
出版時間:2009-5  出版社:航空工業(yè)  作者:(希臘)希羅多德|主編:王若平|譯者:周瑩//淘沙|改編:(美)蒂蒙斯  頁數(shù):391  


《不可不知的波斯戰(zhàn)爭故事》一書是公元前5世紀希臘歷史學家希羅多德(公元前484—前430年)所撰寫的記述公元前6~5世紀波斯帝國和希臘諸城邦之間戰(zhàn)爭的一部歷史名著。由于該書記錄詳實,羅馬著名政治活動家西塞羅曾稱希羅多德為“歷史之父”。    大流土一世統(tǒng)治時期,波斯帝國國力強盛。米利都領(lǐng)主希司提埃伊歐斯不甘心受控于大流土,暗地策劃米利都人反叛,伊奧尼亞人和雅典人占領(lǐng)了撒爾迪斯城,燒毀了城邦。起義雖然被鎮(zhèn)壓,但卻從此埋下了禍根,國王大流士決心對雅典人進行報復,備戰(zhàn)第一次希波戰(zhàn)爭。    馬拉松一戰(zhàn),雅典軍隊獲勝,但雙方損失慘重,眾多將領(lǐng)陣亡。    波斯戰(zhàn)敗的消息傳到國內(nèi),大流士十分憤怒,發(fā)誓要再次攻打希臘,同時討伐背叛波斯的埃及人和希臘人。    按照波斯法律,國王出征之前要選出王位繼承人,大流士之子薛西斯勝出。就在備戰(zhàn)的第二年,統(tǒng)治了波斯36年的國王大流士去世。    薛西斯繼承王位,但他無意出征希臘,而是熱衷攻打埃及。經(jīng)過瑪爾多紐斯巧言相勸,終于決意出征。雖然有臣民反對,可是神召卻增加了薛西斯的信心,決定御駕親征。    波斯大軍陣容極為奢華,浩浩蕩蕩向雅典進軍。戰(zhàn)事初期,希臘軍隊亂作一團,強大的波斯軍隊和神的指示使希臘城邦之間主戰(zhàn)主和意見相左。這時,特米斯托克利提出了一項很好的建議,使埃吉納戰(zhàn)爭挽救了希臘,并使希臘軍隊從此擅長于海戰(zhàn)。    薛西斯一世率領(lǐng)1207艘戰(zhàn)船,在海上與希膳軍隊展開了第一次交鋒,結(jié)果大敗,損失慘重。    在鐵爾摩披萊一戰(zhàn)中,波斯軍隊遭遇斯巴達人,雖然兩軍力量懸殊,但斯巴達人驍勇善戰(zhàn),波斯軍隊遇到頑強抵抗。后由于叛徒出賣,斯巴達300勇士壯烈犧牲,人們?yōu)樗麄儗懴铝四怪俱憽?   希波兩軍戰(zhàn)船在阿爾鐵米西昂再次對決,希臘統(tǒng)帥是斯巴達人優(yōu)利比亞戴斯,戰(zhàn)爭伊始,波斯戰(zhàn)船在數(shù)量上占絕對優(yōu)勢,但惡劣的天氣使不擅長海戰(zhàn)的波斯軍隊力量嚴重受挫,雙方戰(zhàn)船數(shù)量趨平。    希臘軍隊為保存力量決定撤離阿爾鐵米西昂,但波斯軍隊仍緊追不舍,一直追到了雅典娜神廟,也許是神力顯靈,波斯軍隊潰不成軍,倉皇逃向貝奧提亞。    隨后波斯軍隊攻占了雅典,這令希臘其他城邦極為恐慌,聯(lián)軍各盟國投票決定在雅孫同波斯艦隊決戰(zhàn)。    此時希臘聯(lián)軍內(nèi)部出現(xiàn)分裂,特米斯托克利在危機時刻破釜沉舟。設(shè)計把敵軍引到了薩拉米斯,包圍了希臘軍隊,這樣盟國便別無選擇,為了求生,只有背水一戰(zhàn)。    薩拉米斯一戰(zhàn)重創(chuàng)波斯大軍,薛西斯撤回波斯,瑪爾多紐斯自愿留下繼續(xù)同希臘作戰(zhàn)。他本欲用反間計瓦解希臘盟國,卻以失敗告終。    隨著戰(zhàn)事的發(fā)展,情況對波斯軍隊越來越不利,瑪爾多紐斯戰(zhàn)死。波斯軍隊群龍無首,軍心大亂。    希臘艦隊開拔至薩摩司,雙方在米卡列大戰(zhàn),波斯軍隊工事失守導致慘敗,波斯人在逃亡中,被米利都人殺死,伊奧尼亞又一次背叛了波斯國王。


米利都起義奪取米利都雅典的節(jié)日:騎兵雅典的節(jié)日:搬運樹枝的人婦女舉行的慶典第一次希波戰(zhàn)爭戰(zhàn)車比賽馬拉松戰(zhàn)役吹笛者和舞者馬拉松有關(guān)阿爾克美昂的兒子們的事情和米爾提亞戴斯之見穿著盔甲的賽跑宴會的桌子備戰(zhàn)第二次攻打希臘商討會議薛西斯動身出發(fā)薛西斯的行軍戰(zhàn)車薛西斯橫渡亞細亞進入歐羅巴,以及有關(guān)他軍隊的事情薛西斯的行軍供奉雅典人備戰(zhàn)薛西斯一世的陸軍和海軍與希臘的第一次交鋒賽馬鐵爾摩披萊戰(zhàn)役阿爾鐵米西昂的希臘戰(zhàn)船希臘聯(lián)軍從阿爾鐵米西昂的撤離和薛西斯的進攻薩米拉司的希臘人和雅典薩米拉司大戰(zhàn)薛西斯敗退波斯和希臘準備再戰(zhàn)火炬舞普拉蒂亞大戰(zhàn)祭  祀普拉蒂亞米卡列之戰(zhàn)


  The city of Athens had greatly increased in might since it was rid of its lords. The manner of the removal was this. For a while after Hipparchus had been killed——this Hipparchus, with Hippias, his brother, had received the lordship from Pisistratus, his father, and he had been killed at the festival of Athene the cruel reign was more alarming than before. Now there was in Athens a great house, the sons of A lcmeon, that had been sent away by the children of Pisistratus. At the first indeed joining with others who were in same case, they sought to obtain their return by force, building a fort on Mount Parnes, from where they might attack the city, but they accomplished nothing. Then they devised this device. They made an agreement with the council of the Amphictyons that they would build the temple of Apollo that is in Delphi for a certain sum of money. But in the building they made all things fairer than ac- cording to the letter of the agreement and this they could do by reason of their great wealth and especially, when it had been a- greed that they should use common stone in the building of the temple, they used thereof marble of Paros for the front After this they persuaded the Pythia with a sum of money that whenever any men from Sparta came to ask her counsel, whether they came on their own affairs or the affairs of the State, she should bid them set free the city of Athens. When this message had come to the Lacedaemonians many times, they sent one of their chief cit- izens with an army to drive out the children of Pisistratus from A- thens. And this they did, though the men were dear friends to them, for they judged it well to prefer the bidding of the Gods to the friendship of men. This army came by sea and landed at Phalerus. And when the sons of Pisistratus heard of it, they sent for help to Thessaly, with which country they had alliance, and there came to them from Thessaly a thousand horsemen, under Cineas, King of Thessaly. With them they attacked the camp of the Lacedaemoni- ans, and killed not a few of them, among whom was the captain of the army, and drove those who were left into their ships.  After this the Lacedaemonians sent another army, greater than before, under King Cleomenes, not in ships but by land. Likewise, as soon as they had crossed the borders, they were attacked by the horsemen of the Thessalians.They could not stand, but fled back without delay into their own land. Then Cleomenes, coming to the city and taking to him such an idea as to drive out from Athens its lords, attacked the sons of Pisistratus in the Pelasgian fort; but they did not accomplished their purpose-for they didn't want to make a long siege of the fort, and the sons of Pisistratus had meat and drink in abundance——but would have remained a few days, if not, they would depart early. The sons of Pisistratus sought to send their children out of the country secretly; but the children were taken. Then they made an agreement with the Athenians that, if the chil- dren should be given back to them, they would depart the country within five days. And this they did, their house having had the lord- ship for thirty years and six. Thus was what Athens got rid of its lords.  Aristagoras, then coming to this city of Athens, presented him- self before the people, and said the same words that he had said before in Sparta, about the good things in Asia, and about the man- ner of fighting of the Persians, how they had neither spear nor shield, and were therefore easily to be conquered. Also he said that the Milesians were settlers from Athens, and that it was just be- cause of this that the Athenians, being so powerful, should deliver them from slavery. And because his need was great, there was noth- ing that he did not promise, till at the last he persuaded them. For it is easier, it seems, to deceive a multitude than to deceive one man. Cleomenes the Spartan, being but one man, Aristagoras could not deceive; but he brought over to his purpose the people of A- thens, being thirty thousand. So the Athenians, being persuaded, made a decree to send twenty ships to help the men of Ionia, and appointed one Melanthius, a man of reputation among them, to be captain. These ships were the beginning of trouble both to the Greeks and the non-Greeks.  ……


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