
出版時間:2007  出版社:New Star Press  作者:Li Ershi Zhong Dafeng  譯者:朱林勇  




版權頁:插圖:The success of Swordsman (director King Hu, executivedirector Hark Tsui), produced at Tsui's film studio in 199omarked a new era, both for Tsui and for Chinese wuxiafilm itself. Many of Tsui's films are based on a traditionalwuxia framework reinterpreted by means of comedicand magic-realist elements as well as contemporary filmtechnology and packaging gimmicks. The big name actorsinvolved in Tsui's wuxia films no doubt helped bring itboth critical kudos and box office success. Wuxia fantasieswere the undisputed leading light of the I99OS Chinesefilmmaking industr.  Hark Tsui's films heralded a newly opulent level ofwuxia, whose imposing scenery; glamorous settings andnovel kungfu stunts were made possible by means ofinnovative, high-tech visual artistrv. It is exemplifiedby successful wuxia films such as Swordsman, Dragon Inn(1992) and Swordsman II (1993). To some extent these filmsevoked the feelings of insecurity felt by many Hong Kongresidents as their liberation from British colonizationloomed. They also illuminated both the history and thereality of Hong Kong.





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