
出版時間:2005-11  出版社:文津出版社  作者:[荷] F. R. 安克施密特(F. R. Ankersmit)  頁數(shù):331  字數(shù):181000  譯者:韓震  






鳴謝導論 先驗論和隱哈的興衰第一章 敘述主義歷史哲學的六個主題第二章 當代盎格魯-撒克遜歷史哲學的悖論第三章 歷史編纂中的語言運用第四章 歷史表現(xiàn)第五章 歷史編纂中的實在性效果:歷史編纂形態(tài)的動力學第六章 歷史編纂學和后現(xiàn)代主義第七章 歷史主義和后現(xiàn)代主義:歷史經(jīng)驗現(xiàn)象學譯名對照譯后記


書摘我們已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn),與描述和解釋詞匯相比,表現(xiàn)的詞匯更適合于理解歷史編纂學。歷史學家所做的事情在本質(zhì)上多于對過去的描述和解釋。在許多方面,歷史編纂學和藝術(shù)類似,而歷史哲學因此應(yīng)該認真考慮美學的教訓。因歷史哲學的這種方向調(diào)整而產(chǎn)生的各種學科之間的關(guān)系出現(xiàn)了出人預(yù)料的重組。由于都表現(xiàn)世界,藝術(shù)和歷史編纂學都比批評和藝術(shù)史更接近于科學;這個說明在于,意義的解釋是批評和藝術(shù)史的特殊領(lǐng)地。多少令人震驚,變得清楚的是,在其表現(xiàn)世界的企圖方面,歷史編纂學比藝術(shù)更沒有把握。與藝術(shù)本身相比,歷史編纂學更加人為,甚至更是文化代碼的表達。    或許由于其令人驚奇地缺乏可靠的基礎(chǔ),歷史編纂學是研究某些哲學問題的適當范式。我們已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn),歷史編纂學是意義的誕生地(稍后階段要進行解釋學闡釋的探究)。其次,歷史表現(xiàn)是認識論——編碼的表現(xiàn)——能夠賴以得到富有成果的研究的普遍背景。同樣真確的是實在論與唯心論的爭論。經(jīng)證明,表現(xiàn)總是要求兩套非指稱性邏輯模仿物的在場打亂這些邏輯模仿物之間的對稱引起了實在論和唯心論的立場。認識論強烈地傾向于打亂這種對稱,因此,全部的爭論只是有限的意旨。    最后,藝術(shù)的最近發(fā)展和歷史編纂學的最近發(fā)展之間的平行證明,歷史編纂學在多么大的程度上的確是當代文化世界的組成部分,而且它應(yīng)該在其與當代繪畫、雕刻和文學的關(guān)系中得到研究?,F(xiàn)代歷史哲學的缺陷在很大程度上可以通過其忽視歷史編纂的文化意旨而得到說明。                                        P1532005-6-11




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用戶評論 (總計5條)


  •   安克施密特的所有書都值得細讀,翻譯得挺好
  •     根據(jù)懷特的思路,我們可以說他的《元史學》是在用修辭學為史學理論的存在辯護,安克施密特的《歷史與轉(zhuǎn)義:隱喻的興衰》是在用形而上學為史學理論的存在辯護,當最后史學因為越來越接近于文學而失去了做為獨立學科的資格,那么史學理論不就等同于文學理論了嗎?值得慶幸的是,它們都可以做為詮釋學而存在。
  •     本文作者為宋家復(fù)先生,文章出自翻譯工作坊
      Frank R. Ankersmit是筆者久仰的當代歷史理論健將,他的英文著作從最早博士論文改寫的的Narrative Logic (1983),到晚近的Sublime Historical Experience (2005),凡是圖書館、書店裏能找到、買到的,決不敢錯過。只恨自己不能讀荷蘭文及其它歐陸語言,不得不空望著他的非英文著作興歎!最近在「世紀中國」網(wǎng)站上偶然見到他的一篇著名論文 ”Historiography and Postmodernism”,由陳新譯為中文,黃紅霞校,更是有久別重逢的感覺。這篇文章最先發(fā)表在History and Theory 期刊1989年28卷2期上,那時筆者正攻讀碩士學位,之前雖然流覽過Narrative Logic,但感受還不深,是要到了在圖書館當期期刊架上邂逅這篇文章之後,才真正算是與Ankersmit教授作品結(jié)下不解之緣。後來又在許多不同的地方遇見過這篇文章,包括Anksersmit教授本人1994年出版的論文集History and Tropology: the Rise and Fall of Metaphor,以及幾本當代西方歷史理論的論文讀本之中,比如像Keith Jenkins編的The Postmodern History Reader (1997),或者是Richard T. Vann等人編的History and Theory: Contemporary Readings (1998),可見這篇文章引起的廣泛注意。我與譯者、校者素昧平生,只知道陳新教授近年來或譯述或著作,於評介當代西方歷史理論不遺餘力,筆耕不輟。緬懷自己當年在中文世界學習西方理論的艱辛,筆者順手把書架上Ankersmit教授的原文拿下,原來只是摩挲把玩,順便與中文譯本對讀一番,沒想到短短十一頁的譯文(依《東南學術(shù)》2005年第3期刊本計算),就讀出了九十多條筆記。以下中英文並引,加底線處,有的只是商榷,有的則是勘誤。讀書、譯事之難,學者點滴心頭,筆者不敢自命確解定見,這份讀書筆記只能算是對那段青春歲月的小小紀念。
      1. 標題「歷史編纂與後現(xiàn)代主義」( Historiography and Postmodernism)
      => 筆者曾經(jīng)在一篇小文註腳中指出,historiography一字在至少可以有四種不同的意思與譯法:?在日常學院美語中,泛指對特定領(lǐng)域或課題既有研究成果與基本史料回顧的概括用法,可稱為「研究文獻」;?對古往今來史學名家、名著的探討,大致相當於現(xiàn)代漢語中「史學史」的範疇;?當它指的是各大文明傳統(tǒng)中由來已久、對編纂史書體例與技術(shù)程式的論述時,「歷史編纂(學)」比較接近原意;?當這字在比較具有理論意涵,或者說,在所謂「語言學轉(zhuǎn)向(the linguistic turn)」觀照下的語境中的時候,我把它譯成「歷史書寫(學)」。(〈歷史與理論 -- 介紹近年出版的幾本英文論著選輯讀本〉,臺北《新史學》11:1 (2000), p.151;又見於河南大象出版社《新史學》第四輯2005「新文化史專號」)。這四者當然並不完全互斥,在實際使用上也常有語意重迭的狀況,但即使如此,縱觀全文,Ankersmit這裏的重點應(yīng)該不是?,而是貫穿???之後歸本於?,也就是直指作為一種語言書寫現(xiàn)象的歷史學整體而言。因此,筆者以為,全文標題不妨就譯作「歷史學」,或者有時為了讓意旨更明顯,「歷史書寫(學)」也可以考慮。譯作「歷史編纂」,似嫌不妥。至於內(nèi)文各處,則隨上下文脈絡(luò)決定。
      2. 「在此文中,我的出發(fā)點是現(xiàn)今我們學科中的產(chǎn)品過剩。」
      => 原文overproduction沒有剩不剩的意思,為與surplus有所區(qū)別(Ankersmit下文中的確有用這個字),還是直譯作「過度生產(chǎn)」為佳。以下皆然。
      3. 「在任何專業(yè)中,每年都製造出數(shù)不勝數(shù)的著作與論文,使得要對它們進行全面瞭解幾乎是不可能的。」
      “…within any specialty, an overwhelming number of books and articles is produced annually, making a comprehensive view of them all impossible.”
      => 「數(shù)不勝數(shù)」應(yīng)留給numberless or countless,此處譯為「驚人數(shù)目」較
      佳,亦即下二段文中”increasing in number at an alarming rate”類似意思。原文已作”all impossible”,那就是完全不可能了,沒有「幾乎」的意思。
      4. 「20年前,想要瞭解霍布斯政治哲學的人只需要兩個人有關(guān)霍布斯的重要論述,」
      “Anyone who, some twenty years ago, wanted to go into Hobbes’s political philosophy needed only two important commentaries on Hobbes…”
      => 應(yīng)作「只需要兩個有關(guān)霍布斯的重要評注」。
      5. 「當然,儘管還有更多成果,但讀了上述兩人各自的著作後,讀者便相當瞭解霍布斯了?!?br />   “Of course, there were more even then but after reading these two books one was pretty well ‘in the picture.’”
      => 應(yīng)作「讀者便相當進入霍布斯研究的狀況了。」
      6. 「然而,到了1989年,任何人若要膽敢說有關(guān)霍布斯的研究哪些重要,他首先就得廣度與深度俱全的—25種相關(guān)研究成果如數(shù)通讀一遍?!?br />   “However, anyone who, in 1994, has the courage to try to say anything significant about Hobbes will first have to read her or his way through a pile of twenty to twenty-five studies which are as carefully written as hey are extensive.”
      => 應(yīng)作「任何人若膽敢嘗試宣稱在霍布斯研究上有所創(chuàng)見」。
      7. 「我會列舉一份這些書的清單?!?br />   “I will spare the reader an enumeration of them.”
      => 正好相反,應(yīng)作「我不會列舉一份這些書的清單?!?br />   8. 「首先,有關(guān)霍布斯的討論意在呈現(xiàn)有關(guān)霍布斯之解釋的實質(zhì),而非其著作本身的實質(zhì)。」
      “In the first place, the discussion of Hobbes tends to take on the nature of a discussion of the interpretation of Hobbes, rather than of his work itself.”
      => 應(yīng)作「首先,有關(guān)霍布斯的討論,在性質(zhì)上,傾向於表現(xiàn)為有關(guān)霍布斯之解釋的討論,而非對其著作本身的討論?!?br />   9. 「對於今日正在進行的解釋論戰(zhàn)來說,著作本身有時看起來不過是幾乎要被遺忘的前提?!?br />   “The work itself sometimes seems to be little more than the almost forgotten reason for the war of interpretations going on today.”
      => 不知為何將reason譯為「前提」?會比「原因」或「理由」貼切嗎?
      10.「其次,由於它明顯具有的多元解讀能力,霍布斯的原始文本在歷史研究中逐漸喪失了其充當仲裁者的功能?!?br />   “In the second place, because of its evident multi-interpretability, Hobbes’s original text gradually lost its capacity to function as arbiter in the historical debate.”
      => 應(yīng)作「由於它明顯具有的多種詮釋的可能性」,以及「史學辯論」。
      11.「成了一幅邊線交錯的水彩畫?!?br />   “… a watercolor in which the lines flow into one another.”
      => 這裏是借用水彩「線條」在畫面上暈開互相滲透的現(xiàn)象為比喻,與「邊線」何關(guān)?
      “The paradoxical result of all this is that the text itself no longer has any authority in an interpretation and … “
      => 應(yīng)作「這一切(指前文)所造成的悖論性(或說自我矛盾的)結(jié)果乃是……」
      “The situation which Nietzsche feared more than a hundred years ago, the situation in which historiography itself impedes our view of the past, seems to have become reality.”
      => 應(yīng)作「歷史學本身阻礙了我們看到過去……」
      “Not only does this flood of historical literature give us all a feeling of intense despondency…”
      => 應(yīng)作「如潮水般湧現(xiàn)的大量歷史著作文獻」。這裏的historical literature 大致等同於上述historiography?的意思。
      “… but this overproduction undeniably has something uncivilized about it.”
      => 應(yīng)照字面譯為「不文明的」或「違背文明習性的」,然後讓下文來解釋這裏對文明性的特殊用法?!复盅u濫造」既與字義不合,也無法通讀上下文。
      16.「在其他一些情況中,我們將文明與一種中庸的感覺聯(lián)繫在一起,在過剩與匱乏之間尋求一種恰當?shù)臓顟B(tài)?!?br />   “We associate civilization with, among other things, a feeling for moderation, for a happy medium between excess and shortage.”
      => 應(yīng)作「我們將文明與許多事物聯(lián)繫在一起,其中之一是一種中庸的感覺,一種在過剩與匱乏之間尋求恰當適中的感覺?!?br />   17.「然而,任何有關(guān)適度的感受在我們今日這種學術(shù)性酒精中毒的情況中早已消失得無影無蹤。」
      “Any feeling for moderation, however, seems to have been lost in our present-day intellectual alcoholism.”
      => “moderation” 前句既然譯為「中庸」,此處最好保持一致。
      原文只說”seems to”,譯文不妨在「早已」之前加上「似乎」,使語氣一致。
      “… because the most recent book or article on a particular topic always pretends to be the very last intellectual drink.”
      => 應(yīng)作「針對某個特定話題的晚近最新專書或文章,往往自命是思想上的最後最後一杯酒」,也就是自以為是最後定論,但就像酗酒者老說這杯就是最後一杯一樣,總是還會有下一杯出現(xiàn)。
      19.「……,而且據(jù)此也並不缺少那種嘗試著為心神沮喪的歷史學家維持某些對於未來可以再確認的觀點的努力?!?br />   “… and there has therefore been no lack of attempts to retain some reassuring prospects for the future for disheartened historians.”
      => prospect不是perspective, 譯作「前景」似乎比「觀點」清楚。Reassuring雖然有個re字頭,但轉(zhuǎn)譯成「可靠的」或「撫慰人心的」似乎即可。
      “Theoretical history would be able to lift us to a more elevated view-point … “
      => 為何捨棄最符合字面的「觀點」來譯view-point、而要用不相干的「境界」?
      21.「整合性歷史編纂導致的是累積,而不是綜合?!?br />   “Integral historiography leads to enumeration rather than to integration.”
      => “enumeration”似乎譯作「細目列舉」為佳。
      22.「憑藉這種策略,史學家們的確使自己再次有機會發(fā)現(xiàn)那種處於尚未侵蝕狀態(tài)的歷史?!?br />   “… with this strategy they do indeed allow themselves the chance of once again finding history in an unspoiled state.”
      => 這裏的代名詞they是接上文的Annales school,不是任何「史學家們」。
      23.「用不了多久,其他不可計數(shù)的法國或別處的歷史學家將涉足這些新選題,它們也將被厚厚的有著不透明硬殼的解釋所覆蓋?!?br />   “… before too long, countless other historians, French or not, will pounce upon these new topics and soon they, too, will be covered by a thick and opaque crust of interpretations.”
      => “pounce upon”應(yīng)作「急忙捉住」。
      “There is, however, more to be said about how resourceful the Annales school is in finding new and exciting topics.”
      => resourceful除了資源豐富的意思之外,還指一個人“able to meet situations富機智的; capable of devising ways and means善機巧策略的”的意思。這裏似乎以後者為貼切。
      意義?!?br />   “A reactionary longing for the neat historical world of fifty years ago is just as pointless as despondent resignation.”
      => 這句話並不好解。首先就單字而言,筆者寧可將「純潔」留給innocent,用「工整、美好的」譯neat;同理,「保守」留給conservative,用「反動的」翻reactionary。其次,英文中”historical world”與現(xiàn)下漢語慣用的「歷史世界」要謹慎辨別?!钢祆涞臍v史世界」晚近被理解成為朱熹當代以及之前客觀存在的那個歷史實體,但是如果在英文中說”Morison’s Historical World”,指的則是作為一個史家的Morison其人史學工作的脈絡(luò)與史學想像展開的世界。Ankersmit如果這裏取的是第一個意思,考慮本文原先發(fā)表於1989年,上推五十年正是歐戰(zhàn)爆發(fā),就變成有人相信1939或之前的世界是美好的,這可能很難說的通,所以筆者傾向于採用第二個意思。這麼一來,這句話的主旨應(yīng)該理解為:「那種五十年前就有的、對美好工整的史學世界的渴求,如果今天還有人有同樣想法,Ankersmit認為是反動的,其效果就如同絕望地退縮那樣毫無意義。」之所以添加原文所無的若干字來幫助瞭解,也是呼應(yīng)緊接下文所說”there is no way back”、”traditional ideas about the task and the meaning of historiography.”
      26.「我們不得不承認已經(jīng)無路可退了?!?br />   “We have to realize that there is no way back.”
      => 應(yīng)作「我們必須瞭解走回頭路是不可能了!」這裏的回頭路正是上文所說,由來已久的希望史學世界美好工整的渴求。
      前歷史寫作的過剩確實可以被稱為畸形的?!?br />   “The present-day overproduction of historical literature can indeed be called monstrous if our point of departure is traditional ideas about the task and the meaning of historiography.”
      28.「如果歷史學家認為某事有意義,那麼,它就是有意義的,並且,僅此而已?!?br />   “… if historians consider something to be meaningful, then it is meaningful and that is all there is to it.”
      重要部分中有相似情況?!?br />   “Instead, I will move further away to ascertain whether the overproduction in historiography has its counterpart in a considerable part of present-day civilization and society.”
      => 應(yīng)作「反之,我將進一步離開上述方向,而去弄清楚史學中的過度生產(chǎn),是否在現(xiàn)今文明與社會的相當一部分領(lǐng)域裏也有對應(yīng)的狀況?!?br />   30.「其次,當我們談?wù)撡Y訊的時候,就所涉及的資訊的實際主題而言,資訊同
      樣假定了顯要位置?!?br />   “Second, when we talk about information, information as such has assumed a conspicuously prominent place with respect to the actual subject matter of that information.”
      => 譯文裏完全看不出原文想要做的區(qū)分:”information as such(資訊本身)”和”the actual subject matter of that information(資訊的實際題材)”。這個區(qū)分,大致近於媒介(medium)與訊息(message)、能指(signifier)與所指(signified)的區(qū)分,Ankersmit的意思是要說明「資訊本身」,相較於通常認為比較重要的資訊內(nèi)容而言,也取得(assumed)了明顯而重要的位置。
      31.「這種關(guān)係通常是反對來的?!?br />   “This relationship was usually the other way around.”
      => 應(yīng)作「這種關(guān)係通常是倒反過來的。」此即上條筆者所說「相較於通常認為比較重要的資訊內(nèi)容」的根據(jù)。
      一個名頭?!?br />   “Theories have been formed about it and the theoreticians concerned have, as usually happens, given themselves a name.”
      => 這句話的it是跟著前面一句話而來的:「近年來,許多人已經(jīng)察覺到我們對於資訊現(xiàn)象的態(tài)度發(fā)展了轉(zhuǎn)變(In recent years, many people have observed our changed attitude towards the phenomenon of information)?!构P者不認為it是指前句中的「資訊」,而應(yīng)該是「轉(zhuǎn)變了的態(tài)度(changed attitude)」。也就是說,已經(jīng)形成的理論是針對「許多人已經(jīng)觀察到的、我們對資訊現(xiàn)象所持態(tài)度的轉(zhuǎn)變」;而「相關(guān)參與的理論家們則給了他們自己一個名號」。依下文,這個名號亦即「後現(xiàn)代主義者或後結(jié)構(gòu)主義者」。
      33.「科學是現(xiàn)代主義者和結(jié)構(gòu)主義主義者的最重要部分;他們不僅把科學看作是最重要的假設(shè),同時還把科學看作是現(xiàn)代性的終極假設(shè)?!?br />   “Science was the alpha and omega of the modernists and the structuralists; they saw science as not only the most important given but at the same time the ultimate given of modernity.”
      => 筆者不完全反對given譯為「假設(shè)」,但為了與assumption, presumption, supposition, hypothesis等字區(qū)別開來,此處還是應(yīng)作「給定的、已知的事實」為妥。固然,A學派眼中的「給定已知」,很可能B學派看來根本是一個天大的「假設(shè)」,這也正是Ankersmit這裏要指出,「現(xiàn)代主義者」與「後現(xiàn)代主義者」的重大歧異所在。由於這種觀點的歧異,在譯翻的時候更必須要小心上下文脈絡(luò)是由哪一種角度發(fā)言,然後決定適切的用語。
      “Scientific rationality as such does not pose a problem for postmodernist and poststructuralists;”
      身反思的起點?!?br />   “For postmodernists, both the philosophy of science and science itself form the given, the point of departure for their reflections.”
      “And postmodernists are just as little interested in the sociological question of how research scientists react to one another or what the relation is between science and society.”
      => “just as little”應(yīng)作「一樣不感興趣」。和什麼一樣呢?應(yīng)該指的是上文提到後現(xiàn)代主義們對科學哲學與科學本身的不感興趣。
      36.「“荒謬的是,一種解釋越有影響,越是權(quán)威,它就會引發(fā)越多的作品?!薄?br />   “Paradoxically, the more powerful and authoritative an interpretation, the more writing it generates.”
      => 「荒謬的是」應(yīng)作「吊詭的是」。
      37.「首先,這能告訴我們,通過一種後現(xiàn)代主義歷史編纂我們應(yīng)該理解什麼;其次,非常顯然,那種歷史編纂一直都有著某些後現(xiàn)代主義的東西?!?br />   “In the first place, it can teach us what we should understand by a postmodernist historiography and, in the second place, that historiography, remarkably enough, has always had already something postmodernist about it.”
      => 這段文字在Ankersmit1994的論文集History and Tropology中略有變動:
      “First, it can teach us what we should understand by postmodern historiography and, second, that historical writing, remarkably enough, has always had something postmodernist about it.”
      => 修訂版對文義影響不大,不過有兩點值得注意。第一、Ankersmit用”historical writing”替換了原文中的第二個”historiography”,證明了筆者在第一條筆記就指出的,historiography在這裏譯作「歷史書寫(學)」比較恰當。第二、可以明顯看出陳新教授的中譯並不是根據(jù)修訂過的版本,事實上,讀者根本沒有被告知現(xiàn)在中譯本的原始出處為何,不論「世紀中國」網(wǎng)路版或《東南學術(shù)》紙印版皆然,這實在是違反國際學術(shù)慣例的作法,不足為訓!
      => 回到譯文本身。「那種歷史編纂」是指哪種呢?由於上下文裏只提到過後現(xiàn)代一種,中文讀者只能如此猜測,但是帶入整句,「後現(xiàn)代那種歷史編纂一直都有著某些後現(xiàn)代主義的東西」,哪里講得通呢?筆者的讀法是把that讀成連接詞,是上接”it can teach us … that historiography has always ….”至於”remarkably enough”,應(yīng)作「再值得注意不過了」。
      38.「因為這一要義恰好是傳統(tǒng)因果層次的人為性?!?br />   “… for the point is precisely the artificiality of the traditional hierarchy of cause and effect.”
      => hierarchy是一種「層次」,但需要強調(diào)這種層次是有高低位元階差異性的。連同下麵兩個句子裏的「層次」,改作「層級」、「位階」為佳。
      39.「在後現(xiàn)代主義中,這就是事物存在的情形?!?br />   “This is the way thins always are in postmodernism.”
      => 漏譯「總是(always」一字。
      40.「它們共同表現(xiàn)出後現(xiàn)代主義的革命本質(zhì)這種觀念?!?br />   “… together they give an idea of the revolutionary nature of postmodernism.”
      => “give an idea of”是一個片語,意指「對……提供一個大致概念」。
      “For the postmodernists, the scientific certainties on which the modernists have always built are all as many variants on the paradox of the liar.”
      => 應(yīng)作「對後現(xiàn)代主義者來說,現(xiàn)代主義者所倚為基石的那些科學確定性,每一個都不過是所謂『撒謊者詭論』的同質(zhì)變體而已」,也就是說,雖然科學論述的形體不同,但是都具備「撒謊者詭論」那種自我迴圈矛盾的性質(zhì)。
      42.「因此,後現(xiàn)代主義的目的是,抽去科學和現(xiàn)代主義的根基?!?br />   “The postmodernist’s aim, therefore, is to pull the carpet out from under the feet of science and modernism.”
      => “to pull the carpet out from under …”原本也是一個片語,說的是「突然終止對……的支持」,但是這裏Ankersmit似乎是回到這個片語的字面意象,有「突然抽去科學和現(xiàn)代主義足下之物使其不成立」的意思。不過筆者會建議小心使用「根基」二字,一來「地毯」在腳下但並不是「根基」,二來後現(xiàn)代主義者可能並不相信有所謂「根基」存在。
      “Every historical insight, therefore, intrinsically has a paradoxical nature.”
      =>再次重申,paradoxical譯作「矛盾」,將泯滅了paradoxical與contradictory, conflicting, inconsistent等字的細微差異,寧可選擇「吊詭的」、「詭論性的」。
      44.「歷史編纂再一次為所有這些提供了最好的解釋?!?br />   “Once again, historiography provides the best illustration for all this.”
      45.「…… 過去的實在應(yīng)該被看作是一種用外語闡述的文本,它和任何其他文本
      一樣,有著相同的辭彙、語法、句法和語義層面?!?br />   “… past reality should be seen as a text formulated in a foreign language with the same lexical, grammatical, syntactical, and semantic dimensions as any other text.”
      => formulated應(yīng)作「構(gòu)造形成」、簡稱「形構(gòu)」,也就是說過去實在本身就該被視為文本,只不過這文本的構(gòu)成語言是陌生的(foreign)。一旦用了「闡述」,就又有可能將意義滑落到「過去實在」乃是非文本性的被闡述項、而與闡述媒介的「外語」截然二分的老套。這涉及到後現(xiàn)代主義者們對語言與實在關(guān)係的嚴正立場,雖是一字之差,不可不慎!
      “As a matter of fact, Megill in his brilliant genealogy of postmodernism has shown to what extent postmodernism from Nietzsche up to and including Derrida want to extend aestheticism over the entire domain of the representation of reality.”
      => 這裏Ankersmit明顯地是在指Megill的名著Prophets of Extremity: Niestzche, Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida (1985)一書,熟悉這個領(lǐng)域的學者一看就知道,即使稍微生疏的讀者,看了注釋17也會找到線索,只可惜譯文省略了所有註腳,頗有為德不卒之憾。因此,原文應(yīng)作「實際上,梅吉爾在他那出色的、研究後現(xiàn)代主義譜系的專書中,早已表明了從尼采到德里達(包括德里達在內(nèi))的後現(xiàn)代主義者在多大限度上,想要把唯美主義延伸到整個再現(xiàn)實在的領(lǐng)域裏?!?br />   47.「並且,在風格和內(nèi)容可以彼此區(qū)別之外,我們甚至可以把優(yōu)先權(quán)賦予風格
      “And where style and content might be distinguished from one another, we can even attribute to style priority over content…”
      => 應(yīng)作「並且,即使在風格和內(nèi)容可以彼此區(qū)別的地方,我們甚至可以把優(yōu)先地位賦予風格而不是內(nèi)容」。
      “Scientific language at least has the pretension of being transparent; … “
      => 應(yīng)作「科學語言至少自命透明」。transparent譯作「明晰」不算錯,但是因為Ankersmit上下文裏常用opaque或opaqueness一字,選擇「透明」可以讓讀者維持一致的對比。
      “That would, of course, lend some extra plausibility to my claim regarding historiography,”
      => 應(yīng)作「說服力」。
      “To express this by means of imagery:”
      => 應(yīng)作「意象」,以便與trope, simile, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche等有所區(qū)別。譯者在下文關(guān)於歷史意識變遷動向的段落裏,事實上是用了「意象」去翻image,應(yīng)該尋求前後一致。
      家此刻不得不根據(jù)那些未被說出的、或者僅僅是被私下說的、或者只是用不重要的細節(jié)來表達的一切,展開他對該時期的批評?!?br />   “However, the point here is Duby’s observation that the essence of a period is determined by the destinataire, to use the term of the French postmodernists, by the historian who has to develop here and now his negative of a period from that which was not said or was only whispered, or was expressed only in insignificant details.”
      => “here and now”應(yīng)作「此時此地」。
      “negative”此處是跟隨上文而來,指的就是「他(即Duby)將自己的歷史著作與某種否定的發(fā)展(the developing of a negative)加以比較。正如魚不知道它在水中游一樣,某個時期本身是不知道該時期的最大特點,以及其中最普遍的事物的。直到該時期結(jié)束,它才被揭示出來。該時期的芬芳只能在隨後的那個時期才能吸入?!沽钊思{悶的是,中譯者為什麼翻了前句、忘了後句?
      特點來認可他,而是根據(jù)可以說是本能地“逃離”他的那些東西來認可他?!?br />   “The historian is like the connoisseur who recognizes the artist not by that which is characteristic of him (and consequently imitable) but by that which, so to speak, spontaneously ‘escaped’ him.”
      => “recognize”應(yīng)作「辨識、識別」,此處價值上核可與否的意味不大。
      “spontaneously escaped him”不好譯,或可作「他自然而然、不由自主地沒注意到的」。
      者使它蘇醒來與作者相會,它是讀者對作者召喚的回應(yīng)?!薄?br />   “It is not an element introduced into his work by the writer [
      in the past] by means of certain words … The reader brings it to meet the writer, it is his response to the latter’s call.
      => 這裏的it都是上指Huizinga所謂的「歷史感(the historical sensation)」,重點則在它是出於後世讀者的主動察識,而不是客觀儲存在過往的史料之中。因此,”bring it”這裏如果譯成「使它蘇醒」,有可能產(chǎn)生「它原來沈睡於史料之中」的誤解,還是回到字面上「帶著它」較佳。
      54.「在歷史編纂和精神分析中,我們都在詞語最基本的意義上關(guān)注解釋?!?br />   “In both historiography and psychoanalysis, we are concerned with interpretation in the most fundamental sense of the word.”
      => 應(yīng)作「在歷史編纂和精神分析中,我們關(guān)注的都是在最根本意義上的詮釋(,也就是說,我們關(guān)注的不是一般意義上的、這個或那個詮釋)?!?br />   55.「在歷史編纂中,杜比所建議的這種處理過去痕跡的辦法迫使我們避免去尋
      別出?!?br />   “In historiography, this way of dealing with traces of the past as suggested by Duby compels us to refrain from searching for some initially invisible machine in the past itself which has caused these traces discernible on the surface.”
      =>“refrain from”是有「避免」的意思,但這不是趨吉避兇的避免,而是自我抑制的避免。也就是說,原來我們是有常識性的傾向、或現(xiàn)代主義式的欲求 (the modernist desire, Ankersmit本人用了這個辭彙,見下面第八十條筆記), 「在過去本身裏面,去尋求某種本來看不見的機制」,是在「杜比所建議的這種處理過去痕跡的辦法」的「迫使」之下,我們才不得不自我抑制地免除這種想法作法。至於這個「機制」是什麼?想像平靜無波的清澈水面,除非掀起了漣漪浪花,否則表面上是看不出任何痕跡的,而之所以會產(chǎn)生漣漪浪花,必然是有某種「機制」在作用,問題只是這種機制不能只在「過去本身裏面」找而已。中譯字面意思都翻出來了,筆者這裏只是多事說明一下。
      “In the same way, psychoanalysis, in spite of the positivist notes struck by Freud himself a repertory of interpretation strategies.”
      => 美國波士頓劍橋哈佛廣場邊有個著名的戲院,就叫做American Repertory Theatre,譯成「美國儲藏室戲院」可就原味盡失了!repertory確實有儲藏位所的意思,但要注意它同時有戲碼節(jié)目保留輪映方面的涵義,既可以指戲目曲目彙編,也可以指這種性質(zhì)的劇院。這裏採用「儲藏室」,容易把「各種詮釋策略(注意原文是複數(shù))」的動態(tài)演出性格給抹煞掉了,再考慮到「音符(或調(diào)子)」這個意象本身就具有的表演意味,筆者以為repertory還是譯作「輪流上演彙存的地方」為佳。
      57. 「精神分析教我們理解神經(jīng)病患者所說的話,它並沒有令我們注意神經(jīng)病患
      者心靈中那些基本的和不可分割的小矮人的因果效應(yīng)?!?br />   “Psychoanalysis teaches us to understand what the neurotic says and does not draw our attention to the causal effects of a number of elementary and undivided homunculi in his mind.”
      => 原文的論點並不清楚,不過Ankersmit身為作者,他是自覺到這裏引用典故不夠清楚,可能造成讀者困擾,所以事實上特別作了註腳:”This is the Leitmotif in D. P. Spence, Narrative Truth and Historical Truth: Meaning and Interpretation in Psychoanalysis (New York, 1982).”讀者可以自行查考Spence的書澄清??上е凶g省略了原注。”homunculi”字面上是「小矮人」沒錯,但如果譯者能適時提供一些這意象在現(xiàn)代西方科學思想(主要是生物學與心理學)裏的應(yīng)用意義,或者作為譯注,想必能得到讀者的衷心感激。
      想探求痕跡背後的一些事物?!?br />   “Both psychoanalyst and the historian try to project onto the traces and do not search for something behind the traces.”
      => project onto為免與impose upon混淆,應(yīng)作「投射在……之上」。英文斜體強調(diào),應(yīng)在中文書寫時對應(yīng)處理,或者同樣斜體(背後),或加底線(背後),或改黑體(背後),總之不該略去不管。
      59.「在這兩種情況下,解釋的行為被嚴格地按照唯名論的方式來理解:即在歷史實在中或者在神經(jīng)病患者的頭腦中,沒有任何事物符合解釋的內(nèi)容?!?br />   “In both cases, the activity of interpretation is understood strictly nominalistically: there is nothing in historical reality or in the mind of the neurotic that corresponds with the content of interpretations.”
      => 譯文可能,雖然不一定,造成兩種誤解。第一、“in both cases”可能被誤指為上句「之上/背後」兩種情況,其實意為「對精神分析學家和歷史學家兩者皆然」。第二、難道所有「在歷史實在中或者在神經(jīng)病患者的頭腦中」的「任何事物」都一定不「符合解釋的內(nèi)容」嗎?這似乎也不必然!重點其實不在「沒有任何事物」,而在限定子句裏的”correspond with”,這片語動詞(phrasal verb)固然字典上譯作「符合」,但在這裏略嫌含混,建議應(yīng)作「在歷史實在中或者在神經(jīng)病患者的頭腦中,沒有任何事物對應(yīng)於解釋的內(nèi)容而存在」。
      60.「但是,仍然有一些更有意思的東西與精神分析式的解釋相似?!?br />   “However, there is a still more interesting parallel to psychoanalytic interpretation.”
      => parallel(平行)可以是一種因為位置結(jié)構(gòu)對稱等距的相似,但相似可以有很多種(similar, alike, kindred等)。為什麼不就譯成「平行現(xiàn)象」呢?
      61.「當然,杜比認為,歷史學家應(yīng)該重視未說的和被壓抑的東西——用??碌?br />   標準說就是瘋狂、謊言、禁忌。他的論點顯然與分析者的工作方法有關(guān)?!?br />   “Of course, Duby’s thesis that the historian should pay attention to what is not said and to what is suppressed – madness, untruth, and taboo, to use Foucault’s criteria – is obviously related to the analyst’s method of work.”
      => 中文讀者應(yīng)該被提醒:「他的」指的是杜比,不是福柯;「分析者」其實是「精神分析師」的意思。
      “the ability to think of ourselves as idiosyncratically formed collages rather than as substances has been an important factor in our ability to slough off the idea that we have a true self, one shared with all other humans …”
      => 加底線處應(yīng)作「帶有強烈個人色彩形成的拼貼圖畫」。小心「拼圖」被想像成puzzle.
      發(fā)現(xiàn)?!?br />   “Freud made the paradigm of self-knowledge the discovery of little idiosyncratic accidents rather than of an essence.”
      => 應(yīng)作「佛洛德使得對於帶著強烈個人色彩的種種偶然遇合的發(fā)現(xiàn)、而不是對某種本質(zhì)的發(fā)現(xiàn),成為自我知識的典範」。
      中是如此?!?br />   “This is also the case in historiography, at least in what I would like to call postmodernist history (of mentalities).”
      => 見下三段,Ankersmit所謂的後現(xiàn)代主義史學的實例,主要來自所謂「精神狀態(tài)史或譯心態(tài)史(history of mentalities)」。
      真正重要的東西?!?br />   “… the essence of the past is not, or does not lie in, the essence of the past. It is the scraps, the slips of the tongue, the Fehlleistungen of the past, the rare movements when the past `let itself go,’ where we discover what is really of importance for us.”
      => “the slips of the tongue”應(yīng)作「說溜了嘴」?!眛he past let itself go”或作「過去讓自己自由恣肆」。
      “Then came historism which, with a strange naivete',”
      => naivete'有貶意,「樸實」無法傳達,或可作「天真童騃」。
      “The epistemological naivete' of the historist doctrine of historical ideas was only possible in a time when the belief and faith in the perceptibility of the essence of the past were so easily taken for granted that nobody had an inkling of his own ontological arrogance.”
      => “the perceptibility of the essence of the past”應(yīng)作「對過去本質(zhì)的可知性」。
      “the historist doctrine of historical ideas”應(yīng)作「歷史主義者關(guān)於諸多歷史觀念的學說教旨」。
      一點不是很讓人吃驚;一旦他們認為他們在偽科學中看到了對其陳腐的實證主義觀點的證明,他們甚至比歷史學家們更欣然歡呼任何偽科學的炫耀?!?br />   “But the worst modernists are still to be found among philosophers of history – which, incidentally, is not so surprising; they cheer any pseudoscientific ostentation even more readily than do historians, as soon as they think they see in it the confirmation of their worn-out positivist ideas.”
      => ‘philosophers of history’應(yīng)作「歷史哲學家們」。 原文的主詞本來是「最糟糕的現(xiàn)代主義者」,中譯將被動態(tài)倒轉(zhuǎn)過來翻譯,是好的,但中文讀者要小心接下來的每一個「他們」並不是歷史哲學家,而是「歷史哲學家們裏找到的最糟糕的現(xiàn)代主義者們」。
      「一旦他們認為他們在偽科學 (it)中看到了對其陳腐的實證主義觀點的證明 (confirmation)」,it應(yīng)作「偽科學炫耀(pseudoscientific ostentation)」,confirmation應(yīng)作「確認」。
      69.「我想通過以下意象來澄清上文所指的歷史意識中的運動?!?br />   “I would like to clarify the movement in historical consciousness indicated above by means of the following image.”
      => movement作「變遷動向」語意較清楚。。
      “Just like their speculative predecessors … “
      => speculative譯者上下文皆作「思辨」,此處何必例外?尤其「思辨式歷史哲學 (the speculative philosophy of history, 或作玄想式歷史哲學)」乃專有名詞,最好維持一致。
      樣,早已提出了這個非常明顯的問題?!?br />   “And this very obvious question would have been prompted then, as it always is, by our modernist desire to get to know how the machine of history works.”
      => prompt應(yīng)作「激起、促使」。這裏的history一定只能譯為「歷史」,不能譯作「歷史學」,因為這和所謂現(xiàn)代主義的歷史理念有關(guān),可以參見前面第六十四條筆記。
      “The meta-re'cits we would like to tell ourselves about our history, the triumph of Reason, the glorious struggle for emancipation of the nineteenth-century workers’ proletariat, are only of local importance …”
      => 底線部分應(yīng)作「為十九世紀工人無產(chǎn)者解放而進行的光輝鬥爭」。
      出一種寫作,它既不是對文學作品的相關(guān)美德所做的評價,也不是思想史、道德哲學、認識論或社會預(yù)言,而是所有這些混合成一種新體裁?!薄?br />   “`Beginning in the days of Goethe and Macaulay and Carlyle and Emerson,‘ wrote Rorty, ` a kind of writing has developed which is neither the evaluation of the relative merits of literary productions, nor intellectual history, nor moral philosophy, nor epistemology, nor social prophecy, but all of these mingled together in a new genre.’”
      => 底線部分應(yīng)作「對文學作品相對之下的諸多優(yōu)點所做的評價」。
      “In his commentary on this statement of Rorty’s, Culler points out the remarkable indifference with regard to origin and context, historical or otherwise, which is so characteristic of `this new kind of writing’: …”
      => 應(yīng)作「卡勒在對羅蒂這句話下註腳時指出,“(羅蒂)對於歷史的或其他方面的起源和情境顯然漠不關(guān)心,而這份漠不關(guān)心恰恰是『這種新作品』的特徵:……」
      “the practitioners of particular disciplines complain that works claimed by the genre are studied outside the proper disciplinary matrix: …”
      => 各個特定學科的從業(yè)人員都抱怨說,被視為是這種體裁的著作們都被移到適當?shù)膶W科母體之外來研讀 ……」
      76.「…… 他們讀馬克思的時候,也沒有研究對政治和經(jīng)濟形勢所作的新的闡
      述?!?br />   “… they read Marx without studying alternative descriptions of political and economic situations.”
      => 應(yīng)作「他們讀馬克思的時候,也沒有研究對政治和經(jīng)濟形勢所作的其他替代闡述?!?br />   77.「…… 這不是因為人們急於要佔據(jù)一個與歷史無關(guān)的位置,……」
      “… not because one is so eager to take up an ahistorical position …”
      => 應(yīng)作「這不是因為人們急於要採取非歷史的立場」。
      78.「每件事物現(xiàn)在都在昭示自己是未被昭示的,並且在此我們?nèi)匀淮嬖谥ㄒ?br />   的希望,它能使我們將來免遭滅頂之災(zāi)?!?br />   “Everything now announces itself unannounced and in this lies the only hope we still have of being able to keep our heads above water in the future.”
      => 應(yīng)作「每件事物現(xiàn)在都在宣示自己是未被宣示的,並且正是在這樣的宣示與不宣示之中,存在著我們僅有的希望,希望我們將來能夠免遭滅頂,維持生路?!?br />   79.「畢竟,將任何事物合法化這種事最好留給現(xiàn)代主義者?!?br />   “Legitimating anything at all can best be left to the modernists.”
      => 應(yīng)作「正當化這碼事,不論是正當化任何事物,最好留給現(xiàn)代主義者們?nèi)プ??!?br />   80.「後現(xiàn)代主義的精髓正是,我們應(yīng)該避免指出過去中的本質(zhì)主義模式?!?br />   “The essence of postmodernism is precisely that we should avoid pointing out essentialist patterns in the past.”
      => 應(yīng)作「後現(xiàn)代主義的本質(zhì)正是,我們應(yīng)該避免指出過去中的本質(zhì)主義模範?!?br />   essence這裏譯作「精髓」是對的,但是選擇「本質(zhì)」則是為了維持整句話那種後現(xiàn)代主義式的、吊詭性的言說趣味。Pattern作「模範」,則可以與下文「德國人文修養(yǎng)理想 (German ideal of Bildung)」呼應(yīng)。
      “… I am nevertheless much more in sympathy with these attempts than with the scientific naivete' demonstrated by social historians regarding the task and usefulness of historiography.”
      => ‘in sympathy with”並無強烈到「贊成」的意思,應(yīng)作「同情」就夠了。
      82.「人文修養(yǎng)是單個個體文明史縮略版,藉此,它能夠成為我們社會中令人 欽佩的、體面的成員。」
      “Bildung is the shortened version of the history of civilization on the scale of the separate individual, through which he can become a valuable and decent member of our society.”
      => 底線部分應(yīng)作「單個個體能夠成為我們社會中一個有價值的、像樣的成員。」
      83. 「然而,在後現(xiàn)代主義歷史意識中,這種對我們的文化發(fā)展史的簡化的個體
      “However, within the postmodernist historical consciousness, this shortened ontogenetic repeat of our cultural phylogenesis is no longer meaningful.”
      => 底線部分應(yīng)作「這種對我們文化整體性生成的縮略版、個體生成式的重複,已經(jīng)不再有意義了」。
      “Everything has become contemporary, with the remarkable correlate, to use Duby’s expression, that everything has also become history.”
      => 應(yīng)作「每件事物都變成當代性的,而從這句話衍生出來相互依存的一個意思,用杜比的表達方式來說,則是每件事物也都變成了歷史?!勾颂巆ontemporary譯作「當代的」,即意指前文中曾說過的史家的「此時此地(here and now)」。因為事物具備了當代性,就其與此時此地的史家的關(guān)係而言,的確也可以說是「同時代的」,雖然通常會把這個中文辭彙保留給另一個英文字contemporaneous。Ankersmit在下一段裏也的確用了contemporaneity (同時代性)一字,皆在說明後現(xiàn)代史學中時間扁平化的傾向。
      85.「記憶的對被記憶的而言有優(yōu)先權(quán)?!?br />   “The memory has priority over what is remembered.”
      86.「…… 歷史編纂中的比喻層面文字層面或事實層面更為有力?!?br />   “…the metaphorical dimension in historiography is more powerful than the literal or factual dimensions.”
      => 句中漏印「比」一字。
      不是一種平實性的?!?br />   “…our relation to the past and our insight into it will in future be of a metaphorical nature rather than a literal one.”
      => literal前後譯文或作「文字」,或作「字面」,這裏突然出現(xiàn)「平實」,恐怕多生事端。難道能說比喻性的面向就不「平實」嗎?此處或許作「文字字面的」即可。
      象的特定狀態(tài)?!?br />   “The literal statement `this table is two meters long’ directs our attention to a particular state of affairs outside language itself which is expressed by it.”
      => 「外在於語言」後漏譯「itself (本身)」一字。
      紊亂的細節(jié)?!?br />   “This explains the attention to the seemingly incongruous but surprising and hopefully even disturbing detail …”
      => disturbing應(yīng)作「擾人的」。
      “For these incongruous, Unheimliche events do justice to the incongruity of the historian’s language in its relation to the past.”
      => “do justice to”在此脈絡(luò)中似乎可譯作「公道而充分地體現(xiàn)了」。
      91.「希臘人對?事史詩彼此講述他們祖先過去的事蹟?!?br />   “…the Greeks told one another about the deeds of their ancestors in the past in narrative epics.”
      => 此處「對」恐系手民誤植,當作「用」或「以」。
      性迴圈,這種迴圈會令我們相信在它之外不存在任何事物?!?br />   “Postmodernism does not reject scientific historiography, but only draws our attention to the modernists’ vicious circle which would have us believe that nothing exists outside it.”
      => 底線部分或可作「這種迴圈想要我們相信它已經(jīng)無所不包(,足以說明解釋一切)?!?br />   93.「但實際上,在它之外是歷史的目的和意義的整個領(lǐng)域?!?br />   “However, outside it is the whole domain of historical purpose and meaning.”
      => 或可作「但實際上,走出現(xiàn)代主義者們的惡性循環(huán)之外,才是整個攸關(guān)歷史目的與意義的領(lǐng)域?!?br />   (案:本文九月下旬於世紀中國網(wǎng)站世紀週刊刊佈後,十月初筆者又在書店買到F. R. Ankersmit論文集History and Tropology: the Rise and Fall of Metaphor一書中譯本,韓震譯,《歷史與轉(zhuǎn)義:隱喻的興衰》,北京出版社\文津出版社,2005.5),頁203-228收錄本文的韓氏中譯本。大致瀏覽,可以作的筆記還不少,只有俟諸來日了。)
  •   沒讀過這本,不過從安氏別的書來看,首先,史學理論不可能被文學理論吞沒,因為史學處理的對象與文學有別,史學理論也因此有它的獨立性,這也是安氏一直強調(diào)的;其次,歸納推理什么的,和一直以來史學實踐不沾邊,好像也沒有哪個史學理論幼稚到從歸納推理來考慮史學的本質(zhì),上世紀30年代曼德爾鮑姆就把這個問題說得很明白了,何況安克施密特。同好握手。
  •   我的意思是這本書還是一種形而上學,而史學理論應(yīng)該還可以有反形而上學的解釋,比如心理學的解釋。當然分析哲學這種對于心理學和科學的邏格斯的模仿除外,分析哲學顯然是屬于后形而上學的。在分析哲學的話語中,是沒有史學理論的,只有《元史學》那樣的修辭學。

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