師范院校英語專業(yè)用English Book(8)

出版時(shí)間:1996-6  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:黃源深 朱鐘毅  


  本書是高等學(xué)校英語專業(yè)高年級教材Book 5,Book 6和Book 7的續(xù)編,供四年級下學(xué)期使用。它不僅適合高等師范院校,而且也適合其他高等院校。. 本書的編寫原則是繼Book 7之后,繼續(xù)貫徹《高等學(xué)校英語專業(yè)高年級英語教學(xué)大綱》(試行本)對閱讀課提出的各項(xiàng)教學(xué)要求??紤]到四年級下學(xué)期為最后一個(gè)學(xué)期,扣除畢業(yè)論文階段,整個(gè)學(xué)期的上課時(shí)間少于其他學(xué)期,本書共選10篇課文,略少于前三冊。每課平均長度為2,500詞左右,課文都有一定的難度。篇目大多選自60年代之后具有時(shí)代氣息的作品,涉及到文學(xué)、英美文化、當(dāng)代西方社會(huì)、價(jià)值觀念等多方面的內(nèi)容,包含各種文章的體裁。


  《高等學(xué)校教材·師范院校英語專業(yè)用:ENGLISH BOOK8》經(jīng)國家教委英語教材編審組審定,其使用對象不限于高師學(xué)生,對其他英語專業(yè)學(xué)生提高英語實(shí)際運(yùn)用能力也頗得實(shí)效,對于業(yè)余進(jìn)修或自學(xué)高級英語尤為理想?!陡叩葘W(xué)校教材·師范院校英語專業(yè)用:ENGLISH BOOK8》卓越之處在于繼第七冊加強(qiáng)文體分析和撰寫畢業(yè)論文訓(xùn)練之后,著力提高學(xué)生如何用正確觀點(diǎn)評析文章內(nèi)容,如何以特定的寫作技能與方法謀篇布局,寫好文章的能力,以期學(xué)得運(yùn)用高級英語的真本領(lǐng)。《高等學(xué)校教材·師范院校英語專業(yè)用:ENGLISH BOOK8》課文,體裁以散文居多,內(nèi)容覆蓋面廣。


Lesson One TEXT Kew Gardens NOTES ON READING:A General Discussion of the Style and Structure of the Text EXERCISES Lesson Two TEXT Community and Competition: Getting Together NOTES ON READING: A General Discussion of the Style and Structure of the Text EXERCISES Lesson Three TEXT On the Impact of the Computer on Society NOTES ON READING: A General Discussion of the Style and Structure of the Text EXERCISES Lesson Four TEXT Politics and the American Language NOTES ON READING:A General Discussion of the Style and Strucutre of the Text EXERCISES Lesson Five TEXT A Free Man's Worship NOTES ON READING:A General Discussion of the Style and Structure of the Text EXERCISES Lesson Six TEXT 'Prelude I'to a Literary Linguistic Stylistics NOTES ON READING:A General Discussion of the Style and Structure of the Text EXERCISES Lesson Seven TEXT Home Is Where to Learn How to Hate NOTES ON READING:A General Discussion of the Style and Structure of the Text EXERCISES Lesson Eight TEXT The Marks of an Educated Man NOTES ON READING:A General Discussion of the Style and Structure of the Text EXERCISES Lesson Nine TEXT The King of the Birds NOTES ON READING:A General Discussion of the Style and Structure of the Text EXERCISES Lesson Ten TEXT The Nature of Literature NOTES ON READING: A General Discussion of the Style and Structure of the Text EXERCISES APPENDIX Ⅰ.Vocabulary APPENDIX Ⅱ.A General List of Idioms and Expressions


版權(quán)頁:   The nonprofessional has little choice but to make his attributions of properties to computers on the basis of the propaganda emanating from the computer community and amplified by the press.The computer professional therefore has an enormously important responsibility to be modest in his claims.This advice would not even have to be voiced if computer science had a tradition of scholarship and of self-criticism such as that which characterizes the established sciences.The mature scientist stands in awe before the depth of his subject matter.His very humility is the wellspring of his strength.I regard the instilling of just this kind of humility,chiefly by the example set by teachers,to be one of the most important missions of every university department of computer science. The computer scientist must be aware constantly that his instruments are capable of having gigantic direct and indirect amplifying effects.An error in a program,for example,could have grievous direct results,including most certainly the loss of much human life.On 11 September 1971,to cite just one example,a computer programming error caused the simultaneous destruction of 117 high-altitude weather balloons whose instruments were being monitored by an earth satellite.A similar error in a military command and control system could launch a fleet of nuclear-tipped missiles.Only censorship prevents us from knowing how many such events involving nonnuclear weapons have already occurred.Clearly then,the computer scientist has a heavy responsibility to make the fallibility and limitations of the systems he is capable of designing brilliantly clear.


《高等學(xué)校教材:English Book8(師范院校英語專業(yè)用)》課文,體裁以散文居多,內(nèi)容覆蓋面廣。



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用戶評論 (總計(jì)11條)


  •   挺好的。??佳袑W(xué)生的選擇
  •   書還不錯(cuò),不過還沒看呢
  •   雖然很早就出版的,版式簡單,到這樣反而能讓我更注意文章內(nèi)容,還是不錯(cuò)的,文章不長,也不是很難理解,不過能學(xué)到很多單詞詞組,課后習(xí)題布置得很有條理,寫作題也對提升寫作水平很有幫助。
  •   這本書挺好的,挺基礎(chǔ)
  •   書不錯(cuò),是需要的,就是有些年頭了,物流還行
  •   買了一整套的書,感覺很一般,書里有錯(cuò)印的單詞,紙張還不錯(cuò),但是覺得有點(diǎn)失望
  •   暑假要努力復(fù)習(xí)了,還將就,不知是不是正版。
  •   質(zhì)量很好,喜歡,下次還會(huì)光顧!
  •   考研用書,但是本人╮(╯_╰)╭考
  •   紙質(zhì)很古典,非常喜歡
  •   蘇州大學(xué)英語研究生入學(xué)考試必讀英語讀本,紙張質(zhì)量還不錯(cuò)。



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