
出版時間:2010-6  出版社:航空工業(yè)出版社  作者:吳文亮,唐國卿,牛蔚欣 主編  頁數:159  字數:268000  


  隨著我國高等職業(yè)教育的進一步發(fā)展,高職高專教育已占據了高等教育的半壁江山?!缎聲r代大學英語》系列教材依照教育部《高等職業(yè)教育英語課程教學要求(試行)》,本著以就業(yè)為導向、實用為主、夠用為度、全面提升英語應用能力的原則進行設計、編寫。本系列教材打破傳統(tǒng)教材編寫模式,結合一線教學實踐,吸收國外優(yōu)秀教材之優(yōu)點,融入全新的教育理念和科學的教學方法,在實用性、適度性、趣味性和時代性等幾個方面特色鮮明。  實用性  教材內容貼近實際,以學生的日常生活和職場交際為著眼點,使學生在循序漸進的聽、說、讀、寫、譯等訓練中提升語言的應用能力,真正做到學以致用?! ∵m度性  教材打破傳統(tǒng)的單一結構性的束縛,依據學生的接受能力和實際需求選取學習內容,層次分明,難易適度,能夠滿足不同基礎學生的學習需要。  趣味性  教材板塊設計靈活、多樣;情境設置易于操作,有助于學習興趣的提高,使學生主動參與到課堂的學習當中,建立互動的教學模式?! r代性  教材所選文章內容緊扣時代脈搏,涵蓋當前社會熱點、重大事件和流行話題等諸多方面,能夠使學生在熟悉的背景之下進行英語學習,激發(fā)學習熱情,提升學習效果?! ∥蚁M滩哪軌蚴艿綄W習者的歡迎,更希望能夠得到同行專家的批評指正,以更好地滿足廣大學習者的需求,適應新時期高等職業(yè)教育發(fā)展的需要。


本系列教材依據教育部《高等職業(yè)教育英語課程教學要求(試行)》,貫徹實用為主、夠用為度、與時俱進的編寫理念,結合一線教學實踐進行編寫。為充分調動學生學習英語的積極性,全面提升聽、說、讀、寫、譯等能力,本系列教材融入了視、聽、說、演、練等多種教學方式,內容豐富、題材多樣、定位準確、重點突出。新時代大學英語綜合教程每冊分為8個單元,每單元圍繞一個主題進行選材。第2冊的主題包括旅游、健康、時尚、互聯(lián)網、體育、娛樂、環(huán)保及道德,內容包括聽說、閱讀、語法、寫作、練習及輕松一刻等?! ”緯勺鳛楦呗毟邔T盒9灿⒄Z課程的教學用書,也可供廣大英語愛好者自學參考。


UNIT 1 Travel SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth  Part One:Listen and Practice  Part Two:Listen and Repeat  Part Three:Role Play SECTION II TryYour Brain  Text A  Text B SECTlolNIII Try Your Hands  Letter of Accommodation ReservationUNIT 2 Diet and Fitness SECTl0IN I TryYourEars andMouth  Part One:Listen and Practice  Part Two:Listen and Repeat  Part Three:Role Play SECTION II Try Your Brain  Text A  Text B SECTl0N III Try Your Hands  Asking for a Leave of AbsenceUNIT 3 Fashion SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth  Part One:Listen and Practice  Part Two:Listen and Repeat  Part Three:Role Play SECTION II Try Your Brain  Text A  Text B SECTION III Try Your Hands  Complaint LetterUNIT 4 The Internet SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth  Part One:Listen and Practice  Part Two:Listen and Repeat  Part Three:Role Play SECTION II Try Your Brain  Text A  Text B SECTION III Try Your Hands  E.mailUNIT 5 Sports SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth  Part One:Listen and Practice  Part Two:Listen and Repeat  Part Three:Role Play SECTION II Try Your Brain  Text A  Text B SECTION III Try Your Hands  PostersUNIT 6 Entertain ment SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth  Part One:Listen and Practice  Part Two:Listen and Repeat  Part Three:Role Play SECTION II Try Your Brain  Text A  ……UNIT 7 Environmental ProtectionUNIT 8 Morality


  Attitudes to leisure have been much influenced by the modem love of moving around andby the ease of travel.  The British enjoy the family outing. Most people choose well-known beauty spots, orseaside beaches, where they are often so crowded that you can't see the sand. Others choose alonely place, where there are very few people. They may follow tracks between the mountainsand lakes and watch seals (海豹) and seabirds. The British coast has many miles of cliffs andbeaches which are still quite unspoiled because building there is forbidden by law. So the coastis the most popular objective of English people for their holiday.  Food in British hotels and restaurants is reasonably cheap, but rooms are not. The Englishpeople rent houses or flats for their holidays, but one of the traditional ways of spending asummer holiday is in a boarding-house. A house like this may have a card on its windowadvertising bed and breakfast. In seaside towns there are whole streets of houses, almost everyone of which has such a notice on its window.  In recent years several new holiday habits have developed. Among them, the mostinteresting one is the growth of the so-called holiday camps. They consist usually of greatnumbers of small, and often quite comfortable, suburban houses, together with central dininghalls, dancing halls and swimming pools. Camping holidays with tents are not so well developedin England as in France. The summer weather too often can be very unpleasant for tent-dwellers.On the other hand, caravans (房庫) have become exceedingly popular.  ……



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