出版時(shí)間:2006-9 出版社:7-80228 作者:徐霽 頁數(shù):149 譯者:吳東
This is a series of books about the contents and grace of the World Heritage sites in China.It is also asplendid chapter that records the remarkable achievements made by China in cooperation with the rest of theworld in advocating world peace, seeking long-term benefit for mankind and protecting the common homeland ofhuman beings around the world.
Date of Inscription on the List:A Historical Moment Forever Frozen in TimePhysiographic Features:Shangri-La Born out of Water and MountainsUrban and Landscape Design:Earthly Town of Heavenly Bliss and BeautyNetwork of Rivers and Bridges:Oriental Venice Riddled with Winding StreamsTerraced Streets and Squares:Divine Land Where Man and Nature Become OneFolk Customs and Architectural Styles:Atmosphere of Shared Harmony and HappinessThe Spirit of Togetherness:Mysterious Fusion of Different Cultural Traditions
The Committee decided to inscribe this site on the basis of criteria ii,iv,and v:Lijiang is an exceptional ancienttown set in a dramatic landscape which represents the harmonious fusion of different cultural traditions toproduce an urban landscape of outtanding quality.