
出版時(shí)間:1996-5  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:維維埃  頁數(shù):94  字?jǐn)?shù):386000  


  《展望未來》是一套分成四個(gè)等級(jí)的英語教材。本教材旨在將學(xué)生的英語水平從初級(jí)階段提高到能參加“劍橋第一證書”的預(yù)考階段。《展望未來》中級(jí)教程具有以下一些特點(diǎn):可供選用的錄像帶一盒,內(nèi)容由源于英國和美國的戲劇片、動(dòng)畫片和記錄片等可視資料構(gòu)成。  采用一套明確、實(shí)用的交際教學(xué)法,配以《教師用書》所提供的教師培訓(xùn)材料。提供一份按歐洲委員會(huì)修訂并擴(kuò)充的Waystage和Th reshoId規(guī)定所制定的教學(xué)大綱,這份教學(xué)大綱強(qiáng)調(diào)使用日常生活中的真實(shí)英語?! 閰⒓覶hreshold修訂級(jí)劍橋大學(xué)考試的考生提供綜合性的應(yīng)考準(zhǔn)備。自始至終系統(tǒng)培養(yǎng)學(xué)生在語法、功能性語言、詞匯、應(yīng)用技能、語音等方面的綜合能力。  注重培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的表達(dá)能力,其中包括培養(yǎng)他們的功能性與創(chuàng)造性的寫作能力。不間斷地提供機(jī)會(huì),對(duì)多種文化進(jìn)行比較?! 《ㄆ诘?ldquo;進(jìn)度檢查”部分著重檢查學(xué)生對(duì)語法、語言功能和詞匯的掌握情況。“對(duì)講”部分提供使人感興趣的活動(dòng),以便學(xué)生開展更為自由的討論,同時(shí)也促使學(xué)生進(jìn)行真實(shí)的交際,提高他們?cè)诳谡Z表達(dá)時(shí)的流利程度?! ∶繂卧械?ldquo;語言規(guī)則參考”部分,內(nèi)容簡明扼要?! √峁┯⒚牢膶W(xué)作品的摘要。  《練習(xí)冊(cè)》中的“自學(xué)”部分有助于學(xué)生提高學(xué)習(xí)技能?!  毒毩?xí)冊(cè)》中的短篇故事有助于促使學(xué)生進(jìn)行泛讀?! ?ldquo;練習(xí)冊(cè)錄音帶”含主要用詞?!  墩雇磥怼分屑?jí)教程的全套教材含:學(xué)生用書、練習(xí)冊(cè)、教師用書、課堂用錄音帶、練習(xí)冊(cè)錄音帶。


IntroductionThe courseWhy is the Look Ahead course special?What levels does the Longman classroom course cover?Whay are the components of the Longman classroom course?Underlying principles of the Longmanclassroom courseKey featrresWhat are the key features of Students'Book2?What are the key features of WorkBook2?What are the key features of Teacher's Book2? What is recorded on the Class Cassettes?What is recorded on the WorkBook2 Cassettes?What are the featrres of the Classroom Video?Methodology and classroom practicePresenting new languageThe Discovering Language boxes Handling guided practice activitiesDe aling with new vocabularyMaaging freer communicative activitiesHandling reading acivitiesHandling writing activitiesError correctionExploiting illustrationsThe importance of sounds ,stress and intonationUsing the video materialUsing the mother tongueUse of the mother tongueSupplementing the coures
Lesson NotesLanguage Awareness WorksheetsWorkbook Answer Key and Tape script


  13 Using the Summary sectionThe Summary section at the end of each unit can beused in several ways. Here are some possibilities:  It can be used as a quick check at the end of everyunit. Students read through it and ask you if theyhave any questions on the language covered.  It can be used for extra practice. Ask students tothink of other examples of the functionallanguage, preferably related to their own lives,and to provide contexts.  It can be used for revision at the end of the course.Students can read through the Summaries toidentify any problems they have; these can thenbe researched in more detail in the GrammarReference section.  14 Use of the mother tongue  In multilingual classes all teaching and learningmust obviously be done through the medium ofEnglish. When students share the same firstlanguage, however, teachers can have difficultdecisions to make. On the one hand, you maybelieve that if students study English for only a fewhours a week, they should make the most of theopportunity to work entirely in English. This willhelp students to learn to think in English and todevelop strategies for overcoming languageproblems, as they would have to do in an English-speaking environment. On the other hand, you mayfeel that it is unrealistic and artificial to ignorestudents competence in their first language and todeny them the opportunity to ask questions anddiscuss problems which they cannot hope toexpress in English. You may also feel that it is notpossible to ensure that every student in a large classspeaks English all the time.  One solution is to set guidelines (or rules?。?fortimes when the first language may or may not bespoken and to make these very clear. They can beenforced by a fine-box, for example, the proceeds ofwhich fund an end-of-course party or a localcharity. Any of the following might be times whenuse of the first language is allowed:  A quick translation of a word or phrase to showunderstanding.  The last five minutes of each class, when studentscan ask questions or raise problems.  Pair or group work when there will be a productin English that can be displayed. If, for example,students are working together to produce awritten text, they will have something in Englishto show for their work even if discussion of whatto write has been in the first language.  The formulation of grammar rules, especially ifstudents do not have all the necessarymetalanguage (clause, tense, etc.).  Discussion of cultural similarities and differences,which students might want to explore moredeeply than their English allows.  In the last three cases, the teacher can still insistthat all feedback to the teacher and to the class as awhole should be in English.




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