
出版時間:2008-04-01  出版社:上外教育  作者:GUY COOK,BARBARA SEIDLHOFER  頁數(shù):431  


  《應(yīng)用語言學(xué)的原理與實踐》為論文集,共收24篇論文,涉及語言教學(xué)理論和研究、第二語言習(xí)得、口頭和書面話語、國際英語、交際能力和語法 、體裁和修辭、跨文化交際、語料庫語言學(xué)、文學(xué)和文學(xué)教學(xué)、課堂實踐等。全書分為5個部分:第一部分直接探討理論及研究和教學(xué)之間的關(guān)系;第二部分討論第二語言習(xí)得;第三部分涉及話語分析、對比修辭學(xué)、間接話語、語篇對形式的影響、話語結(jié)構(gòu)的作用、法律語言學(xué)、語料庫語言學(xué)等問題;第四部分論證語言教學(xué)與文學(xué)的關(guān)系,探討在外語教學(xué)過程中如何用文學(xué)作品去引導(dǎo)學(xué)生,使學(xué)生能逐漸閱讀更艱深的作品。另外,文中還提到要消除文學(xué)的神秘性,鼓勵用非文學(xué)方法來指引學(xué)生欣賞文學(xué)語言。最后部分是有關(guān)語言理論在課堂教學(xué)中的應(yīng)用。


Acknowledgements1 An applied linguist in principle and practiceGUY COOK AND BARBARA SEIDLHOFER2 Teacher professionalism and researchCHRISTOPHER BRUMFIT3 The applied linguist and the foreign language teacher:can they talk to each other?CLAIRE KRAMSCH4 Concept and conduct in language pedagogyN. S. PRABHU5 Appraising second language acquisition theoryin relation to language pedagogyROD ELLIS6 Analysability, accessibility, and ability for usePETER SKEHAN7 Situational context, variation, and second languageacquisition theoryELAINE TARONE AND GUO-QIANG LIUCONTENTS8 Three functions of output in second language learningMERRILL SWAIN9 Proficiency or the native speaker: what are we tryingto achieve in ELT?ALAN DAVIES10 Grammar and lexis in communicative competenceHEIKKI NYYSSONEN11 Cultural meaning and rhetorical styles: towarda framework for Contrastive RhetoricYAMUNA KACHRU12 The paralinguistics of reference: representationin reported discourseGEORGE YULE13 Grammar in discourse: attitude and deniabilityROB BATSTONE14 Field-guides in strange tongues: a workshopfor Henry WiddowsonJOHN M. SWALES15 Explorations in applied linguistics 3:forensic stylisticsMALCOLM COULTHARD16 Corpus evidellce for norms of lexical collocationMICHAEL STUBBS17 Corpora in language pedagogy: matching theoryand pract ceGUY ASTON18 Transcultural creativity in world Englishesand literary canonsBRAJ B. KACHRU19 An approach to the teaching and learning of poetryin NigeriaJOSEPH O. BISONGCONTENTS20 Discourse and creativity: bridging the gapbetween language and literatureRONALD CARTER AND MICHAEL McCARTHY21 The impact of the Army Specialized Training Program:a reconsiderationBERNARD SPOLSKY22 'Reading with a suspicious eye': Critical Readingin the foreign language classroomCATHERINE WALLACE23 What is this class about? Topic formulationin an Lx reading comprehension classroomLUIZ PAULO DA MOITA LOPES24 Discourse analysis and the teaching of listeningMARIANNE CELCE-MURCIANotes on the contributorsBibliographyIndex




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