
出版時間:1995-10  出版社:內(nèi)蒙古文化出版社  作者:(英)威廉?莎士比亞  譯者:梁實秋  


(1)暴風雨 The Tempest
(2)維洛那二紳士 The Two Gentlemen of Verona
(3)溫莎的風流婦人 The Merry Wives of windsor
(4)惡有惡報 Measure for Measure
(5)錯中錯 The Comedy of Errors
(6) 無事自擾 Much Ado About Nothing
(7)空愛一場 Love's Labour's Lost
(8)仲夏夜夢 A Midsummer-Night's Dream
(9)威尼斯商人 The Merchant of Venice
(10)如愿 As You Like It
(11)馴悍婦 The Taming of the Shrew
(12)皆大歡喜 All's Well That Ends Well
(13)第十二夜 Twelfth Night
(14)冬天的故事 The Winter's Tale
(15)約翰王 The Life and Death of King John
(16)利查二世 The Life and Death of Richard the Second
(17)亨利四世(上) The First Part of King Henry the Fourth
(18)亨利四世(下) The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth
(19)亨利六世(上) The First Part of King Henry the Sixth
(20)亨利六世(中) The Second Part of King Hery the Sixth
(21)亨利六世(下) The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth
(22)亨利五世 The Tempest
(23)利查三世 The Life and Death of Richard the Third
(24)亨利八世 The Life of King Henry the Eighth
(25)脫愛勒斯與克萊西達 Troilus and Cressida
(26)考利歐雷諾斯 The Tragedy of Coriolanus
(27)泰特斯?安莊尼克斯 Titus Andronicus
(28)羅米歐與朱麗葉 Romeo and Juliet
(29)雅典的泰蒙 Timon of Athens
(30)朱利阿斯?西撒 The Life and Death of Julius Caesar
(31)馬克白 The Tragedy of Macbeth
(32)哈姆雷特 The Tragedy of Hamlet
(33)李爾王 King Lear
(34)奧賽羅 Othello
(35)安東尼與克利歐佩特拉 Anthony and Cleopatra
(36)辛伯杯 Cymbeline
(37)波里克利斯 Pericles
(38)維諾斯與阿都尼斯 Venus and Adonis
(39)露克利斯 Lucrece
(40)十四行詩 The Sonnets




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