
出版時間:2001-2-1  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:C.J.Brumfit,K.Johnson  頁數(shù):242  


  《交際法語言教學(xué)》的編者認為,語言教學(xué)主要是實踐行為,并且遵循一定規(guī)律。此論文集側(cè)重語言學(xué)與社會語言學(xué)對語言教學(xué)的影響,并非意味著語言教學(xué)僅受此兩個學(xué)科的指導(dǎo)。由于篇幅有限,本書沒有對教學(xué)法悠久的歷史作詳細介紹,也沒有探討人類學(xué)、語義學(xué)、心理學(xué)、社會心理學(xué)與語言教學(xué)的關(guān)系?!  督浑H法語言教學(xué)》的讀者對象為語言教學(xué)的研究者、教師和師范院校學(xué)生,特別是外語教師、研究生和外語專業(yè)的高年級學(xué)生。


AcknowledgementsPreface、SECTION ONE The linguistic backgroundD.H.Hymes:On Communicative Competence(extracts)M.A.K.Halliday:Towards a Sociological Semantics(extracts)SECTION TWO The background to teachingH.G.Widdowson:Directions in the Teaching of Dis—COUrseH.G.Widdowson:The Deep Structure of Discourse andthe Use of TranslationChrist0Dher N.Candlin:The Status of PedagogicalGrammarsD.A.Wilkins:Grammatical,Situational and NotionalSyllabusesD.A.Wilkins:Notional Syllabuses and the Concept of aMinimum Adequate GrammarSECTION THREE Applications and techniquesJ.L.M.Trim~Draft Outline of a European Unit/CreditSystem for Modern Language Learning by Adults(extract)T.van Ek:The Threshold Level(extracts)。H.G.Widdowson:The Teaching of English as CommunicationJ.P.B.Allen and H.G.Widdowson:Teaching theCommunicative Use of EnglishKeith Morrow:Communicative Language Testing:Revolution or E:volution?VIII ContentsSECTION FOUR Methodological perspectivesLeonard Newmark:How Not to Interfere with LanguageLeamm~Richard A。llwright:Language Learning through Com。munication PracticeC.J.Bmmfit:‘Communicative’Language Teaching:anEducational PerspectiveKeith Johnson:Communicative Approaches and Corn。municative ProcessesConclusionAPPENDIX Extracts from teaching materialsReferencesIndex


  which account for,rather than merely describe by means of 1ists,the structural possibilities of a language.Yet transformational grammar shares one fundamental characteristic with structural linguistics:it is the Importance given to the study of language structure.In Chomsky's model syntax remains central,and however much this model has changed the alms and techniques of linguistic study,the concern with syntactic structure remains.Linguistics--in Chomsky as in Bloomfield-- is by and large the study of language structure.Perhaps this is why transformational grammar,so revolutionary in linguistics.has had such little etfect on language teaching.After all,the most it can offer is alternative strategies for teaching grammar--new ways of teaching the same thing.  l ne language teacher's emphasis on mastery of structure is,then.paralleled by a similar emphasis within linguistics.And in both fields a parallel reaction has taken place.It is a reaction against the view of language as a set of structures;lt is a reaction towards a view of 1anguage as communication,a view In which meaning and the uses to which language is put play a central part。In language teaching this reaction IS crystallizing ltself into the'communicative approach'which is the subJect of this volume,and our exploration of the background to this approach wilI take us into an investigation of the ways in which generallinguistic studies have manifested a parallel reaction. A particularly powerful and 1ucid expression of discontent with thetransfbrmational view of linguistic study is found in Hymes'paper。On Communicative Competence',quoted at length below.A large part of this paper is taken up with a discussion of two concepts centralto Chomsky's theory:the concepts of'competence'and'performflnce'.Hymes is critical of the way Chomsky uses these terms.a(chǎn)nd in thelatter part of his paper he formulates his own redefinition. tor Chomsky it is'competence'defined as'the speaker-hearer's knowledge of his language'(1965:4)which is the prime concern oflinguistic theory.Competence is an idealization:it is the knowledgeof the'ideal speaker-listener'operating within'a completelv hom.geneous speech community'.It distinguishes itself from'performance'which is seen as'the actual use of language in concrete situations'.As tghomsky sayscand Hymes quotes),'a record of natural speech willshow numerous false starts,deviations from rules,changes of plan inmid-course,and so on'.In these senses performance represents bothan incomplete and a degenerate reflection of the ideal speaker.1istener'scompetence,and as such 1s considered to be of little relevance to thetheoretical and descriptive linguist. In ItS original form Hymes'paper was delivered at a conference onlanguage development among disadvantaged children,  ……



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