
出版時間:2003-11  出版社:外貿(mào)教育  作者:史天陸  頁數(shù):475  


  西方報刊經(jīng)貿(mào)文章選讀(英語),這一課程隨著我國改革開放的逐步深入在高等教育相關(guān)專業(yè)的教學(xué)中顯得日益重要,廣受歡迎。這是因為這門課程符合了對外經(jīng)貿(mào)工作不斷發(fā)展的需要,能夠直接地、多方面的服務(wù)于國際商務(wù)活動。通過學(xué)習(xí)這一課程,學(xué)生可以初步掌握閱讀和理解西方報刊經(jīng)貿(mào)文章的方法與技巧,為從事國際商情調(diào)研做好準(zhǔn)備;可以熟悉大量當(dāng)今經(jīng)貿(mào)領(lǐng)域慣用的詞語和句式,不但可用于閱讀課,還有助于業(yè)務(wù)寫作和口語的提高;同時,選文的內(nèi)容還可幫助學(xué)生了解當(dāng)前世界經(jīng)貿(mào)形勢和主要特點?! ”緯x文章主要出自西方報刊,西方世界的經(jīng)濟、政治、社會觀點必然在文章中得到大量反映。因此,在使用當(dāng)中應(yīng)注意以馬克思主義的觀點有分析有批判地研究認(rèn)識,使之“洋為中用”。  為了使用方便,本套書分為兩冊;前冊為課本,包括各課課文、詞表、注解、課文提問并附有本書出現(xiàn)的專業(yè)詞語索引;后冊為練習(xí)冊,提供逐課練習(xí),系列泛讀材料和課文提問與練習(xí)的答案。


Part IExercise & Supplementary ReadingLesson l Article for Exercise:China Leaps towards Top Ten TradersSupplementary Reading:1) Chinas Import Growth Rate ExceedsExport Growth in 19982) Greater China on the MarchLesson 2 Article for Exercise:1) China Tries Guiding ForeignInvestment2) Era of the MultinationalsSupplementary Reading:l ) Chinas Foreign lnvestors StakeClaim to the Interior2) FDI Flood Meets Barriers3) Investors Must Be Prepared forthe Long Haul4) Globalizations Depredations Are Realand BrutalLesson 3 Article for Exercise:The OutlookSupplementary Reading:1) Market Plays Important Role2) More Foreign Firms Do Well in China--butIts Tough3) Bullish Firms Clamor forChina MarketLesson 4 Article for Exercise:For World Economy, the Worst of Recessionhas PassedLesson 5 Article for Exercise:U. S. as Self--appointed GlobalHall MonitorSupplementary Reading:l ) Clinton Reaffirms Asia--Pacific Role2) Why Im Going to Beijing3) Uneasy Together4) Clinton Outlines 97 Trade Policy5) A Series on International Response to the USHelms--Burton Acta. EU Unites to Retaliate againstHelms -- Burtonb. U. S. Seeks to Calm Angry EUc. Ibero -- American Summit Slams U. S.Law on Cubad. Clinton Delays Enforcing Anti--CubaBusiness LawLesson 6 Article for Exercise:East Europeans Fear ProtectionismSupplementary Reading:l) After 40 Years, EU Arrives atCrossroads2) EUs lnternal Market ProducingJobs3) Europe Rising4) Obstacles Slow Europes Driveto Unity5) Common Currency May Yet DivideEurope6) Why Non--Europeans Should Careabout EMU7) The Other Foot, despite Warmer Ties,the EU Targets Asian ExportsLesson 7 Article for Exercise:Surplus ls a Time Bomb, ECWarns JapanLesson 8 Article for Exercise:l) Taming the Chaebols2) Asia, You Cost Too MuchSupplementary Rcading:l) The Next Step2) What Asia -- and theWorld -- Must Do3) Less Cash Flow Currency ControlsGain a Hearing as Crisis in AsiaTakes Its Toll4) Water, Water Everywhere But Lessto Drink in Asia5) Asia Chokes on Growing PollutionLcsson 9 Article for Exercise:l) Smooth Ride on the Road to Success2) Economy: the Numbers Add Upto ProsperitySupplementary Reading:Why Africa Can Thrive like AsiaLesson l0 Article for Exercise:Greater Wealth of NationsSupplementary Reading:l) Fifty Years On2) Success Brings New Challenges3) All Free Traders Now?Lesson 11 Article for Exercise:Lets Make a TradeLesson 12 Article for Exercise:Syrup--makers Bold StrategySupplementary Reading:l) Pepsi and Coke Go to War Again2) How the U. S. Helped Big Tobacco CrackAsias MarketLesson 13 Article for Exercise:A HeaIthy Appetite for World MarketLesson 14 Article for Exercise:Review of Markets --Corn FuturesSupplementary Reading:Commodities Market, despite Gains, WillBe Remembered for Its LossesLesson 15 Article for Exercise:1) Grains, Soybeans .Suffer Setbacks2) Oil Companies Act to Save RefiningMarginsLesson 16 Supplementary Reading:l) When Cool Goes Cold2) The Power Brands3) China Targets World Markets4) Setting a Course for the NewGlobal Landscapefor 17 Supplementary Reading:1) Car Producers Race for GlobalPresence ?2) Glut of Metal3) Electric Vehicles: TheyrePractical Now4) Automobile Industry Moves Ahead -- overa Bumpy RoadLesson 18 Supplementary Reading:1) From Silk to Synthetics, a Questionof Quotas2) Trade Quotas Builds NewChinese WallLesson 19 Supplementary Reading:l) What Bill Gates Really Wants2) Making a Difference ls the Dream,Not Getting Rich3) Mr. Intel Goes to China4) A Legend in the Making5) Foreign Telecom Companies Rush toHelp Spend $40 BillionLesson 20 Supplementary Reading:l ) For Oil lndustry, That Next ElephantProves Elusive2) China in Petroleum Politics3) The New Economics of OilPart IIBrief Answers or Clues toQuestions on Content and LanguagePoints & Key to ExercisesLesson 1Lesson 2Lesson 3Appendix to lesson l-- 3Lesson 4Lesson 5Lesson 6Lesson 7Appendix to lesson 7Lesson 8Lesson 9Lesson l0Lesson llLesson l2Lesson l3Lesson l4Lesson 15Lesson l6Lesson 17Lesson l8Lesson 19Lesson 20



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