
出版時間:1999-12  出版社:上海遠東出版社  作者:彭敬慈,張麗雯 編  頁數(shù):78  字數(shù):125000  


Chapter 16 Co-ordination in mammals  Practical 16.1 Examination of neurones from a slide or a model  Practical 16.2 Examination ofa mammalian brain or a brain model Chapter 17 Homeostasis  in mammals  Practical 17.1 Examination of a prepared dissection of the urinary system of a mammal  Practical 17.2 Examination of a longitudinal section of a mammalian kidney or a model of a kidney  Practical 17.3 Microscopic examination of a slide of mammalian skin and examination of a model of skinChapter 18 Growth response of plants  Practical 18.1 To investigate phototropism of shoots  Practical 18.2 To investigate geotropism of rootsChapter 20 Reproduction  Practical 20.1 Observation of binary fission of amoeba using slides or photomicrographs  Practical 20.2 Observation of the budding of yeast  Practical 20.3 Examination of mycelium with sporangia and spores in Mucor and Rhizopus  Practical 20.4 Examination of a potato tuber and its cultivation to form new plants  Practical 20.5 Proatation by stem cuttings of coleus  Practical 20.6 Examination of a bauhinia sp.or a Cassia sp.  Practical 20.7 Observation of the growth of pollen tubes in a sugary medium  ……Chapter 21 Growth and developmentChapter 22 GeneticsChapter 23 Inter-relationship of organisms with each other and with their environmentChapter 25 Human's effect on the environment



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