
出版時(shí)間:2000-4-1  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:H.H.Stern  頁數(shù):582  


  本書是一部從歷史的、多學(xué)科的角度,運(yùn)用應(yīng)用語言學(xué)的研究成果對語言教學(xué)進(jìn)行理論探討的學(xué)術(shù)專著。作者H·H·斯特恩是研究第二語言教學(xué)問題的權(quán)威人士,加拿大卓越的教學(xué)法專家之一,1968-1981年任安大略教育研究學(xué)院現(xiàn)代語言中心主任,1981-1987年任該學(xué)院課程研究系名譽(yù)教授。本書由H·G·威多森教授擔(dān)任應(yīng)用語言學(xué)顧問。  本書主要研究除母語以外的語言教學(xué)問題,試圖從宏觀的角度探討各種不同情況下、各種環(huán)境中的非母語語言教學(xué);但作者并沒有在母語和非母語教學(xué)之間劃出明確的界限,書中闡述的某些理論也適用于母語教學(xué)?! ”緯幕舅枷胗幸韵滤膫€特點(diǎn):  一、強(qiáng)調(diào)理論的指導(dǎo)作用。作者認(rèn)為先進(jìn)的教學(xué)實(shí)踐是建立在把握先進(jìn)的教學(xué)理論的基礎(chǔ)上的,只有優(yōu)秀的理論方能對實(shí)踐提供有效指導(dǎo)。本書探討的是語言教學(xué)理論,但并不是高不可攀的“象牙塔”中的理論,而是注重理論與實(shí)踐相結(jié)合,提出了能對語言教學(xué)實(shí)踐提供指導(dǎo)的實(shí)用性和操作性強(qiáng)的理論?! 《?、強(qiáng)調(diào)教學(xué)理論與具體教學(xué)實(shí)踐相結(jié)合。作者并不要求讀者照搬現(xiàn)成的理論,而是希望他們能將理論與各自的實(shí)踐經(jīng)驗(yàn)相結(jié)合。作者設(shè)想的理想境界是:讀者通過閱讀本書能對語言教學(xué)形成見多識廣’的、專業(yè)化的、成熟的、全面的“理論”,這種“理論”有助于指導(dǎo)讀者個人的實(shí)踐,使他們在對學(xué)生施教、課程設(shè)置、觀察問題、作出判斷和作出決策等方面都能獲益?! ∪⒆⒅靥岣咦x者的自我判斷力。鑒于關(guān)于語言教學(xué)的論著浩如煙海,關(guān)于語言教學(xué)的方法眾說紛紜,進(jìn)行取舍和鑒別,分辨出真理和謬誤并非易事。




IntroductionPART ONE Clearing the ground1 Talking about language teaching2 Theory and practice3 Towards a conceptual framework4 ResearchPART TWO Historical perspectives5 Approaches and studies6 A sketch of recent and current trends: 1880-1980PART THREE Concepts of language7 Trends in linguistic theory8 Linguistic theory and language teaching:emergence of a relationship9 Linguistic theory and language teaching:reassessment and current statusPART FOUR Concepts of society10 ,Society, culture, and language11 Aspects of sociolinguistics12 The social sciences and the second language curriculum13 The sociology of language teaching and learningPART FIVE Concepts of language learning14 Psychological approaches to language and learning15 Development of a psychological perspective in language teaching: a selective review16 Models of second language learning and the concept of proficiency17 Learner factors18 Conditions of learning and the learning processPART SIX Concepts of language teaching19 The study of education and its relevance to language teaching20 Language teaching theories as theories of teaching method21 The break with the method concept22 An educational interpretation of language teachingConclusionBibliography and citation indexIndex


  The growing disillusionment about research on pedagogy led inves-tigators, particularly in North America, to the conviction that the morefundamental issues of the nature of language learning should be studiedby research methods, and a veritable explosion of studies on secondlanguage learning dominated research in the seventies. However, mostof this highly productive work emphasized free or undirectedlanguage learning, contributing relatively little to the questions aboutmore effective approaches to language teaching. In the meantime,several innovations were introduced in language pedagogy; yet few ofthese were supported by research.  Understanding the role of research  Research has been part of the language teaching scene for long enoughto enable us to make some general observations about the nature ofresearch and the contribution of research to language pedagogy.Strangely enough, very little has been written about research onlanguage teaching per se, perhaps because among many practitioners itis still regarded as a somewhat peripheral aspect of language teaching.Consequently language teaching research lacks direction. There hasbeen little discussion about research emphases, nor has a distinctresearch methodology established itself as yet.


  Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching  The purpose of this book is to put the various aspectsof applied linguistic research into historical andinterdisciplinary perspective. It gives an authoritativesurvey of past developments world-wide, and establishesa set of guidelines for the future. The book is divided intosix parts and the subjects treated in each part are asfollows:  Clearing the Ground sets the tone for the whole bookin its careful definition of terms and its view of currentissues.  Historical Perspectives provides a survey of languageteaching trends from 1880 to the present day.  Concepts of Language deals with trends in linguistictheory and their relationship to language teaching.  Concepts of Society traces the development of sociologyand anthropology as academic disciplines, and considersthe bearing each has on the study of language andlanguage learning.  Concepts of Language Learning aims to draw up atheoretical base for language teaching which relates bothto the individual learner and to the language learningprocess as a whole.  Concepts of Language Teaching deals with the study ofeducation and its relevance to language teaching.  H. H. Stern was Head of the Modern Language Centre atthe Ontario Institute for Studies in Education from 1968 to1981 and Professor Emeritus in the Department ofCurriculum Studies at the same Institute from 1981 to 1987.  Applied Linguistics Adviser. H. G. Widdowson




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