
出版時間:2008-6  出版社:新世界出版社  作者:孫海麟 編  頁數(shù):237  


This English version of The Man Who Brought the Olympics toChina - The Story of Zhang Boling is the detailed history of thewell-known Chinese educator, and the president and creator ofNankai Schools, Mr. Zhang Boling. Mr. Zhang was not only theone of the first to dream of participating in the Olympics, but isalso one of the few who struggled to send out the message tothe Chinese about the Olympic spirit. He is without a question,China's first true Olympian.  Through this book, the reader will get a sense of the life ofZhang Boling. The reader will also understand how the Olym-pics developed in China. Finally, the reader will get a taste ofhow the Olympic spirit has affected Chinese culture and historyand contributed to life as we know it.


Sun Hailin,Sun Hailin is the vice director for the Tianjin People's Congress, a member of the Beijing Olympic Committee, and the leader of the Tianjin Area Soccer Matches for the Beijing Olympics. Acting as the chief compiler for the successful Chinese version of The Man Who Brought the Olympics to China -The Story of Zhang Boling, Mr. Sun spread the message of the Olympic spirit, and narrated theevents in congruence with history as it happened.The English version of The ManWho Brought the Olympics toChina - The Story of ZhangBoling is a clearer and moreconcise version of this history,useful for the world to betterunderstand the evolution of theOlympics in China.


1.Attending the Beiyang Naval Academy2.Weihaiwei and Paris3.The Establishment of Nankai Middle School4.Tianjin Young Men's Christian Association5.Kindling the Olympic Dream6.Physical Education in Nankai Schools7.The Renowned "Nankai Five-Tiger" Basketball Team8.The Renowned Nankai Baseball Team and Softball Team9.The Well-known Nanmin Volleyball Team10.The "Ailuo Ding" Champion Cup11.The Most Honorable Sports Players in Nankai12.Advocating Sports Ethics13.Promoting Physical Education in Modern Tianjin14.The Founding of the China National Amateur Athletic Federation15.Initiating the National Games16.Initiating the Far Eastern Games17.The 10th Olympic Games18.Fighting Against the Puppet Regime "Manchukuo"19.The 1 lth Olympic Games20.The North China Games21.Exercise of Sovereignty over China's Sports22.A Grand Patriotic Meeting23.Considering China's Sports24.Supporting Made-in-China Sports Equipment25.Finding Talented Physical Education Teachers26.Introducing Women's Athletic Activities27.The September 9 Sports Festival28.The 14th Olympic Games29.Great Minds Think Alike30.Zhang Boling Will Be Remembered ForeverPostscript


插圖:At the inspiring news, Zhang Boling, a soccer fan and an advocate of invig-orating the nation through sports, was so excited that he even applauded andjumped high as if he were a young man once again. He threw a sumptuousbanquet to celebrate the victory in honor of the players. When he met them,he shook hands with each player and murmured words of praise like "thanks","heroes", and "winning honor". He also expressed his gratitude because theywon great honor for the whole country. He said that the team's achievementwas the rebuttal to Western sneering at Chinese and they also showed thatthe Chinese people are a people of unity and cooperation. He praised theteam for its strong will and perseverance to fight to the end. After the banquethe invited all the players to the Dingzhang Photo Studio to have this happymoment recorded.In April of 1936, the defending champion Zhonghua competed again inthe "Ailuo Ding" Cup International Soccer Matches. Zhonghua won severalmatches in a row and waltzed into the final. The rival was England again. Whenthe match began, the English team was quite rude and fouled many times. Butthe referee didn't prevent them. What was worse, he was partial to Englandon purpose. Being faced with the biased referee, the Zhonghua team took theinterests of the whole into account and endured the unjust treatment till theend of the first half. But the referee became reckless in passing obviously falsejudgments. Captain Sun Sijing argued against the referee and was sent offthe field by getting the red card. The unfair penalty incited strong resentmentamong players. After careful consideration, all players decided to walk out andannounced their default.





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