
出版時間:2007-4  出版社:中國石化出版社  作者:金圣才  頁數:313  字數:483000  


  目前我國博士研究生入學英語考試沒有采取全國統(tǒng)考的方式,沒有統(tǒng)一的考試大綱,而是采取各招生院校自行命題、自行組織考試的辦法,但是各校的考試要求、命題特點大同小異,一些學校的試題類型、內容難易程度都非常相似,因此,研究一些學校的考博英語試題非常有價值。我們參照一些名校博士生入學英語考試大綱,認真研究了30多所高校100多份歷年考博英語真題,精心挑選部分試題和相關資料,編著了考博英語輔導系列。  本書是專門為提高參加北京大學考博英語考試的考生英語水平而編著的一本復習資料。它在認真研究了北京大學歷年考博英語試題的基礎上總結了北京大學考博英語的出題規(guī)律,并對北京大學歷年考博英語試題進行詳細的分析和整理。本書具有如下特點:  1.總結大綱,把握規(guī)律。北京大學近年來一向不對外公布考博英語大綱,為了便于考生復習,本書通過分析該校歷年博士研究生入學英語試題,并結合其他同類高校大綱和教育部頒發(fā)的《碩士、博士研究生英語教學大綱》,總結出北京大學的考博英語大綱,便于考生熟悉命題特點和出題規(guī)律?! ?.分析特點,指引技巧。對于真題的每一種題型,復習指南部分從題量、選材、難易程度等方面全方位分析了試題特點,并給出有針對性的解題技巧和應試策略,使考生在復習備考時能夠事半功倍?! ?.解答詳盡,突破疑難。對于北京大學歷年真題均給出參考答案及解析,方便考生在復習時能夠更好地把握北京大學考博英語的難點、重點以及答題思路?! ?.專項練習,全真模擬。在參考了大量考博和其他考試(包括GRE、GMAT、專8等)試題以及相關英語資料的基礎上,按照北大考博英語最新題型及難易程度,精心設計出專項練習題和全真模擬題,具有很強的針對性?! ⌒枰貏e說明的是:各高??疾┯⒄Z真題的收集和參考答案,得到北大、清華、人大、武大、復旦、中科院等校師生的協助,并參考了眾多考博復習材料(特別是一些名校內部考博英語講義、試題等),在此深表感謝。如有不妥,敬請指正。由于水平有限,錯誤不可避免,不妥之處和建議可與編者聯系,不甚感激。


  本書是專門為提高參加北京大學考博英浯考試的考生英語水平而編著的復習資料。它在認真研究了北京大學歷年考溥英語試題的基礎上總結了北京大學考博英語的出題規(guī)律,并對北京大學歷年考博英語試題進行詳細的分析和整理。本書根據試題的題型設置章節(jié),并精選了有相當難度的專項練習以幫助考生突破英語知識難點。   本書特別適用于參加北京大學博士研究生入學考試的考生,對于參加其他院校博士入學英語、博士學位英語、職稱英語等其他考試的考生而言,本書也具較高的參考價值。


第1章  北京大學考博英語指導 1.1  大綱要求 1.2 試題分析第2章  聽力 2.1  聽力復習指南 2.2 歷年聽力真題解析 2.3 聽力專項練習第3章  詞匯 3.1 詞匯復習指南 3.2 歷年詞匯真題解析 3.3 詞匯專項練習第4章  完型填空 4.1  完型填空復習指南 4.2 歷年完型填空真題解析 4.3 完型填空專項練習第5章  閱讀理解 5.1  閱讀理解復習指南 5.2 歷年閱讀理解真題解析 5.3  閱讀理解專項練習第6章  改錯 6.1 改錯復習指南 6.2 歷年改錯真題解析 6.3 改錯專項練習第7章  寫作 7.1 寫作復習指南 7.2 歷年寫作真題解析 7.3 寫作專項練習第8章  北京大學考博英語模擬試題 全真模擬試題一  參考答案及解析 全真模擬試題二  參考答案及解析 全真模擬試題三  參考答案及解析


  Our list of deadly sins should be revised to include the misrepresentation of principles to gratifyone s personal spite or vanity, the betrayal of great causes by making them the cloak for personaladvancement, and the debasement of high ideals by using them as pretext for the calumniation ofhonorable men.  The common good should not be made a political football, for the only thing that binds men is acommon trust, the thing that unites them is a cause they share. That cause must be something grea-ter than mere personal advancement. The cause for which men live and fight cannot appeal to theirpocketbook alone, but must also appeal to their hearts.  Let us take a lesson from those revolutionaries who promise the poor people not only land but al-so a vision. It is true that their policies often contradict the promise they made, but they first wintheir way by proclaiming a vision which inspires people. We certainly will not inspire them if wemake our case on the ground that capitalistic planning is more efficient than socialistic planning. Theplanners are sometimes efficient enough in seeking their own gain at the expense of the commongood. No, we must seek stronger and higher ground if we are to convince even ourselves that ours isthe best way.  That is why it is to be regretted that in this country we are so satisfied with our heritage. We donot appreciate the strength and vitality of the thing that unites us. So we carry little conviction whenwe are challenged to defend our way of life.  Question 14. Which of the following topics most closely parallels the authors interests as statedin the passage?  Question 15. What does the author believe about people who criticize our government s poliies?  Question 16. According to the author, which of the following most strongly unites men?  Question 17. What is the author s primary purpose in the passage?  Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following talk. At the end of the talk, you will be given 15seconds to answer each question. Now listen to the talk  18.A.A red rose.  B. A heart-shaped card.  C. A love letter.  D. An anonymous message.  19. A. It was the day when Valentine was killed.  B. It was the day when Valentine sent a valentine to his lover.  C. It was the day when Valentine fell in love with the girl.  D. It was the day when Valentine first performed a secret marriage.




    北京大學考博英語真題解析與專項練習 PDF格式下載

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  •   書的內容還是不錯的,但我買的后面的光盤卻是壞的,搞的連聽力都采集不到錄音?。?!
  •   書的質量很不錯,信得過。

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