
出版時間:2008-4  出版社:New World Press  作者:Zhang Chuncai  頁數(shù):291  字?jǐn)?shù):60000  


This is the first illustrated book ever published in English about the basic theories oftraditional Chinese medicine(TCM)。It is concise,yet vivid,and easy to comprehend。Filled with hundreds of lively illustrationS,Zhou Chuncai。the compiler and the illustrator,introduces the subject systematically。comprehensively and enjoyably,guiding the reader step by step through the enigmatic world of TCM。作者簡介:  Born in 1957 in Beijing,Zhou Chuncai is a professional painter and writer,He has spent much of his life studying and popularizing Chinese culture,On the subject ofcomparison between East and West,the author makes a clear distinction and imparts a specific definifion to Chinese culture,His Works are rich in imagery and detail,and many ofthem have been translated into other languages,He has won worldwide acclaim from experts and readers in equalmeasure。


Introduction  1.Theories of YinYang and Five Elements,the Basic Theories of TCM    1)The Concept ofFive Elements    2)The Relationships Among the Five Elements    3)To Explain Physiological Functions According to the Theory ofthe Five Elements   4)To Explain the Pathological Relationship Among the Internal Organs According to the Theory ofthe Five Elements  2.Doctrine of Visceral Manifestations    1)The Five Zang-Organs     The Heart     The Lung     The Spleen     The Liver     The Kidney    2)The Six Fu     Gallbladder     Stomach     Samll Intestine     Large Intestine     Bladder     Sanjiao    The Extraordinary Fu-Organs  3.Interrelationship Among the Viscera  4.The Function ofthe Six Fu-Organs  5.Basic Concepts ofMeridians and Collaterals    The Nomenclature and Distribution ofMeridians    The Function and Action ofMeridians    The Running Route and Indication of the Twelve Regular Meridians。    Running Route and Indication of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians  3.The Basic Concepts of Qi,Blood and Body Fluid    l)The Physiological Function of Qi    2)Distribution and Classification of Qi    3)The Ways of Qi Movementl    4)The Basic Concept ofBlood1    5) Basic Concept of Body Fluid    6) Functions ofBody Fluid    7)The Relationship Between Qi,Blood and Body Fluid1  4.Pathogenic Factors in TCM    1) Exogenous Factors    2)Endogenous Factors  5.Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation  6.Eight Therapeutic Methods in Chinese Medicine








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  •   非常好的一本用英文介紹中醫(yī)的書,值得推薦給對中國文化有興趣的外國人。
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