
出版時間:1996-12  出版社:上海外教  作者:霍普金斯  頁數:155  




1 Patterns of life 生活方式
2 Pleasures 人生樂趣
3 Borders 跨越邊界
4 Rights and wrongs 是是非非
5 For sale 促銷之道
6 Body and mind 身心健康
7 Away from home 外出度假
8 Paths to success 成功之路
9 Skin deep 膚淺之見
10 Showtime 舞臺表演
11 Looking forward 展望未來
12 News and views 新聞與觀點
13 On show 佳作展覽
14 In touch 接觸外界
15 A change of scene 勞逸結合


  2 Read and listen to a conversation about the future.  1 What is the specific topic that these people are discussing?  2 Which of them is a pessimist? Which is an optimist? Whatabout the others?  ALAN: In the end science is likely to solve a lot of theworlds problems... I mean, medical advances andthings like that.., theyll cut down diseases.I heard a geneticist on the radio talking about howthey might be able to get rid of hereditary diseasesaltogether in the next ten years.  PAT: Yes ... might. But there are new diseases all thetime. And, anyway, science creates problems ... itdoesnt Just solve them.  TIM: What do you mean?  PAT: Well, take genetic engineering, for instance. Thesame research thats intended to fight diseases hasother uses as well.  ALAN: Like what?  PAT: Well, theyre not only finding out about genes thatcause diseases ... theyre also going to knowwhich ones give us the colour of our hair and eyes.In theory they already know how to create maleor female children.,, and now theyre sayingthere might be a gene that affects intelligence!  TIM: Wait a moment. Whats wrong with that?  PAT: Whats wrong with it? Everyonell want the samekind of children. And in some countries thatllmean mostly male children .., and all intelligent,of course ... and in some countries ...  SARA: Just let me tell you something. When I havechildren, which Im not thinking of doing yet, ifscience can give me the perfect child, then I intendto have the perfect child... I think its a great idea.  PAT: You see! Well havea world full of perfect people.And therell be too many men!  ALAN: Do you really believe that? You cant be certainthat people will choose their babies characteristics.It would be awful if we lost the variety-I mean, ifpeople were all the same - but perhaps that wonthappen. I dont think it will.




  一套分成四個等級的英語教材。本教材旨在將學生的英語水平從初級階段提高到能參加“劍橋第一證書”的預考階段?!  墩雇磥怼分屑壗坛叹哂幸韵乱恍┨攸c:可供選用的錄像帶一盒,內容由源于英國和美國的戲劇片、動畫片和記錄片等可視資料構成?! 〔捎靡惶酌鞔_、實用的交際教學法,配以《教師用書》所提供的教師培訓材料?! √峁┮环莅礆W洲委員會修訂并擴充的Waystage和Th reshoId規(guī)定所制定的教學大綱,這份教學大綱強調使用日常生活中的真實英語?! 閰⒓覶hreshold修訂級劍橋大學考試的考生提供綜合性的應考準備。自始至終系統(tǒng)培養(yǎng)學生在語法、功能性語言、詞匯、應用技能、語音等方面的綜合能力?! ∽⒅嘏囵B(yǎng)學生的表達能力,其中包括培養(yǎng)他們的功能性與創(chuàng)造性的寫作能力。不間斷地提供機會,對多種文化進行比較?! 《ㄆ诘摹斑M度檢查”部分著重檢查學生對語法、語言功能和詞匯的掌握情況?!皩χv”部分提供使人感興趣的活動,以便學生開展更為自由的討論,同時也促使學生進行真實的交際,提高他們在口語表達時的流利程度。  每單元中的“語言規(guī)則參考”部分,內容簡明扼要。  提供英美文學作品的摘要?!  毒毩晝浴分械摹白詫W”部分有助于學生提高學習技能?!  毒毩晝浴分械亩唐适掠兄诖偈箤W生進行泛讀?!  熬毩晝凿浺魩А焙饕迷~?!  墩雇磥怼分屑壗坛痰娜捉滩暮骸 W生用書、練習冊、教師用書、課堂用錄音帶、練習冊錄音帶。




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用戶評論 (總計23條)


  •   書中教會了學生們生活中的規(guī)范用語,使他們不局限于考試,而是有更好的生活中的對話
  •   很實用,題形經典,練習量適度,很好!
  •   當當網的印刷品一直很好,書很贊,印刷質量和內容都很好。
  •   教材不錯不錯不錯不錯
  •   這個商品很不錯 送貨也很快 可是為什么送到的不是我的地址呢 還是后來有人送來的,,。
  •   很多外國語學校的教課書,本校不教,只有找來自學。
  •   兒子參加考試的教材,兒子說還好
  •   書感覺看起來有點舊舊的。
  •   小外學子必備??!
  •   書好,和新概念性質差不多吧
  •   適合高中生 不錯
  •   束之高閣,未曾動也
  •   屯貨中.期待對孩子學習有幫助.
  •   書不錯~很好~發(fā)貨很準時~
  •   很不錯的一本書,適合導游和準備出國的人。
  •   書很好,是比較地道的英語,就是沒有配套的碟
  •   這本書我非常推薦,比普通的教材好很多, 學生比較喜歡這種形式的課程、
  •   銅版印刷,很贊。就是有點怪怪的味道
  •   竟然沒給發(fā)票~~~

  •   展望未來一本很特別的學習英語資料,但是基礎不好就不要選擇哦!
  •   感覺太薄了,不過口語老師講的還可以,語音課件還是自己從淘寶買的,竟然只有磁帶
  •   教師和學生用書竟然都沒有帶教材錄音!是在是太郁悶了!這到底是。。。。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網 手機版
