出版時間:2006-3 出版社:長江出版社 作者:盧進 頁數(shù):131
本書內容是一個關于現(xiàn)代治水理念的共同思考的平臺。書中人物對話部分均選自2005年2月至2006年4月《中國水利取現(xiàn)代水利周刊》人物對話版面內容,并鏈接一篇對話人物在治水的某一領域的觀點性文章。包括:C模式:自律式發(fā)展、追尋歷史的智慧、心中永遠割舍不下水、一位人大代表的本真情懷、愿做樂水智者等。 本書總結了西部不同缺水類型地區(qū)地下水勘查經(jīng)驗并以實例的形式剖析了具有典型示范意義地區(qū)的地下水勘查程序與方法;全面介紹了國內外地下水勘查新技術、新方法等內容。包括發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀與趨勢、新技術新方法及其應用、經(jīng)驗總結三部分。
Ⅰ Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze River Grand Three Gorges Project Great Events in Three Gorges Project Construction Dam Site Formulation of Construction Scheme for the Three Gorges Project Flood Discharge Dam section for the Three Gorges Project Navigation Buildings for the Three Gorges Project Power Station for the Three Gorges Project World Records Created by the Construction of the Three Gorges Project Comparison of the World's Eight Larest Hydropower Stations Key Parameters of the Three Gorges ProjectⅡ Substatial Scoial and Social Economic Benefits form the Three Gorges Project Flood Control Power Generation NavigationⅢ Solutions to Major Issues for the Three Gorges Project One Million Residents for the Resettlement ……Ⅳ Gezhouba Water Control ProjectⅤ Preservation of Cultural Rielics around Three GorgesⅥ Tourism of New Three Gorges