
出版時間:2006-5  出版社:經(jīng)濟(jì)管理  作者:金碚  頁數(shù):144  


The Chinese economy has been growing briskly over the last two de-cades and more.It is also changing the global economic pattern forcefully and rapidly.    It essms that the world was ill-prepared for the dramatic changes in China.This makes it all the more necessary for China to know herself and the world better,while the world needs to understand China and to explore the global meaning of the China phenomenon.However,despite the fact that learn-ing Chineseas a foreign can read Chinese articles without difficulty.CHINAECONOMIST,therefore,comes in handy for our foreign readers as an En-glish periodical that focuses on economics and business management as well as on other fields of social sciences in China.    Specifically,CHINA ECONOMIST takes it upon itself to inform the world of the latest academic progress in Chinese economics and business management ,to publish original academic papers and resarch reports on the Chinese economy,and to disseminate the Chinese experiences in eco-nomic development and corporate governance as well as the results of em-pirical studies in these fields.


Trends  It Is Time to Emphasize Social Fairness  Early Warning against Growing Income Disparity  The Interaction between Income Distribution and Economic GrowthGolbal  Analysis of China'sTrade Surplus and Ddficit  Rising Commodity Import Prices:Impact upon China's EconomyDomestic  Rural Areas Need More Public Product Investment  Urbanization:When Farmers Lose Their Land  Seven Lssues Directly Affecting Farmers'InterestsBusiness  A Comparative Study of Incentive Manage-ment in Japanese and American Companies in China  How Transnational Corporations Manage to Control Joint VenturesChina Data  Urban Life has Improved but More Needs to Be DoneDigest


本刊將體現(xiàn)學(xué)術(shù)性、實證性、貼近性和可讀性的辦刊風(fēng)格。將向世界展示:以理性、科學(xué)、嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)膽B(tài)度和方法觀察、研究和認(rèn)識中國,將看到一幅幅豐富多彩的畫卷:那里充滿建設(shè)熱情、美好憧憬和輝煌成就,也有艱難痛苦、于心不平和難釋困惑。誰能夠真正了解和理解中國,誰就可以把握世界跳動的脈搏。本刊貢獻(xiàn)給世界的,就是中國經(jīng)濟(jì)的一個學(xué)術(shù)投影。圖書目錄:Trends China Under Re-source and Environ-mental Constraints Strategic Options for the New Five-Year Plan Fiscal Investment Impact on Eco-nomic Growth Focus High Savings,Investment and Growth Rate A Debate on 2005 Chinese Economy Global Purchasing Power Parity of RMB RMB Appreciation Impact on Chinese Economy Domestic Statistical Analsis on Supply of Farmers-Turned-Laborers Grain Security VS.Food Security Business A New Assumption for Family Business Studies How China's Investment Climate Affects Performance of FIES Digest




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  •   這個和<The Economist>是兩回事...中國人自己寫自己發(fā)的...

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
