出版時(shí)間:2009-1 出版社:劉圻銘 新星出版社 (2009-01出版) 作者:劉圻銘
Chapter 1 From the Silk Road to the Great WallChapter 2 LifeChapter 3 The Opposite ShoreChapter 4 Growing UpChapter 5 The SquareChapter 6 Land and FactoryChapter 7 EquilibriumChapter 8 The Three GorgesChapter 9 Dream Weavers-Beijing 2008
版權(quán)頁(yè):插圖:As an exclusive tool of the country's media, documentary storytellinghas more challenges than that of typical literature and arts. Even in the geo-graphical documentaries back in the I98OS, "human being" was still a groupconcept. Appearances of individuals were simply marks on the edges ofgroups. As media ecology and filming technology developed, the documen-tary finally made its way from high-profile subjects to ordinary households.The ordinary life of individuals from a personal perspective became the maintopic by the end of the I98os and throughout the I99OS. ~ Almost the same time as the planning of The Odyssey of the Great Wall, inthe spring of I989, KangJianning (Ningxia TV) and Gao Guodong (LiaoningTV) started working on a "different" documentary film——Sand and Sea. Thetwo set out searching for targets from the underdeveloped Northwest andfrom the Northeast coastal area, where "some get prosperous first", a strat-egy proposed by Deng Xiaoping, the late leader and reformer of the Com-munist Party of China in I985. The idea was to help certain regions of Chinaget prosperous first so that they then could help other regions to achievethe final goal of prosperity for all. Their ideal target in the documentary was"ordinariness." Later, they found the two heroes, herdsman Liu Zeyuan andfisherman Liu Picheng, both in their zhitianming season of life (a quote fromConfucious meaning fifty years old).
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