出版時(shí)間:2009-4 出版社:中央編譯出版社 作者:奧巴馬 頁數(shù):366 字?jǐn)?shù):335000
本書匯集了美國新任總統(tǒng)奧巴馬的60多篇演講,其中包括今天1月20日發(fā)表的就職演說。“Victory Night”是奧巴馬經(jīng)過54輪辯論,最終獲得民主黨總統(tǒng)提名后在芝加哥發(fā)表的演講;“A World that Stands As One”是奧巴馬在柏林面對20萬群眾發(fā)表的演講,“A More Perfect Union”是關(guān)于奧巴馬關(guān)于種族問題的演講。另外演講還涉及教育,醫(yī)療,伊拉克戰(zhàn)爭,婦女參政,退伍軍人等問題。這些演講極為精彩,至今為普通美國人津津樂道。 奧巴馬自傳《來自父親的夢想——奧巴馬回憶錄》的中文版譯者發(fā)現(xiàn),奧巴馬有很好的語言表達(dá)能力,遣詞造句也凸現(xiàn)了英語的曉暢優(yōu)美。他相信奧巴馬的成功演講時(shí)那些讓人記憶深刻的句子多數(shù)是他親自寫就,因?yàn)樗鼈兊娘L(fēng)格、遣詞造句與他這本自傳的語言都是一致的曉暢優(yōu)雅。奧巴馬不當(dāng)政治家也是個(gè)優(yōu)秀的作家。
SpeechesSpeech #1 - Barack Obama Shanghai Speech November 16,2009Speech #2 - Obama's Speech in Japan November 14,2009Speech #3 - Obama Health Care Speech October 9,2009Speech #4 - Obama's Speech in Russia July 9,2009Speech #5 - A day to Celebrate and Aspire july 4,2009Speech #6 - O bama' s Strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan March 27,2009Speech #7 - Obama's Speech To Congress February 24,2009Speech #'8 - Obama InauguralAddress January 20,2009Speech #9 - Election Night Victory Speech November 4,2008Speech #10 - The LastRally November 3,2008Speech #11 - Acceptance Speech at tile Democratic Convention August 28,2008Speech #12 - Presumptive Democratic Nominee Speech June 3,2008Speech #13 - North Carolina Primary Night May 6,2008Speech #14 - Pennsylvania Primary Night April 22,2008Speech #15 - APAnnual Luncheon April 14,2008Speech #16 - A More Perfect Union--The Race Speech March 18,2008Speech #17 - March 4th Primary Night March 4,2008Speech #18 - Potomac Primary Night February 12,2008Speech #19 - Super Tuesday February 5,2008Speech #20 - Turn the Page Speech April 28,2007Speech #21 - Obama PresidentialAnnouncement February 10,2007Speech #22 - Floor Statement on Bush'sDecision to Increase Troops in Iraq January 19,2007Speech #23 - World AIDS Day Speech 2006 Global Summit on AIDS December 1,2006Speech #24 - A Way Forward in Iraq Remarks Chicago Council on Global All=airs November 20,2006Speech #25 - Civil Rights November 13,2006Speech #26 - Military Commission Legislation Statement September 28,2006Speech #27 - Energy Independence: A Call for Leadership September 20,2006Speech #28 - An Honest Government,A Hopeful Future August 28,2006Speech #29 - Xavier University Commencement Address August 11,2006Speech #30 - AFSCME National Convention--Challenge for Labor August 7,2006Speech #31 - Vote against the Gulf of Mexico Energy Bill August 1,2006Speech #32 - In Support of HR 9--the Voting Rights Act July 20,2006Speech #33 - Floor Statement of Support for Stem Cell Research July 17,2006Speech #34 - Our Past,Our Future & Vision (or America july 12,2oo6Speech #35 - Call to Renewal"Keynote Address June 28,2006Speech #36 - Floor Statement on Iraq Debate June 21,2006Speech #37 - Northwestern University Commencement Address June 16,2006Speech #38 - Katr/na Reconstruction Contracts and US Toll in Iraq June 15,2006Speech #39 - Snowe and Dorgan's Legislation to Protect Network Neutrality June 8,2006Speech #40 - FederalMarnage Amendment June 5,2006Speech #41 - University of Massachusetts at Boston Commencement Address June 2,2006Speech #42 - Floor Statement General Michael Hayden Nomination May 25,2006Speech #43 - Floor Speech in Opposition to the Amendment Requiring a Photo ID May 24,2006Speech #44 - Floor Statement--Employment Verification Amendment May 23,2006Speech #45 - Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Commencement May 20,2006Speech #46 - Honoring Our Commitment to Veterans May 18,2006Speech #47 - Emily's ListAnnualLuncheon--Women in Politics May 11,2006Speech #48 - A Real Solution for High Gas Prices May 11,2006Speech #49 - Immigration Rallies and Status of Reform May 4,2006Speech #50 - Amendment to Stop No-Bid Contracts for GulfCoast Recovery and Reconstruction May 2,2006Speech #51 - Updates on Darfur,Immigration and Gas Prices April 27,2006
Now,I don't believe that Senator McCain doesn,t care what,s going on in the lives of Americans.I just think he doesn't know.Why else would he define middle-class as someone making under five million dollars a year?How else could he propose hundreds of billions in taxbreaks for big corporations and oil companies but not one penny 0f tax relief to more than one hundred million Americans?How else could he offer a health care plan that would actually tax people,s benefits.or aIl education plan that would do nothing to help families pay for coHege.or a plan that would privatize Social Security and gamble your retirement, It'S not because John McCain doesn't care.It,S because Tohn McCain doesn't get it. For over two decades,he'S subscribed to that old.discredited Republican philosophy-give more and more to those with the most and hope that prosperity trickles down to everyone else In Washington.they call this the ownership Societg,but what it really means is-you're on your own.out ofwork?Tough luck.No health care?The market willfix it·Born into poverty?Pull yourselfup by your own bootstraps——-evenifyou don't have boots.You're on your own. Wellit'StimeforthemtO owntheirfailure.It,Stimefor ust0change America. You see,we Democrats have a very different measure 0f whatconstitutes progress in this country We measure progress by how many people call find a job that Daysthe mortgage;whether you can put a little extra money away at the endof each month So you can someday watch your child receive her collegediploma.We measure progress in the 23 million new{obs that werecreated when Bill Clinton was President——when the average AmericaIlfamily saw its income go up$7,500 instead of down$2,000 like it hasunder George Bush. ……
六十年前,位父親走入餐廳甚至無人理睬,而今天他的兒子可以站在這里在你們面前許下最莊嚴(yán)的誓言; 市場的力量將如野馬一樣脫韁一個(gè)僅有財(cái)富的國家不可能持續(xù)繁榮、政府所扮演的角色一一應(yīng)該幫助家庭獲得體面的收人 購買他們的所需有尊嚴(yán)地退休;今天我們共同終結(jié)那些虛假的承諾陳腐的教條以及指摘與怨言,這些已經(jīng)困擾了我們的政治體系太長時(shí)間?! ere it is. Barack Obama’s most electrifying speeches from 2002 to 2009 in a single volume that you will treasure for years. Experience the excitement, word-for-word, of his 88 electriying speeches including— Obama’s announcement of his candidacy for the President of the United States. The night he won the Iowa Caucus and declared:“ …at this moment, in thiselection, we are ready to believe again.” The historic “race speech” where Obama shares his vision for “ a more perfect union.” His inspirational “ A world that Stands as One” speech given to a crowd of over 200,000 people in Berlin, Germany. The last night of the democratic primary, when, after 54 contests, he would say“ I will be the Democratic nominee for President of the United States.” And finally, his historic victory speech on November 4, 2008 when he became the 44th President of the United States.