出版時(shí)間:2009-7 出版社:中央編譯 作者:霍桑 頁(yè)數(shù):342
AUTHOR'S PREFACEOCTOBER The First Day of School Our Master An Accident The Calabrian Boy My Classmates A Noble Action My School Mistress of the Upper First In an Attic The School The Little Patriot of PaduaNOVEMBER The Chimney Sweep All Souls'Day My Friend Garrone The Charcoal Man and the Gentleman My Brother's School-Mistress My Mother My Companion Coretti The Principal of the School The Soldiers The Protector of Nelli The First of the Class The Little Vidette of Lomdardy The PoorDECEMBER The Trading Boy Vanity The First Snow Storm The Little Mason A Snow Ball The School-Mistress In the Home of the Wounded Man The Little Florentine Writer Will GratitudeFANUARY The Substitute Stardi's Library The Son of the Blacksmith A Nice Visit The Funeral of Vittorio Emanuele Franti Expelled from School The Sardinian Drummer-Boy The Love of Our Country Envy Franti's Mother HopeFEBRUARY A Well-Awarded Medal Good Resolutions The Little Railway Train Pride The Wounds of Work The Prisoner Papa's Nurse The Workshop The Little Clown The Last Day of Carnival The Blind Boys The Sick Master The StreetMARCH The Evening Schools The Fight The Boys' Relatives Number 78 The Little Dead Boy The Eve of the 14th of March The Distribution of Prizes A Quarrel My Sister Blood of Romagna The Little Mason Seriously III The Count CavourAPRIL Spring King Umberto The Infant Asylum At the Gymnasium My Father's Teacher Convalescence The Friend of the Workman Garrone's Mother Giuseppe Mazzini Civic ValorMAY The Children with the Rickets Sacrifice The Fire From the Apennines to the Andes Summer Poetry The Deaf and Dumb GirlFUNE Garibaldi The Army Italy Thirty-two Degrees Centigrade My Father In the Country The Distribution of Prizes to the Workmen My Dead School-Mistress Thanks A ShipwreckFULY The Last Page from My Mother The Examination The Last Examination Farewell
插圖:class saluted me from the door of her room and said: "Enrico, you go upstairs this year, I shall not even see youpass!" and looked at me with sadness. The principal hadaround him mothers in distress because there was no roomfor their children, and it seemed to me that his beard was alittle whiter than it was last year. I also noticed that some ofthe boys had grown taller and stouter. On the ground floor, where the divisions had already beenmade, there were children of the first and lowest grade whodid not want to enter the classroom and who balked likedonkeys; it was necessary to push them in; some escapedagain from their benches; others, seeing their parents leave,commenced to cry, and the father or mother would return tooffer consolation or take them home again, and the teacherswere in despair. My little brother was to enter the class of Mistress Delcati;I was put in that of Master Perboni up on the first floor. At ten o'clock we were all in the classroom; fifty-four ofus; only fifteen or sixteen of my classmates of the secondgrade, among whom was Derossi, the one who always winsthe first prize. The schoolroom seemed small and sad to me. Iwas thinking of the woods and mountains where I had spentthe summer. I was also thinking of my teacher of the secondclass; he was so good and always laughed with us, and sosmall that he seemed like a companion, and I was sorry notto see him there with his bushy red hair. Our present teacheris tall with long hair and no beard, and he has a straightwrinkle across his forehead. His voice is heavy and he looksat us fixedly, as though to read our inmost thoughts; ! donot think he ever laughs. I was saying to myself: ".
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