
出版時間:2008年  出版社:新世界出版社  作者:陳鈺  頁數(shù):281  字?jǐn)?shù):300000  譯者:李桂山  


  本書共收集136個敦煌石窟中壁畫故事,是目前所能收集到的所有敦煌壁畫故事大全,并配有精選的100幅壁畫照片,是別人難已獲得的第一手照片?! ”緯庉嬂钍缇辏_本16(170×240),頁碼511, 分類號K879.412, 書號978-7-80228-571-2。


Li guishan,prefessor of English ,studied English and North American CUlture atMcill University Canada in the 1970s,Mr li won the Canadian Federal Enrichment Research Program in 1990,traveled to Canada several times ,and completed the book Understanding Canadian Culture in 1996.陳鈺,四川大學(xué)心理學(xué)碩士,成都交大經(jīng)濟管理學(xué)院EMBA,曾任成都市知名幼稚園園長,成都市知名兒童英語學(xué)校校長,成都知名親子園創(chuàng)始人,現(xiàn)任成都市童童童教育咨詢公司總經(jīng)理,童童童親子園園長。從事嬰、幼兒早期智力開發(fā)研究達16年。將美國杜曼博士的嬰幼兒潛能開發(fā)教育法、愛爾絲博士的感覺統(tǒng)合教育法、日本七田真博士的右腦照相記憶法、意大利蒙特梭利博士的蒙氏教學(xué)法等世界上最先進的教育模式有機結(jié)合,并加以本土化,獨創(chuàng)了適合中國孩子智商與情商全面開發(fā)的左右腦開發(fā)法、成功兒童孵化課程等教學(xué)模式。屬全國首創(chuàng)。數(shù)年的教學(xué)實踐,已經(jīng)讓許多孩子受益,得到了家長的一致好評。被譽為優(yōu)秀的年輕早期教育專家!


Building Khotan KingdomThe Treasure-granting StatueA Beggar Turned into a Rich ManAnanda Begged for MilkWater-moon AvalokitesvaraKing Bimbisara Prayed for a Son andIncurred III Will16 Self-contemplationsA Fight Between Raudrakasa and SariputraTwo Sons Persuaded Their Father to Believe in BuddhismBodhisattva ManJusri Visited Sick VimalakirtiKing Udayana Made a Statue of BuddhaWhy Did Buddha Point to the GroundThe Buddha with Two HeadsBodhisattva Avalokitesvara andPutuo MountainA Flying Sculpture of TathagataGlowing PagodaThe Mysterious Agni Water-fire PoolPrince Kalyanakarin Sought Treasure from the SeaEast Maharaja and Queen Mother of the WestThe Colossus, Asural Holding the Sun and the MoonFasting WolfDeer King Saved PosteritiesThe Hawk, the Dove and King SiviNanda TonsuredDeer of Nine ColorsLittle Sramanera, the Devout MonkSumati Invited the BuddhaVicious Dog and Its Predestined Relationwith BuddhismThe First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma atDeer ParkMoonlight King Donated His Head King Vilenjeli Suffered a Thousand Nails inHis BodyFuxiNuwaCousins Worshipped the Three TreasuresEvil Ox Turned to Be GoodHow Five Hundred Bandits Became BuddhistsPrince Susambhava Cut Flesh to Save His ParentsThe Sufferings of Patacara, the BhiksuniKing Sudhira Gave His Eyes AwayTaming a FiredrakeBrahman Devoted His Body Zhang Qian Setting Offto theWestern RegionsMonk FotuchengPriest Tan YanThe Auspicious Statue at Xiling Temple The God of Thunder and the Siblings ofGourdThe Eight Kings Who Fought for Buddha's RelicsVaisravana Fought in the SeaOx Horn HillBodhisattva SamantabhadraBodhisattva ManJusriLotus BoysBuddha Preached Doctrine to His MotherSakra-devanam-indra and the Highest 33-level HeavensSuperior Flowing Water Saved the FishJataka of Prince Sudana and the TigersUnicorn ImmortalKilled While Picking FlowersThe Flower Scattering FairyThe Resurrection of ShanziWillow AvolakitesvaraPrince Sudana Was Ready to Give Aims tothe PoorCovering Up the Sun and Building PagodasReleasing the Fish with 1 O0 Heads from PurgatoryThe Stele of AsokaThe Derivation of AmitabhaIsland of TreasuresXuan Zang's Pilgrimage for BuddhistScriptures






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  •   本書共收集136個敦煌石窟中壁畫故事,是目前所能收集到的所有敦煌壁畫故事大全,并配有精選的100幅壁畫照片,是別人難已獲得的第一手照片。。。。。。真的么???我買了就不怎么樣

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