
出版時間:2010-4  出版社:知識產(chǎn)權(quán)出版社  作者:劉世娟 編  頁數(shù):209  




四級模擬試題  Model Test One  Model Test Two  Model Test Three  Model Test Four  Model Test Five  Model Test Six  Model Test Seven  Model Test Eight 四級模擬試題答案與解析  Key to Model Test One  Key to Model Test Two  Key to Model Test Three  Key to Model Test Four  Key to Model Test Five  Key to Model Test Six  Key to Model Test Seven  Key to Model Test Eight 附錄  2009年6月20日大學(xué)英語四級真題(A卷) 2009年6月20日大學(xué)英語四級真題(A卷)答案


  Take Care 0f Yourself.You are special.Get enough rest and eat well.If you are irritable andtense from lack of sleep or if you are not eating correctly,you will have less ability to deal with stress-ful situations.If stress repeatedly keeps you from sleeping,you should ask your doctor for help. Make Time for Fun.Schedule time for both work and recreation.Play can be just as important toyour well.being as work;you need a break from your daily routine to just relax and have fun. Be a Participant.One way to keep from getting bored,sad,and lonely is to go where its allhappening.Sitting alone can make you feel frustrated.Instead of feeling sorry for yourself,get in-volved and become a participant.Offer your services in neighborhood or volunteer organizations.Helpyourself by helping other people.Get involved in the world and the people around you,and youll find they will be attracted to you.You’re on your way to making new friends and enjoying new activi-ties.  Check Off Your Tasks.Trying to take care of everything at once can seem overwhelming,and,as a result.you may not accomplish anything.Instead,make a list of what tasks you have to do,then do one at a time,checking them off as theyre completed.Give priority to the most important ones anddo those first. Must You Always Be Right?Do other people upset you——particularly when they dont do things your way?Try cooperation instead of confrontation.its better than fighting and always being“right”-A little give and take on both sides will reduce the strain and make you both feel more comfortable. It’s OK to Cry.A good cry can be a healthy way to bring relief to your anxiety,and it might even prevent a headache or other physical consequence.Take some deep breaths,they also release tension.  Create a Quiet Scene.You cant always run away,but you can"dream the impossible dream".A quiet country scene painted mentally,or on canvas,can take you out of the turmoil of a stressful sit-uation.Change the scene by reading a good book or playing beautiful music to create a sense of peace and tranquility. Avoid Self-Medication.Although you can use the drugs to relieve stress temporarily,drugs do not remove the conditions that caused the stress in the first place.Drugs,in fact,may be habit-forming and create more stress than they take away.They should be taken only on the advice of your doctor.  The Art of Relaxation  The best strategy for avoiding stress is to learn how to relax.Unfortunately,many people try to relax at the salne pace that they lead the rest of their lives.For a while,tune out your worries about time productivity,and"doing right".You will find satisfaction in just BEING,without striving.Find activities that give you pleasure and that are good for your mental and physical well-being.Forget about alwavs winning. Focus on relaxation,enjoyment,and health.Be Good To Yourself.



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