
出版時(shí)間:2000-1  出版社:上海外語(yǔ)教育出版社  作者:哈特曼  頁(yè)數(shù):347  字?jǐn)?shù):535000  




unit 1 Anthropology  chapter one Cultural Anthuopology  Part One:Numbers,Luck,and Culture  Part Two:Sumbolic System and Meanings  Part Three:Reading in the Acadenic World  Religion  Part Four:The Mechanics of Wriing  Part Five:Writing in the Acsdemic World chapter two Physical Anthropolgy:From Primates to Modern Humans  Part One:Orangrtans  Part Two:Humans and Other Primates  Part Three:Reading in the Academic World Modern Stone Age Humans  Part Four:The Mexhanics of Writing  Part Five:Writing in the Academic Worldunit 2 Introduction to Literature chapter three The Nature of poetry   Part One:lmages of Nature  Part Two:Poetry Lessons  Part Three:Reading in the Academic World  Appreciating Poetry  Part Four:The Mechanics of Writing  Part Five:Writing in the Academic World chapter four Heroes and Survivors in Poetry,Fiction,and Nonfiction  Part One:Poetry  Part Two:Fiction  Part Three:Reading in the Acadenic world Nonfiction  A Cow Herder on Horseback  Part Four:The Mechanics of Writing  Part Five:Writing in the Acadenic Wouldunit 3 Econonicsuntt 4 Ecology



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