大學漢語.初級聽力+中級聽力(附贈4張CD-ROM光盤) (平裝)

出版時間:2009年01月  出版社:華語教學出版社  


《大學漢語.初級聽力+中級聽力(套裝全8冊)》:Elemetrtary Listening is the listening book for the series Chinese for College Students. It is designed for high school graduates and first yearChinese majors in overseas colleges. It can also be used as learning material for language beginners. This series can help students build a steadyfoundation of Chinese aural comprehension with its interesting, and comprehensive selection of topics, and abundant language materials. Theseries includes:2Textbooks CD-ROM for computers and mobile phones, and iPods and MP3 players



    大學漢語.初級聽力+中級聽力(附贈4張CD-ROM光盤) (平裝) PDF格式下載

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250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網 手機版
