán)益的確認、計量和報告;第十課是關(guān)于有關(guān)企業(yè)經(jīng)營活動對現(xiàn)金流量表的影響,以及如何編制現(xiàn)金流量表。為了滿足讀者需要,最后附錄中有主要報表的中英文對照表?! ”緯恳徽n都有自測題、討論題、練習題、思考題以及小案例,這樣編排是為了讀者通過練習,掌握所學內(nèi)容。自測題答案在每一課的最后一頁,練習題和思考題的參考答案在書本的最后附錄中。周蘭、鄭靜、陳磽暉和謝爾瑩參與了本書的部分修訂工作。
1 An Introduction to Accounting 1.1 Accounting is an Information System 1.2 Forms of Organization 1.3 The framework for The Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements 1.4 Understanding of Financial Statements Balance Sheet Income Statement Statement of Owner' s Equity Cash Flow Statement 1.5 Accounting and Its Profession 1.6 Accounting Elements and Using the Accounting Equation What is Accounting Equation? Effects of Transactions on the Accounting Equation 1.7 Ethics in Accounting Some Basic Ethical Standards Demonstration Problem Vocabulary Self-Test Questions Discussion Questions Exercises Problems Mini-Case2 Recording Transactions 2.1 Economic Events and Business Documents 2.2 T Accounts and Debit & Credit Types of Accounts Chart of Accounts and Ledger The Accounting Equation and the Rules of Debits and Credits Normal Balances 2.3 Journalizing and Posting Transactions Journalizing Transactions Posting Transactions 2.4 Preparing a Trial Balance Trial Balance Locating and Correcting Errors Formatting Conventions 2.5 Practices in China Receipt Vouchers Payment Vouchers Transfer Vouchers 2.6 Using the Information - the Debt Ratio Demonstration Problem Vocabulary Self-Test Questions Discussion Questions Exercises Problems Mini-Case Adjusting the Accounts, Preparing the Statements, and Completing the Accounting Cycle 3.1 The Need for Adjustments Time Period Principle Need for Adjustments at the End of an Accounting Period Accrual and Cash Basis of Accounting 3.2 Adjusting the Accounts Prepaid Expenses…… 4 Accounting for Merchandising Enterprises5 Accounting for Cash,Trading Securities and Receivables6 Inventories and Cost of Goods Sold7 Long-Term Assets:Investments,Fixed Assets,Natural Resoureces and Intangible Assets8 Current and Long-Term Liabilities9 Owner's Equity10 Statement of Cash Flows
Ethics is essentially the study of right and wrong,and has been a prominent and sensitive issue in the accounting profession for years. Ethical codes serve as a foundation for developing ethical behaviour in professions.They also provide a framework for ethical practice.However,codes alone are not enough and can never serve as the final noral authority.An overemphasis on codes would eliminate criticism of the codes from a broader moral framework.What is needed is rnoraZ character and ethicaf rea- soning ability.In recent years there has been widespread interest in accounting ethics,due partly to wide media coverage of events involving a host of misdeeds,such as insider trading, tax evasion,audit failure,and fraud.Reports of unethical behaviour aye a threat to public con- fidence in the accounting profession. Some Basic Ethical Standards A full explanation of ethical standards in accounting is beyond the scope of this introducto- ry course.However,it is not too early to introduce some basic ethical standards that are expec- ted of professional accountants.Four key standards are below: InteflriW.Accountants have a responsibility to report favourable as well as unfavourable information and to refrain from taking actions which undermine an organizationS legitimate and ethical objectives.Integrity implies that accountants should not take unfair advantage of infor- marion and should act in the interests not only of their clients but of other indirect users.