出版時間:2004-7 出版社:南京師范大學(xué)出版社 作者:劉潤清封宗信 頁數(shù):455
從2000年秋完成定稿到現(xiàn)在,《語言學(xué)理論與流派(英文)》經(jīng)功了整整兩個寒暑,兩個寒暑,其實也不過是“彈指一揮間”,但足以使原稿中的某引起新資料陳舊。兩 度春秋,已經(jīng)使原稿中寫進去的某些新事件和未來事件成了歷史。在新世紀初的這兩年里,中外語言學(xué)界發(fā)生的新事件數(shù)不勝數(shù),當初定稿時的“將來時”已經(jīng)成了“過去時”或“現(xiàn)在完成時”,我們在看校樣時已經(jīng)對相關(guān)文字進行了修改。
Chapter 1 Introduction:Language and Linguistics1.1 What Is Linguistics?1.2 Is Linguistics a Science?1.3 Branches of Linguistics1.4 Linguistic Theories:Past and PresentChapter 2 Brief History of Linguistics:An Overview2.0 Introduction2.1 Linguistics in Ancient Times2.2 Linguistics in the Middle Ages2.3 Linguistics in the Tenaissance2.4 Linguistics in the 18th Century2.5 ConclusionChapter 3 The 19th-century Historical and Comparative3.0 Introduction3.1 Early Efforts in Historical Linguistics3.2 Rask,Grmm,and Verner3.3 Hunboldt and Schleicher3.4 Neogrammarians3.5 Sanskrit and historical Linguistics3.6 ConclusionChapter 4 The Beginning of Modern Linguistics4.0 Introduction4.1 Saussure the Man4.2 Historical Background4.3 The Making of the Course4.4 Saussure and Comparative Linguistics4.5 Saussure‘s Theoty of Language4.6 Saussure’s Legacy:Semiology4.7 ConclusionChapter 5 American Descriptive and Structuralist Linguistics……Chapter 6 Chomsky and Transformational-Generative GrammarChapter 7 Early Functionalist Linguistics TheoriesChapter 8 Halliday and Systenic-Functional GrammarChapter 9 Linguistic Theories in the Latter Half of the 20th CenturyChapter 10 Modern Chinese Linguistics