良師教案 英語七年級下

出版時間:2012-1  出版社:寧波出版社  作者:趙金玉 著  頁數(shù):219  


  《良師教案:英語(7年級下)(人教版)(2012年最新版)》是一本適合當下教學模式的中、小學教師參考用書?!  读紟熃贪福河⒄Z(7年級下)(人教版)(2012年最新版)》是一本符合當前課時化的教學理念,教學程序設計層次清晰,預習環(huán)節(jié)、版本設計獨特的教案。  《良師教案:英語(7年級下)(人教版)(2012年最新版)》是一本結(jié)合課堂實情,設有課外練習,簡潔實用的教案?! ”緯且槐緝?nèi)容詳實,設置“鏈接資料庫”和“教學反思”特色板塊,使教師一本在手,備課不再困難的教案。


Unit 1 Where's your pen pal from'?.
The First Period
The Second Period
The Third Period
The Fourth Period
The Fifth Period
Unit 2 Where's the post office?
The First Period
The Second Period
The Third Period
The Fourth Period
The Fifth Period
Unit 3 Why do you like koalas
The First Period
The Second Period
The Third Period
The Fourth Period
The Fifth Period
Unit 4 I want to be an actor
The First Period
The Second Period
The Third Period
The Fourth Period
The Fifth Period
Unit 5 I'm watching TV
The First Period
The Second Period
The Third Period
The Fourth Period
The Fifth Period
Unit 6 It's raining!
The First Period
The Second Period
The Third Period
The Fourth Period
The Fifth Period
Review of units 1--6
Unit 7 What does he look like
The First Period
The Second Period
The Third Period
The Fourth Period
The Fifth Period
Unit 8 I'd like some noodles
The First Period
The Second Period
The Third Period
The Fourth Period
The Fifth Period
Unit 9 How was your weekend
The First Period
The Second Period
The Third Period
The Fourth Period
The Fifth Period
Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?
The First Period
The Second Period
The Third Period
The Fourth Period
The Fifth Period
Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?
The First Period
The Second Period
The Third Period
The Fourth Period
The Fifth Period
Unit 12 Don't eat in class
The First Period
The Second Period
The Third Period
The Fourth Period
The Fifth Period
Review of units 7--12





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用戶評論 (總計7條)


  •   內(nèi)容不錯,非常切合教學實際,學生和老師的好幫手。
  •   包裝不錯,質(zhì)量不錯
  •   是英文的教案,還有練習題,非常不錯
  •   以前用的是頂尖教案,網(wǎng)上一直買不到貨,試試這本,感覺也很不錯,教案雖然不能全盤用,但借鑒一下還是可以,每一課時后面都有練習題,這個好,語法也講得很透徹。
  •   很好的教案書,值得推薦。
  •   這書是買給妹妹的,她說跟不上教材~
  •   與現(xiàn)在的教材版本不符,退貨了。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
