
出版時間:1999-4  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:威多森  頁數:213  




AcknowledgementsPrefacePART ONE The theory and practice of language teaching1 Introduction2 Problems with solutions3 The pragmatics of language teaching4 Pedagogic research and teacher educationPART TWO Aspects of language5 Preliminaries: approaches to description6 Grammar, and nonsense, and learning7 The negotiation of meaningPART THREE Aspects of teaching8 General perspectives on pedagogy9 The problems and principles of syllabus design10 Methodology for the teaching of meaning11 The roles of teacher and learnerConclusionBibliographyIndex


  But of course teachers have extra commitments. They cannot just assume the researcher role and use students as experimental subjects, observing how they learn under varying conditions with detached interest to satisfy an intellectual curiosity. The teachers business is to induce learning and the techniques that are used have to work to that end. In effect, teachers become intervening variables in their own experiments. Their research has to be applied in the very process of enquiry: it has to be directly accountable in terms of practical pay-off. This being so, we can regard the classroom as the context for two related kinds of activity. In one, techniques are devised with regard to their practical effectiveness in the promotion of learning. They are directed at the benefit of learners. This we might call the instructional activity, with the teacher engaged as participant mediating the techniques concerned. In the other activity, techniques are related to principles with a view to enquiring into the relationship between the two. Here they are directed at the benefit of the teachers own understanding of their craft. This we might call the experimental activity, with the teacher acting as observer manipulating the techniques concerned. Thus the experimental activity and the instructional activity are reciprocally enhanced, and the most effective pedagogy is one in which the two act together, each informing and reinforcing the other. In this way, teaching which provides for learner development serves the cause of teacher development at the same time. It fulfils a dual educational purpose. The view of pedagogy proposed here, then, makes teachers responsible for defining their own problems and providing their own solutions. Research from outside, whether descriptive, experimental or speculative, cannot therefore be directly transposed to the classroom context.


  Aspects of Language Teaching  In this book Professor Widdowson provides a timely critical review of the most prominent issues in language teaching today. Part 1 presents the case for the relevance of theoretical enquiry to classroom practice. Parts 2 and 3 serve to demonstrate this relevance by showing how different perspectives on linguistic description lead to different approaches to the teaching of language. At a time of wide-ranging debate about language teaching, particularly in the broader contexts of educational principle and policy, the force and authority of Professor Widdowsons arguments will be welcomed by all those concerned to uphold professional standards in language teaching and teacher education.




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