
出版時(shí)間:2010-6  出版社:大連出版社  作者:吳勁秋,隋桂嵐 主編  頁(yè)數(shù):229  




 Model Test 1
 Model Test 2
 Model Test 3
 Model Test 4
 Model Test 5
 Model Test 6
 Model Test 7
 Model Test 8
 Model Test 1
 Model Test 2 
 Model Test 3 
 Model Test 4 
 Model Test 5 
 Model Test 6 
 Model Test 7 
 Model Test 8 


  Begin doing even more.  Once you start to get a reputation for contributing successfully in innovative ways, the word will spread, and new opportunities will surface. In our company, we ultimately started sponsoring major events for hundreds of customers——both meetings and NASCAR events. New creative approaches were always desirable and could certainly have included floral design as an element. Since no one wanted to work with Betty, however, she was never asked to participate. Being able to realize those first small successes, however, can lead to new opportunities to do even more creatively.  If it's not working, don't stick around and be miserable.  Betty chose to stay 30 years making herself and those around her miserable. If you try this approach, and for whatever reasons it doesn't work in your particular company, look for another job. In a similar situation, our neighbor was a nurse who also wanted to work at a garden center. One day, she quit her nursing job and made the switch. The garden center only paid about 1/3 of what nursing did, so after a few years of blissful work at a garden center, she went back into another area of nursing. Not only does she have the memories to support her, she still works parttime at the garden place, keeps in touch with friends she made, and always knows she can make the switch again in the future. She's happy, not miserable, realizing she has options.  I used these tips in the same not particularly creative company as Betty to introduce my love for art and music. While it wasn't always exactly how I wanted things to be, it was so much better than never being able to exercise my creative passions. Whether you try just one tip or use them in sequence as a personal success plan, make sure you get started today!   ……


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  •   哎,這是最新嗎?2011年寫(xiě)的啊!2013年英語(yǔ)四級(jí)改革了??!表示很無(wú)奈!不過(guò)后面的核心單詞還不錯(cuò)。
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