


1. Law of Regulatory Effect in Acupuncture and
Ponderation of Its Mechanism
Chen Hanping
2. The Effectm of Acupuncture and Moxibustion on
Blood Sugar and Glycoregulatory Hormones in Si-
mple Obese Patients
Liu Zhicheng,et al.
3. Acupuncture Reducing Body Weight--Analyses
of Clinical Effect 300 Cases
Li Zhenglin,et al.
4. Clinical Stnudy on Treatment of Wind Stroke Di
sease with Acupuncture
Shi Xuemin,et al.
5. A Clinical Study on Treating Intractable Tubercu
losis by Moxibustion and Medication
Zhao Cuiying,et al.
6. A Clinical Study of Treating Hashimoto's Thyroidi-
tis by Moxibustion
Hu Guosheng,et al.
7. Immunological Observation on Treatment of
Hyperthyroidism by Combination of Acupuncture
and Drugs
Hu Jun,et al.
8. The Effect of Moxibustion of Point Guanyuan(CV
4) on Blood Pressure and Digital Temperature in
Patients with Shock
Yang Richu,et al.
9 Suppurative Moxibustion on Immunological Func-
tion of Asthmatic Patients
Yan Hua,et al.
10. Clinical Research on Treatment of Posthepatitic
Cirrhosis by Application of Herbal Paste on
Huang Qinfeng,et al.
11. Clinical Study on Heavenly Stems Method of Zi
Wu Liu Zhu
Zhang Ren,et al.
12. Study on Relation Between Gustatory Sense and
Plasma Enkephalin During Withdrawal of Smo-
king Addiction by Auricular Acupuncture
Fang Youan,et al.
13. Acupuncture for Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction
in 212 Males
Zhang Qin,et al.
14. Clinical Study on Acupuncture for Infantile Para-
Liu Binhuai, et al.
15. Influence of Acupuncture on Rheoencephalogram
in Treating Infantile Cerebral Palsy
Shi Bingpei,et al.
16. Observation on Effect of Ear-Acupressure for 187
Cases of Feeble-Minded Children
Li Jiaqi
17. Hiccup Reaction as an Index to Determine Special
Meridian Trace Appearing on Body Surface Du-
ring Acupuncture Cheng Lianhu, et al.
18. Acupuncture Treatment for 30 Cases of Paralysis
Qin Liangfu
19. Clinical Observation on Acupuncture for Preven-
tion and Treatment of 7012 Inflammatory Cases
Zhang Zuomin
20. Point Injection of Injectio Aqua for 640 Cases of
Infective Diseases
Zhang Shengli
21. Cure of 54 Cases of Digital Osteomyelitis by Moxa
Fumigation-Clinical Observation and Experi-
mental Research
Ye Chunmei,et al.
22. Point Injection for 43 Cases of Chronic Ulcerative
Zhu Yueping
23. Effect Analysis of Gastroptosis Treated by Long
Needle-A Report of 315 Cases
Ge Shuhar,et al.
24. 50 Cases of Chronic Diarrhea Treated by Point-
Irradiation of He-Ne Laser
Wu Tongfa, et al.
25. Observation of the Curative Effect of He-Ne Light
Needle on Allergic Rhinitis
Tang Rui,et al.
26. 115 Cases of Functional Aphonia Treated by
Sun Qizheng
27 Acupuncture for Lumbago (9 reports)
Puncturing Point Changqiang (CVl) for Acute
Lumbago--155 Cases
Yang Taishun
Acupuncture for Acute Lumbar Sprain-50 Cases
He Zhouzhi, et al.
Needling and Nailpressing for Acute Lumbar
Zhao Baowen
Acupuncture for Acute Lumbar Sprain--100 Cases
Xue Hao
Moxibustion of Shenque (CV8) for Acute Lumbago
Tian Yuansheng
Needling Houxi (813) for Acute Lumbar Sprain
Chen Xingyuan, et al.
Puncturing Guangmin (GB37) for Acute Lumbar
Yuan Yongzhen-
Combined Treatment for Acute Lumbar Sprain
Zhu Guangyun
Fire Needling for Sports Lumbar Sprain
Zheng Xueliang
28 Acupuncture for Hiccup (6 reports)
Pressing Jiuwei (CVl5) with Finger for Hiccup
-35 Cases
Li Jingyi
Acupuncture Combined with Vinegar for Hiccup
-30 Cases
Ji Xianfa
Nasal Acupuncture for Intractable Hiccup-1
Wang Changtai
Puncturing Jinjiaji (ExHN) for Hiccup
He Mingbo
Acupuncture and Moxibustion for Hiccup--30
Shao Zhongxing
Acupuncture for Cancer-Induced Hiccup
Han Zulian
29 Acupuncture for Tennis Elbow (4 reports)
Acupuncutre for Syndrome of Canalis Carpi--
57 Cases
Wang Aijun
Electroacupuncture and Musk String fol Tennis
Elbow--30 Cases
Shao Yaping
Direct Moxibustion for Extrahumeral Epicon-
Zhao Fengge
Puncturing and Cupping for Tennis Elbow-
203 cases
Tan yuejuan



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