
出版時(shí)間:2000-12  出版社:第1版 (2000年12月1日)  作者:成曉光 主編  頁(yè)數(shù):372  字?jǐn)?shù):320000  


全國(guó)高等教育自學(xué)考試指定教材輔導(dǎo)用書(shū) 英語(yǔ)專業(yè)。本冊(cè)內(nèi)容包括:重點(diǎn)詞匯、常用短語(yǔ)、課文注釋、參考譯文、練習(xí)答案五部分。書(shū)后附有二套仿真模擬試題。


Lesson One The Company in Which I Work  I.重點(diǎn)詞匯 II.常用短語(yǔ) III.課文注釋 IV.課文譯文 V.練習(xí)答案Lesson Two Eveline  I.重點(diǎn)詞匯 II.常用短語(yǔ) III.課文注釋 IV.課文譯文 V.練習(xí)答案Lesson Three What's Wrong with Our Press?  I.重點(diǎn)詞匯 II.常用短語(yǔ) III.課文注釋 IV.課文譯文 V.練習(xí)答案Lesson Four The Tragedy of Old Age in America  I.重點(diǎn)詞匯 II.常用短語(yǔ) III.課文注釋 IV.課文譯文 V.練習(xí)答案Losson Five Trifles(Part One)  I.重點(diǎn)詞匯 II.常用短語(yǔ) III.課文注釋 IV.課文譯文 V.練習(xí)答案Lesson Six Trifles(Part Two)  I.重點(diǎn)詞匯 II.常用短語(yǔ) III.課文注釋 IV.課文譯文 V.練習(xí)答案Lesson Seven Ace in the Hole  I.重點(diǎn)詞匯 II.常用短語(yǔ) III.課文注釋 IV.課文譯文 V.練習(xí)答案Lesson Eight Science Has Spliled My Supper  I.重點(diǎn)詞匯 II.常用短語(yǔ) III.課文注釋 IV.課文譯文 V.練習(xí)答案Lesson Nine I'll Never Escape the Ghetto  I.重點(diǎn)詞匯 II.常用短語(yǔ) III.課文注釋 IV.課文譯文 V.練習(xí)答案Lesson Ten How Market Leaders Keep Their Edge  I.重點(diǎn)詞匯 II.常用短語(yǔ) III.課文注釋 IV.課文譯文 V.練習(xí)答案Lesson Eleven On Human Nature and PoliticsLesson Twelve The Everlasting WitnessLesson Thirteen Selected SnobberiesLesson Fourteen Saturday Night and Sunday MorningLesson Fifteen Is America Falling Apart?Lesson Sixteen Through the TunnelModel Test One Key to Model Test OneModel Test TwoKey to Model Test Two



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