
出版時(shí)間:2009-1  出版社:中國(guó)宇航出版社  作者:朱亞勇(譯)  頁(yè)數(shù):276  


喧囂浮世,多希望有個(gè)寧?kù)o的港灣。    世事沉浮,多希望留住永恒的瞬間。    當(dāng)身處險(xiǎn)境難關(guān),多希望有個(gè)人能為我們助威吶喊。    當(dāng)形影相吊,孤寂難耐,多希望有個(gè)人,能為我們打濕的心靈,撐起雨傘……    圍繞著人生、感恩、勵(lì)志展開(kāi)的這三輯故事,演繹著人生最核心的情愫,訴說(shuō)著世間最動(dòng)人的心聲。靜夜里輕啟書(shū)頁(yè),鮮活的人物紛至沓來(lái)——酸甜苦辣,淚笑欣悲,于是我們從故事中看到生活,又在生活中,創(chuàng)造故事。


第一篇 人生就是一盤棋   生命就是希望   人生真趣在旅途   兩條路   人生之海   一生一會(huì)   自己的人生必修課   人生的意義   生命是一份禮物   假如回到童年   勇攀峰頂   生命中的挑戰(zhàn)   把握自己的人生   賽馬場(chǎng)門前的男孩   鏡子里的人生   意志改變命運(yùn)第二篇 人生無(wú)極限 一切取決于你  釋懷  蜻蜓的啟示  愛(ài)的多面  潛能無(wú)極限  人生處處有精彩  ……第三篇 握住日子的精彩與美麗第四篇 幸福像花兒一樣第五篇 愛(ài)是一雙隱形的翅膀


  "please have a cup of tea," I wish I could invite you atthe moment.  You know, when chat over a cup of tea with friends, I oftenimagine boundless and try to collect in mind all words, expressionin eyes and smile of friends as though the meeting will neverreturn after saying goodbye. On tea ceremony, I love the parlance"a meeting in a lifetime" which seemly means that one should feelgrateful for every time with friends to drink tea together becatfse itmight allow no what-ifs, and there would be no going back to thebeginning.  As you can see, how rare, how grave and how nice the onlymeeting is to us! Many people often think that life is capriciousand fate is hard, so everyone is pursuing happiness and joyfulness.Where is joyfulness? One is to meet bosom friends again. Judgingfrom this, how many roads must we run and toil down withhardships and full of frustrations before the meeting calls ustogether? Yet, the meeting that touch our hearts become the storyof our forty; the smiling that warm our hearts become the flowerof our pleasure, angry, sorrow and joy; the silence that inspire ourhearts become the accomplishment of all our words significant or.



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