
出版時間:2009-1  出版社:朱靈 新世界出版社 (2009-01出版)  作者:朱靈 編  頁數(shù):308  


Thirty years of economic reforms and opening up has transformedChina into a land of opportunity. Dismantling the stale system of thepast, the govermnent has created a stable economic environment in whichentrepreneurs with drive and talent can realize their dreams.Stories of their success are a reflection of the economic progress thiscountry has made in that epic march down the road of reforms. We aretherefore proud to have featured a series, "Up Close", with profiles of someof the top businesspeople in Business Weekly, which is published by anddistributed with China Daily every Monday. This book is a compilation ofBusiness Weekly's "Up Close" pieces commemorating the 30th anniversary ofeconomic reforms.The reforms have released the energy and daring of thousands ofentrepreneurs across the country. Many of them have taken considerablefinancial, and, sometimes, personal risks to achieve their goals. For many ofthem, the initial desire to enrich themselves and their immediate familieshas, over time, transcended into a mission to establish in China world-classenterprises that can enrich the country and lift the living standards of itspeople.These are the people who have made the "Made in China" label asymbol of quality goods at competitive prices in global markets. Some of theinternational brands created by Chinese entrepreneurs today are highly valuedby consumers and investors around the world.


  In this book you will meet such luminaries as Zhang Yin, chairwoman of the Nine Dragons Papers (ttoldings) Co., the largest packaging manufaeturer, and Lu Gnanqiu, who turned a small filrm machinery workshop four decades ago into Chinas largest auto parts manufacturer, with sales of $ 7 billion in "oo7. You can also hear how Song Zhenghuan switched from a math teacher to become founder of a company that is one of the largest suppliers of baby strollers sold in the United States  And, it doesnt stop there. CttlNA INC. features more than thirty incredible feats of entre-preneurial success resulting flom the Chinas economic reform policies of the past thirty years. Lei ,lufang, an award-winning scientist who rediscovered ancient Tibetan medicine used her knowledge to create medical products sold in most pharmacies in China. making millions in the process. Whether youre a CEO, MBA student, or high school senior, this book gives you insights on numerous Chinese entrepreneurs who changed their destiny from that of a tailor, a cart)enter, a shoemaker, or a doctor, to that of a millionaire


Zhu Ling ,has been editor-in-chief of China Daily, the onlynational English-language news-paper in China, since October2004.The articles featured in this bookwere written by some of the mostexperienced business journahstsin the country. These reportershave been tracking China's spi-ralling economy for years,writing on such topics as multi-national companies, real estate,the development of the Chinesestock market, governmentreforms, state-owned enter-prises, and the rapid rise of local private businesses as well as entrepreneurs. Many of their stories have already been carried by various news agencies and wire services, helping people around the world develop a better understanding of China and helping business executives formulate strategies and plans to succeed in the world's most dynamic market.


Cao Dewang: Window to the World / 1Chen Zefeng: Trash to Treasure / 11Chen Zemin: Ice Cold, Red Hot / 21Cui Guiliang: Beyond the Bean / 29Dawa Dondop: Doing Well by Doing Good / 35Dai Weimin: Bolder Chips / 43Gao Dekang: Zipping Ahead / 51Gao Menzhong: Hiring Hands / 57Guo Shaoming: Sasa Success / 67Han Zhaoshan: Destiny's Doorway / 75Huang Ming: Solar Powered / 83Lei Jufang: Medicine Woman / 91Li Ge: New Prescription / 99Li Xinyan: Wide Load / 107Liu Jiren: Global Agreements / 115Liu Yonghao: Returning to His Roots / 123Lu Guanqiu: Long Drive / 131Nan Cunhui: Chint Flavored / 141Shen Wenrong: Man of Steel / 151Shi Zhengrong: Power & Fame / 159Shi Yanlai: Learning Curve / 169Shi Yuzhu: Breaking the Rules / 175Song Zhenghuan: Baby Boom / 185Wang Bin: Above & Beyond / 195Wang Fengying: A Great Drive / 205Xu Zhiwei: Cutout for Success / 215Yah Zhaoqiang: A Global Glow / 223Zhang Jindong: Chilling Out / 231Zhang Lan: Style & Substance / 239Zhang Xiangqing: Tender Heart, Steel Spirit / 247Zhang Yin: Paper Profits / 257Zheng Youquan: Hair & There / 265Zhou Haijiang: Family Fabric / 271Zhou Shengjun: Gold Finger / 279Zhu Guofan: Long Strides / 291Zhu Xianggui: Heart and Sole / 303




In 《財富傳奇:他們的第一桶金(英文版)》 you will meet such luminaries as Zhang Yin. chairwoman of the NineDragons Papers (Holdings) Co.. the largest packaging manufacturer, and Lu Guanqiu. whoturned a small farm machinery workshop four decades ago into China's largest auto partsmanufacturer, with sales of $ 7 billion in 2007. You can also hear how Song Zhenghuanswitched from a math teacher to become founder of a company that is one of the largestsnppliers of baby strollers sold in the United States.And. it doesn't stop there. CHINA INC. features more than thirty incredible feats of entre-preneurial success resulting from the China's economic reform policies of the past thirtyvears. Lei ,lufang, an award-winning scientist who rediscovered ancient Tibetan medicineused her knowledge to create medical products sold in nmst pharmacies in China. makingmillions in the process. Whether you're a CEO. MBA student, or high school senior, thisbook gives you insights on numerous Chinese entrepreneurs who changed their destinyfrom that of a tailor, a carpenter, a shoenmker, or a doctor, to that of a millionaire.




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