出版時間:2009-5 出版社:吉林出版集團有限責任公司 作者:戚國華 著 頁數(shù):178
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Tourism1.1 Tourism Definitions1.1.1 Towards an Agreed Definition1.1.2 Categories of Tourists1.1.3 Categories of Tourism1.1.4 Other Working Definitions in Travel and Tourism1.2 The Tourism Industry and Its Products1.2.1 Classification of the Tourism Industry1.2.2 Characteristics of the Tour1.2.3 Characteristics of the Tourism Products1.3 The History of Tourism1.3.1 Ttravel in the Middle Ages1.3.2 Travel from the Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries1.3.3 Travel in the Twentieth Century1.4 The Challenges of the Twenty-First CenturyChapter 2 The Structure and Role of Public Sector Tourism2.1 The Nature of Public Sector Involvement in Tourism2.1.1 Reasons for Public Sector Involvement2.1.2 Public Sector Roles and Functions2.2 The Goals of Tourism Policy2.2.1 Tourism Goals2.2.2 Constraints2.3 Tourism Legislation and RegulationsChapter 3 The Distribution Channels and Organizations of the Tourism Industry3.1 The Tourism Channel of Distribution3.1.1 The Producer3.1.2 The Intermediaries3.1.3 The Support Services3.2 Tourism Organizations3.2.1 Sectoral Organizations3.2.2 Destination Organizations3.2.3 Tourism Organizations3.3 Integration in the Tourism Industry3.3.1 Horizontal Integration3.3.2 Vertical Integration3.3.3 The Result of IntegrationChapter 4 The Economics of Tourism4.1 Economics of Tourism4.2 Overview of the Global Tourism Industry4.2.1 Development Status and the International Tourist Market4.2.2 Overview of Development in Major Countries and Regions4.3 Overview of the China Tourism Economy4.3.1 Present Situation4.3.2 Overview of Development in Major Countries and Region4.4 Economic Impact of Tourism4.4.1 Negative Economic Impact from Tourism4.4.2 How Tourism Contributes to Economic DevelopmentChapter 5 Tourist Motivation and Behavior5.1 Importance of Motivation5.2 Factors Influencing Motivation5.2.1 Internal Driving Forces5.2.2 External Influencing Factors5.3 Motivators and Facilitators5.4 The Consumer Buying ProcessChapter 6 Transport for Tourism6.1 The Role of Transport6.2 Defining Transport6.3 Transport System6.4 Transport Modes6.5 Aviation Transportation6.5.1 The Organization of Air Transport6.5.2 Airline Services6.5.3 Freedom of the Air6.6 Maritime Transportation6.7 Rail Transportation6.8 Road TransportationChapter 7 The Hospitality Sector: Accommodation and Catering Services7.1 The Characteristic of the Accommodation7.1.1 Definition7.1.2 Characteristics7.2 Ownership in the Accommodation Sector7.2.1 Individual Ownership7.2.2 Franchises7.2.3 Management Contract7.3 Management Practices in the Accommodation Sector7.3.1 Rooms Department7.3.2 Security7.3.3 Engineering7.3.4 Food and Beverage Department7.3.5 Marketing and Sales Department7.3.6 Accounting Department7.3.7 General Manager7.4 Classifying and Grading Accommodations7.4.1 Classified by a Star System7.4.2 Quality of Facilities and Services7.4.3 Classification of Hotels7.5 The Nature of the Demand for Accommodations7.5.1 Some Characteristics of the Hotel Product7.6 Location of Lodging Facilities7.7 Careers in the Accommodation SectorChapter 8 Visitor Attractions8.1 Definition8.2 Characteristics8.2.1 Rigidity of Attractions8.2.2 Instability of Demand8.2.3 Elasticity of Demand8.2.4 Seasonality of Demand8.2.5 Competition8.2.6 Distribution8.2.7 Other Special Characteristics8.3 Classification of Visitor Attractions8.3.1 Ownership8.3.2 Primary and Secondary Attractions8.3.3 Catchment area8.3.4 Visitor Numbers8.3.5 Location8.3.6 Size8.4 The Impact of Attractions8.4.1 Economic Impact8.4.2 Environmental Impact8.4.3 Socio-cultural ImpactChapter 9 Tour Operation9.1 The Role of Tour Operator9.2 Specialized Roles of Tour Operator9.3 Tour operator and Airline9.4 Tour Operators and Hotels9.5 Nature of Tour Operation9.6 Factors Affecting New Destinations9.7 Categories of Transport9.8 Types of Contract with Transport9.9 Categories of Accommodation9.10 Contract Type with Accommodation9.11 Main Marketing Tools9.12 Methods of ReservationChapter 10 Travel Retailing10.1 The Role of Travel Agents10.2 Setting up and Running a Travel Agency10.3 Travel Agency Skills and Competences10.3.1 Customer Contact Skills10.3.2 The Sales Sequence10.4 The Future of Travel RetailingChapter 11 Ancillary Tourism Services11.1 Services to the Tourist11.1.1 Guide/Courier Services11.1.2 The Role of the Animateur11.2 Financial Services11.2.1 Insurance11.2.2 Foreign Exchange Transactions11.2.3 Incentive Travel Vouchers11.2.4 Duty-Free Shopping11.3 Services to the Supplier11.3.1 Education and Training11.3.2 The Trade Press11.3.3 Marketing Services11.3.4 General Marketing Consultants11.3.5 Representative Agencies11.3.6 Advertising and Promotional Agencies11.3.7 Microprocessor OrganizationsChapter 12 The Social and Environmental Impact of Tourism12.1 The Environmental Effects of Tourism12.1.1 Depletion of Natural Resources12.1.2 Pollution12.1.3 Problems of Erosion12.1.4 The Tourism Danger to Flora and Fauna12.3 Managing Sustainable Tourism12.4 The Socio-Cultural Effects of Tourism12.5 Managing the Social Impact of Tourism