
出版時(shí)間:2009-7  出版社:中央編譯  作者:卡耐基  頁數(shù):324  


  For many years, Dale Carnegie's name hasbeen synonymous with winning friends and influencingpeople. How to Win Friends and Influence People is one of the best sellers of all time in nonfiction and has brought him international popularity. But How to Win Friends and Influence People was not the first book written by Dale Carnegie.  In 1926, Dale Carnegie wrote a book entitled Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business. This was a textbook on public speaking, and, up to the present date, has been one of the official textbooks of the world-famous Dale Carnegie Course in Effective Speaking and Human Relations. It has also served as a textbook for Y. M. C. A. publicspeaking classes. This book has sold 600,000 copies in the last ten years alone, and the total sale of the hard-cover edition is now over 1,000,000 copies. It has been published in some twenty languages and thousands of copies have been sold in these foreign editions. It has not, however, been a book of which the majority of the reading public has been aware.


作者:(美國(guó)) 卡耐基 (Carnegie.D.)


1. Developing Courage and Self-Confidence2. Self-Confidence Through Preparation  3. How Famous Speakers Prepared Their Addresses4. The Improvement of Memory5. Essential Elements in Successful Speaking 6. The Secret of Good Delivery7. Platform Presence and Personality8. How to Open a Talk9. How to Close a Talk10. How to Make Your Meaning Clear11. How to Interest Your Audience12. Improving Your DictionAppendix:Speech Building with Exercises


More than five hundred thousand men andwomen, since 1912, have been members of publicspeaking courses using my methods. Many of them havewritten statements telling why they enrolled for thistraining and what they hoped to obtain from it.Naurally, the phraseology varied; but the central desirein these letters, the basic want in the vast majority,remained surprisingly the same:" When I am called uponto stand up and speak," person after person wrote,"Ibecome so selfconscious, so frightened, that I can'tthink clearly, can't concentrate, can't remember what Ihad intended to say.I want to gain selfconfidence,poise, and the ability to think on my feet. I want to getmy thoughts together in logical order and I want to beable to say my say clearly and convincingly before abusiness or club group or audience. " Thousands of theirconfessions sounded about like thatl To cite a concrete case:Years ago, a gentleman herecalled Mr. D. W. Ghent, joined my public speakingcourse in Philadelphia.Shortlyafter the openingsession, he invited me to lunch with him in theManufacturers' Club. He was a man of middle age andhad always led an active life; was head of his ownmanufacturing establishment, a leader in church workand civic activities. While we were having lunch thatday, he leaned across the table and said: "I have beenasked many times to talk before various gatherings, butI have never been able to do so. I get so fussed, mymind becomes an utter blank:so I have sidestepped it allmy life. But I am chairman now of a board of collegetrustees. I must preside at their meetings. I simply haveto do some talkingDo you think it will be possiblefor me to learn to speak at this late date in my life?""Do I think, Mr. Ghent?" I replied. "It is not aquestion of my thinking. I know you can, and I knowyou will if you will only practice and follow thedirections and instructions. He wanted to believe that, but it seemed too rosy,too optimistic.  I am afraid you are just being kind," heanswered, that you are merely trying to encourage me. After he had completed his training, we lost touchwith each other for a while. Later, we met and lunchedtogether again at the Manufacturers' Club. We sat in thesame comer and occupied the same table that we hadhad on the first occasion. Reminding him of our formerconversation, I asked him if I had been too sanguinethen. He took a little redbacked notebook out of hispocket and showed me a list of talks and dates for whichhe was booked. "And the ability to make these," heconfessed, the pleasure I get in doing it, the additionalservice I can render to the communitythese are amongthe most gratifying things in my life. "An important disarmament conference had been heldin Washington shortly before that. When it was knownthat the British Prime Minister was planning to attend it,the Baptists of Philadelphia cabled, inviting him to speak at a great mass meeting to be held in their city. And Mr. Ghent informed me that he himseif had been chosen, from among all the Baptists of that city, to introduce England's premier to the audience.And this was the man who had sat at that same table less than three years before and solemnly asked me if I thought he would ever be able to talk in public!






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用戶評(píng)論 (總計(jì)89條)


  •   很久沒看英文了,看這本書看得很慢,但是非常實(shí)用,堪稱卡耐基演講班的精華版,希望能通過這本書找到失去很久的自信和勇敢。不過,里面也有一點(diǎn)拼寫錯(cuò)誤
  •   給中學(xué)生看英文原版書很考驗(yàn)?zāi)托?
  •   書本輕巧便攜,很方便,內(nèi)容也不錯(cuò),英文原版的哦
  •   讀他老人家的書本身就是一種學(xué)習(xí)的過程,而且不乏幽默。英文原版比翻譯過的更有味道。
  •   卡耐基的書我一直都喜歡。建議英語基礎(chǔ)不是太好的朋友們準(zhǔn)備一本字典,好好看完,對(duì)自己一定有好處。
  •   卡耐基的書內(nèi)容都不錯(cuò)
  •   喜歡原版的
  •   原版書,有時(shí)候,理解起來比中文版的深入
  •   內(nèi)容不錯(cuò),是原版的
  •   還沒怎么看,書很小,沒圖片上看起來那么大,很便攜,很輕,應(yīng)該是原版的
  •   還行。這本書看過之后對(duì)于演講還是有些啟發(fā)的,不過看完之后并沒有太多本質(zhì)上的收獲。但也值得看看。
  •   學(xué)習(xí)演講及英語兩不誤
  •   不但可以學(xué)習(xí)演講 還可以學(xué)英語 一舉兩得
  •   這一個(gè)系列的書都很有用,更能提高英文閱讀水平!
  •   不是很難,剛好適合英文閱讀嘿嘿
  •   值得一讀,對(duì)提高自己的英文閱讀水平很有幫助
  •   當(dāng)當(dāng)?shù)乃拓浰俣瘸?jí)快!書的內(nèi)容相當(dāng)好!超贊!
  •   呵呵不錯(cuò)不錯(cuò)挺實(shí)用的一本書,不過紙質(zhì)有點(diǎn)欠缺
  •   小本本,全英文版
  •   剛開始閱讀,希望能有用
  •   書很好,就是太小了
  •   很喜歡看 就是沒想到書這么小
  •   書本看上去很小巧,還沒看過,不過很喜歡封面設(shè)計(jì)。
  •   喜歡,順帶練英語
  •   剛收到,翻了一下,看著還不錯(cuò)
  •   是我想要得書。
  •   送人的~他很喜歡1
  •   很好 很實(shí)用 就是感覺印刷不是很好
  •   字稍微有點(diǎn)傾斜,不過不妨礙閱讀
  •   很小巧的一本書,裝在包里剛剛好,閱讀方便;很適合學(xué)習(xí)英語。大多數(shù)句子都讀得懂。對(duì)提高英語很有幫助。
  •   當(dāng)當(dāng)服務(wù)挺好!
  •   原汁原味的好書。
  •   語句很簡(jiǎn)單,通俗易懂,對(duì)語言表達(dá)有幫助
  •   買來還沒看呢!
  •   挺好,不錯(cuò)的書!
  •   這本書很好,很實(shí)用。希望自己能夠有所進(jìn)步。
  •   國(guó)外大部分作者寫的書都好不錯(cuò)
  •   書很精致,內(nèi)容很好,很喜歡
  •   還沒看很多,感覺還不錯(cuò)
  •   口才的練習(xí),說易也易,說難也難,重在堅(jiān)持與方法,而這本書就是良藥......
  •   不錯(cuò),通俗易懂,還能學(xué)到演講的技巧。
  •   指導(dǎo)方法上循序漸進(jìn),感覺應(yīng)當(dāng)是作者多年親身經(jīng)驗(yàn)的分享,看書時(shí)順便聯(lián)系英文閱讀
  •   總的來說,英文原法原味,通俗易懂,還是非常不錯(cuò)的。但是也有出現(xiàn)了一些拼寫錯(cuò)誤
  •   卡納基的書都很勵(lì)志 語言簡(jiǎn)樸
  •   挺小巧的一本書,每行的間距挺寬的,看著很舒服。
  •   書還可以,但是估計(jì)從角落里翻出來的,很臟,全是灰
  •   很好的內(nèi)容,值得一讀
  •   內(nèi)容還沒看,但書的版面有些小,要是英文版有大版的就好了
  •   然后再看。
  •   買來蠻久的 還沒看完 有些短文還是不錯(cuò) 偶爾單詞有拼寫錯(cuò)
  •   還行吧,就是太小了,閱讀不方便
  •   雖然很小本,但是語法簡(jiǎn)單,容易看懂
  •   幫同學(xué)購買的 同學(xué)說書的質(zhì)量不錯(cuò) 適合學(xué)習(xí)英語 以及收藏
  •   這本書小巧實(shí)用,攜帶方便,每一章節(jié)結(jié)束還有summary,內(nèi)容并不晦澀,即使很多生詞也能猜個(gè)八九不離十,語言簡(jiǎn)潔精練,例子豐富,讀起來趣味十足
  •   比較簡(jiǎn)單易懂。主要是方便拿著看了。效果怎樣還不能下結(jié)論,正在學(xué)習(xí)中...
  •   有一些編輯錯(cuò)誤,,,,,
  •   這本還不錯(cuò),可以推薦
  •   學(xué)習(xí)英語兼鍛煉演講和口才,真心不錯(cuò)
  •   已拆封的,書背面有點(diǎn)臟了。。。紙質(zhì)也一般,看來打折也不是沒有理由的啊。。。
  •   書的紙張不是很好,價(jià)格有點(diǎn)高
  •   字不會(huì)很擁擠
  •   書比想象中的小的多,里面的字就更不用說了,內(nèi)容和好,還可以學(xué)習(xí)一下英語
  •   還行,看英語不太容易堅(jiān)持
  •   盜版 紙質(zhì)不好
  •   看了一半。。內(nèi)容,還可以。。。。很流暢。。。看全英文版的需要毅力呀。。。但是紙張不太好。。。。
  •   價(jià)格實(shí)惠.印刷大小剛剛好,也蠻輕的.內(nèi)容因?yàn)檫€沒看完,不予評(píng)論.本人是用作英文學(xué)習(xí)的.感覺方便攜帶,字體大小正好.推薦.
  •   確實(shí)給人們提供了做好講演的方法,很實(shí)用。
  •   喜歡卡耐基的書,希望讀原版的,看了評(píng)論買了三本外教社的,質(zhì)量非常好,捧在手上閱讀就是享受,唯一小遺憾就是書比較大(正常國(guó)產(chǎn)書的大小),不太方便隨身攜帶;大家都說這個(gè)“中央編譯出版社”出的質(zhì)量差,我抱著一試的心態(tài)買了這本,果然,群眾的眼睛是血亮的,難翻頁,印刷錯(cuò)誤太多,雖然大小像一般進(jìn)口小說那樣便攜,但重量不像人家那么輕,翻頁困難感覺極差,嚴(yán)重影響閱讀心情??戳藥醉摼蛠G一邊了。
  •   圖書挺干凈,配送也快,但圖書編輯有些地方出錯(cuò)。
  •   給人的第一感覺不錯(cuò),內(nèi)容就慢慢看啦。
  •   書太小了,不喜歡,很這么貴。后悔中!
  •   理論終歸是理論,我決定在我的實(shí)踐中找到我的理論,不信權(quán)威,不盲從
  •   沒啥幫助,打發(fā)時(shí)間看看。
  •   送朋友的,還不知道具體情況
  •   紙張不怎么好,不過書挺小的方便攜帶
  •   版本太小,翻起來很費(fèi)勁。
  •   書挺厚的,封面也很平展,內(nèi)容不錯(cuò)
  •   發(fā)現(xiàn)書本原來是小開,不過也好攜帶方便。原英文閱讀很鍛煉英語,稍有點(diǎn)鴨梨。。。。
  •   印刷可以,字跡清晰。很好
  •   這個(gè)“中央編譯出版社”不知道是什么鬼單位,我買的兩本卡耐基的書都沒法看。1、是自己錄入、編輯的,好像使用了word一類的,每行都兩端對(duì)齊,也不會(huì)把多音節(jié)的英文單詞拆開,弄的很多單詞與單詞之間離八丈遠(yuǎn),沒法閱讀;而且不會(huì)用不同的字體和字號(hào),全書都是一種字體、一個(gè)字號(hào)。2、裝訂裁剪,比盜版還盜版,文字都到了頁邊了。... 閱讀更多
  •   在咱這兒上邊買了好幾次東西,大部分都是書,也算是比較便宜的東西,這次買的鞋比它們貴,一句話,很滿意
  •   書內(nèi)容 我會(huì)看過之后再說
  •   原版圖書,學(xué)原汁原味英語。
  •   書是好書,書本太舊了
  •   卡耐基的。
  •   口袋書, 袖珍版
  •   您本次購物整體感受
  •   好書好書啊啊啊啊 很好看的
  •   避免翻譯錯(cuò)漏的選擇

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